Alien Lord

Chapter 1745: Ask for 0

With these considerations in mind, at that time, Xuanyin Devil's Dao 100% would be able to calm down people, at most, they asked Yang Han for some compensation for their interests.

In this regard, Yang Han will also voluntarily surrender some compensation.

As long as Gu Xiyao can be killed and some benefit compensation paid, Yang Han is very willing.

Besides, Yang Han is not a person after all, he still has a large family, so, for the safety of his family, in the end, even if Xuanyin Devil does not say, Yang Han will take the initiative to send some interest compensation.

This is the reality between the demons and sects. As long as there are sufficient interests, everything can be sold and bought.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of such a style of action that the Demon School marches like this.

"Elder, Gu Xiyao is no longer inside Xuanyin Demon Road, she directly escaped from Xuanyin Demon Road."

"What, how is this possible? Gu Xiyao's strength is the peak of the innate early days, and Xuanyin Demon Road is where Yu Ming's blame is. How can Gu Xiyao escape from the palm of his hand. Is this old monster secretly Gu Guyao? Let go?" Yang Han's face was full of unbelievable expressions, and even blamed the reason that Gu Xiyao was able to escape because Ming Ming deliberately left his hand.

"No, elder, Gu Xiyao can escape, not by the indulgence of senior Yu Ming, but by his own strength."

"......" This answer made Yang Han unable to believe it.

An early congenital, who could actually escape in the hands of a strong man in the later period of the Supreme Grandmaster, this is all fake.

"Does Gu Xiyao have space supernatural powers?" At this time, Yang Han could only think that Gu Xiyao had space supernatural powers. Otherwise, she would not be able to explain how she escaped safely.

"No, Gu Xiyao escaped with a powerful puppet."

"Puppet?!" Hearing this, Yang Han also counted a little: "If there is a strong puppet, I really can do this."

Yang Han couldn't help himself, and finally he was no longer surprised by Gu Xiyao's escape, but the next moment his face became extremely terrifying: "Gu Xiyao, it seems that you really killed my Xinyu, this Once I asked you to pay for your blood debts, ah...!"

Yang Han's furious roar sounded in this valley, and then, at the next moment, Yang Han's entire body turned directly into a blue smoke, chasing away in a certain direction.

Yang Han is Gu Xiyao who is going to chase and escape. After he knows that Gu Xiyao has a war puppet who can defeat Yu Ming, he is more convinced that his grandson died in Gu Xiyao's hands.

Gu Xiyao's strength was stronger than Yang Xinyu's. Now he has such a powerful puppet. Killing a Yang Xinyu is not as simple as killing an ant.

.................................................. ...

Not to mention that Yang Han went directly to kill Gu Xiyao. Our eyes turned to ten minutes ago, when Gu Xiyao was called to the gathering place of Xuanyin Demon Road.

Soon, Gu Xiyao came to the southwest end of the valley with the disciple of Xuanyin Demon Dao. A large number of disciples of Xuanyin Demon Dao were gathering here.

In the most middle position, Yu Ming sat directly on the position, his eyes looked farther away, deep in his eyes, with a trace of restlessness and expectation, until after seeing Gu Xiyao's figure, Only a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiyao has seen Elder Yu Ming!" Just after coming to Yu Ming, Gu Xiyao stepped forward to see him immediately.

"Okay, okay, Xiyao, get up!" Yu Ming said with a smile.

"Xiyao, that thing you..." Yu Ming didn't say anything, but Gu Xiyao understood the meaning in Yu Ming's words, so she nodded directly.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's so good, hahaha..." After getting Gu Xiyao's affirmative answer, Yu Ming laughed directly.

Before he saved Gu Xiyao, he felt a breath of a thousand demon streamers, but there were many people around him at that time, Zhang Xuan, Zhang Jing, and the mysterious and powerful ‘Li Ze’ didn’t dare to act lightly.

Thousand Devil's things are too important. There can be no slight errors in the middle. It is really necessary for Zhang Xuan and others to know that there is a Thousand Devil in Gu Xiyao's body. Now, who is the Thousand Demon?

Therefore, although Yu Ming wanted to ask Gu Xiyao directly at that time, he finally left, but after returning to Zongmen, in order to avoid night long dreams, he sent his hand to find Gu Xiyao.

To be honest, before, he was really worried that Gu Xiyao would refuse to come. After all, looking at the appearance of'Li Ze' and Gu Xiyao, there is absolutely nothing between the two, and the woman is the most fickle, if Gu Xiyao puts a thousand demon streamers I told the'Li Ze' thing, but Yu Ming couldn't even cry.

Well now, Gu Xiyao is still coming back, and she is still single. This obviously shows that, inside Gu Xiyao’s heart, Zongmen’s position is extremely heavy, and she did not take the matter of the Thousand Demon streamers and that mystery. The powerful'Li Ze' said.

Here, I have to say that Yu Ming was wrong. Gu Xiyao didn't tell Lin Ze Qian Mo streamer. This Qian Mo stream Lin Ze also fought with Gu Xi Yao once. So, for Qian Mo stream Lin Ze In fact, it is very clear.

As for why he didn’t play this thousand demon streamers, one is that Lin Ze, like Gu Xiyao, didn’t really understand the details of this thousand devil streamers, plus Lin Ze’s body at that time, there were a few pieces of power Not less than the soldiers of the Thousand Demon streamers, the last owner of the Thousand Demon streamers is a beautiful big beauty. For these reasons, Lin Ze gave up the Thousand Demon streamers directly.

It can be said that whether it is Yu Ming or Lin Ze is actually making a very serious mistake, but neither knows either.

"Xiyao, hurry up and give Qianmoban to me." Yu Ming stood up directly and couldn't wait to take Qianmoban.

"......" Gu Xiyao was stunned when he saw Yu Ming.

"Looking at Elder Ming Ming, it seems that he also wants the Thousand Demon streamers? How is this possible? Thousand Demon Stirrups are just a level-level mysterious soldier. How can Elder Yu Ming fancy it? Question?" At this moment, Gu Xiyao's mind flashed countless question marks.

It's just that none of these problems can be solved by her now, so Gu Xiyao said directly: "Elder Yu Ming, didn't it mean that whoever got the Thousand Demon streamers can keep it, how can you... ...."

"Uh!" There was something impatient before Yu Ming heard this, and there was a stunned expression in his face. He only remembered this thing.

However, there are some reasons that Gu Xiyao did not know.

The true identity of Qianmoban is only known to the real senior level of Xuanyin Demon Road, like Gu Xiyao. Although they are the most important among the younger generation of Xuanyin Demon Road, they want to know Qianmowan in their identity. The real secret, at least when their strength reaches the Supreme Grandmaster, if they can't reach this strength, then they will never know this secret for a lifetime.

Boom, you said, since Qianmowa is so important, why was it brought into the secret realm? Isn't this asking for trouble?

The reason for this is actually not responsible at all, that is, Xuanyin Demon Road is still the inheritance of the jealous Xuanyin Master. They came with Qianmo streamer, in fact, they wanted to use the power of Qianmo streamer to open Xuanyin Master’s real Inheritance.

As for doing so, there is a risk of falling into a thousand demon streamers. For this, the uppermost layer of the Xuanyin Demon Road at that time was prepared in my heart.

Compared with the inheritance of Master Xuanyin, a thousand demon streamers is nothing.

Thousand Demon streamers want to restore their original strength, the difficulty is really too big, too big.

For example, to restore the fighting power of the Jindan period, it is necessary to add 500 demon souls of the foundation period, so much, with the current strength of the Xuanyin Demon Road, where can it be done.

The inheritance of Master Xuanyin is different. As long as you can get the inheritance of Master Xuanyin, the strength of Xuanyin Demon Road has already reached the Supreme Grand Master's consummation, even the fake base period, the strong of the base period. , Can be advanced to the next level accordingly.

Moreover, the difficulty is not too great.

Therefore, at that time, all the upper-level figures of Xuanyu Demon Road agreed to use Qianmoban to to see if they can get the inheritance of Xuanyin Master.

It is a pity that in the end it failed, and the Thousand Demon streamers also fell into the secret realm.

In order to cover up the stains of these upper-level figures, and to prevent the disciples below from truly understanding the disciples of the Thousand Devils, and to prevent them from finally escaping with the Thousand Devils, so the Xuanyin Demon Road let Gu Xiyao look for the Thousand Devils Actually, I didn't tell the truth, I just found an excuse to fool them.

A treasure like Qianmoban, once found, Xuanyin Demon Road will immediately withdraw, no matter who found Qianmobat.

"Xiyao, Qianmo streamer is extremely important to the sect, I believe that with your cleverness, you can definitely understand this. If Qianmo streamer is not important, you say that we will make great efforts for it, and even send you masters to enter Look for it in the secret world?" Yu Ming explained patiently.

Seriously, if you changed someone else, Yu Ming wouldn't have such a polite explanation now.

It's just that Gu Xiyao obviously has a deep relationship with the mysterious and powerful'Li Ze'. Yu Mingke doesn't want to be the strongest person in the foundation period.

"I knew that things inside were not that simple!" Gu Xiyao's heart burst into a sudden.

When they were sent to the secret realm, Gu Xiyao guessed that the Qianmo streamer was not that simple. Otherwise, if a person like her, Zongmen would never risk sending her into the secret realm. .

In Xuanyin Secret Realm, there are many dangers, even Gu Xiyao cannot guarantee his own safety, not to mention other Zongmen disciples, but they are still sent in by Zongmen, as long as they are a little capable, Was sent in.

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