Alien Lord

Chapter 1706: life

As soon as he entered the outer space of the memory inheritance space, he had already noticed that it was wrong.

Although he could not be connected with the memory inheritance of Master Xuanyin, but how to say that he also fought with the seal of Master Xuanyin for more than 500 years, he was extremely familiar with the breath of Master Xuanyin.

However, after he came to this so-called place of inheritance, there was not much breath of Xuanyin's master.

Generally, it is a place like a place of inheritance. There are absolutely countless breaths belonging to Xuanyin's masters here, but there are not many here.

By this time, Baidu Mojun knew in his heart that there must be a problem.

From the point of view of the Baidu Mojun, this place is definitely a little weird, but he can't tell exactly where the weirdness is, because this is purely a feeling for him.

Even when a mysterious creature appeared and ten people under his rebellion, he didn't care much about these things, because he had enough strength to solve all this, he had been wondering at that time, where are the weirdness in this place, these weirdnesses are What happened?

He hasn't dealt badly with the long-haired men and those betrayals, because he wanted to see if they knew the weirdness.

The long-haired man has been here for so many years, he believes that the other party must know some secrets about this place.

As a result, as expected by Baidu Mojun, his wait was soon rewarded. At the moment when Lin Ze’s avatar appeared from a crack in the space, the brain of Baidu Mojun was as if struck by lightning. Enlightenment.

So at this time, he fully exerted his magical power to escape, and did not directly shoot out Lin Ze’s avatar, but waited quietly on the side. He was waiting, he wanted to see, this Lin Ze, in the end Discovered what secrets inside, so that he would let him come here regardless of the huge gap in strength.

Lin Ze's body flashed, and he stood near the stone pillar behind the mysterious creature, and his body was illusory and vague, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Bai Zemo Jun wanted him to be a beacon, Lin Ze's heart was clear, but Lin Ze also needed this, because only in this way, he has enough time to open this mysterious place.

In the distance, the avatar of the Hundred Poison Devil Kings, staring at the stone pillar in front of Lin Ze, felt that there was a trace of hidden fluctuations. At this time, there was a trace of sneer in the corner of his mouth. He was already convinced that the strangeness of this place It is in this stone pillar, although it is impossible to judge which piece is on the stone pillar, but he believes that as long as all his avatars are united, the strength of the peak of his golden pill stage can certainly be explored.

At this time, in his eyes, Lin Ze, the bright lamp in the distance, had already lost its value, so his hands were staggered in front of him, his index finger and thumb touched to form a diamond pattern, and he looked at Lin Ze above the stone pillar, his mouth faint Said: "Destroy!"

Hearing this extinction, Lin Ze’s mouth smiled colder. The moment when his consciousness first touched this stone pillar, the memory obtained in his brain pointed out that the place where Xuanyin’s memory is truly inherited, any physical body Unable to enter, only the consciousness can really enter.

After obtaining this memory inheritance, Lin Ze’s decisive consciousness emerged from the body, and he had an extremely bold thought in his heart. If nothing unexpected happened, then he is likely to be Be the first to enter the place where the memory inheritance of Master Xuanyin is truly stored.

If this is the case, then it will not be impossible to obtain a complete memory inheritance. Lin Ze thought of this and couldn't help but stunned.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze’s attack on the doppelganger of the Poisonous Demon King did not dodge. His body of consciousness, like a cloud of mist, quickly scattered to the surroundings. In the middle of it, four golden characters flashed. The four words are the true interpretation of Xuanyin!

After seeing these four golden characters, Baidu Mojun never had such a drastic change. Under the influence of his mind, all the avatars in battle were all looking at this face with amazement and face. It is a big change.

The avatar stared blankly at the four golden characters in front of him, and the body suddenly moved. At the same time, the other nine avatars all repulsed the enemies around them, and then rushed to the place where Lin Ze was at a fast speed. !

Almost in an instant, the man with snake-like diamond-shaped eyes showed a strange crystal awn, his eyes flickered slightly, and then decisively flew out with the avatar quickly, chasing the avatar of the Baidu Demon King, And he laughed wildly in his mouth: "Ha ha ha ha..., here everyone can get the inheritance of Xuanyin old monster, but you can't alone! Little boy, I will block this guy for you, the rest It depends on your direct luck, hahaha..."

In the last sentence, he obviously said to Lin Ze that while speaking, he made a decisive decision in his heart, although this decision required him to pay a price that he could hardly afford to escape.

However, compared to his hatred for more than 500 years, to solve the pain of the biggest enemy, all this is nothing.

Why can he survive for more than 500 years, not to kill the enemy in front of him, as long as he can kill him, or destroy his plan, then he is willing to do anything.

Just like Lin Ze calculated before him, the long-haired man himself certainly knew that the true inheritance of Master Xuanyin has always been hidden here, otherwise, he would not keep mysterious creatures in the memory space all the time. To prevent someone from picking it down while he is fighting.

However, once the final decisive moment was reached, the long-haired man could not care about the inheritance of the Xuanyin Master, even if Lin Ze was obviously going towards the inheritance, the long-haired man did not turn back to stop, because, in his In his heart, killing the Baidu Demon King is the most important.

As long as he can fulfill his wish, he is willing to give everything.

Even now Lin Ze has clearly found out the inheritance of Xuanyin Master, the long-haired man has not changed this idea, and, in order not to let Baidu Mojun get the true inheritance of Xuanyin Master, he is even more Ready to help Lin Ze directly, help him to hold the Baidu Demon King.

It can be seen from this that the long-haired man, no, or rather, the Hundred Poisoned Sovereign, hated how his avatar seized his body.

The long-haired man's right hand suddenly frowned, and he quickly said in his mouth: "With the power of the avatar, Baidu Godban, destroy!"

His avatar, with his words, the whole miraculous tremor immediately, together with the illusory Baidu **** streamer in his hand, turned into a little crystal awn, dissipating in this inheritance.

The avatar of the Baidu Demon King who was closest to Lin Ze was at the moment when he rushed to Lin Ze, Lin Ze’s consciousness immediately shrank from the spread, as if pulled by a strong suction, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Within this humble stone pillar.

Immediately afterwards, as the long-haired man extinguished, the huge force struck the stone pillar directly through the space. With a bang, the stone pillar split open and became endless dust. Disappeared without a shadow.

"No!!" Baidu Mojun snarled in the mouth of the doppelganger. Then, he turned back fiercely, his eyes filled with endless anger and murder, and shot directly at the long-haired man.

At the next moment, the ten avatars instantly reunited and reverted to the venomous demon king. Now he has the endless purple thunder sea in his left hand, and the baidu streamer in his right hand, with red hair and no wind, and his eyes show monstrous anger .

"If the little guy fails to integrate the inheritance in the next cycle, then you may still have a chance! But, this possibility... Hahahaha..." Changfa The man laughed directly.

Because he knew that as long as he lost the opportunity to get the inheritance of Xuanyin's Master, the Baidu Demon King would have no place to survive.

Without the true inheritance of the Master Xuanyin, Baidu Mojun will be inseparable from the tomb of Otherwise, as long as he exits this secret realm, he will be directly exterminated by the outside formation. kill.

It can be said that the inheritance of Master Xuanyin is actually the only way of life for Baidu Mojun, and now it is clear that this way of life has been cut off.

In addition, in order to obtain this opportunity, Baidu Mojun sacrificed the power of nine layers and nine around him, and these powers, but he had been fortunately accumulated for more than 500 years, and wanted to cultivate so much power, There is no time for three or four hundred years.

But is the Poison Demon King still alive for three or four hundred years? !

The answer is obvious. He hasn't lived for so many years, and even if there is still a hundred years, it is an unknown.

Although Baidu Mojun has been demonized, his lifespan is actually limited, which is usually about a thousand years.

He had been sealed for more than 500 years before, and the rest was less than 500 years.

In addition, the seals of Master Xuanyin are not vegetarians. When sealing the Baidu Demon King, he was refining and destroying his power all the time, so don’t look at the demonized Baidu Demon King. Thousands of years of life, but with these seals for more than 500 years, his life has been greatly reduced, and now less than one hundred years are left.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Baidu Demon King will spare all of his power this time to break the seal.

It can be said that the life span of less than one hundred years has forced the Baidu Demon King into desperation.

As a strong man like him, with the coming of the life limit, his strength will decrease year by year. Therefore, the Baidu Demon King has to break the seal when the strength is still the strongest.

Unfortunately, it now appears that this plan has been completely destroyed.

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