Alien Lord

Chapter 1705: Count

This self-detonation has a chain reaction. Immediately afterwards, all the undissipated hurricane beast consciousnesses exploded, and at the same time, the majestic spiritual pressure was suddenly flooding the surroundings.

Just at the moment when the Hurricane Beast consciousness exploded, a space crack suddenly appeared in the void behind the mysterious creature, and then I saw a phantom, rushing out of it at a very fast speed.

He flashed like lightning, and in an instant, he came to a place on the stone pillar that was the descendant of the mysterious creature.

This person is Lin Ze!

But now his body is not solid, but in an illusory state. At this time, he obviously has the same consciousness away from the body.

Maybe Lin Ze couldn’t do the incarnation of consciousness before, but now, Lin Ze’s sea of ​​consciousness has generated a soul crystal, and there is also a sublime pill. In addition, before absorbing countless soul energy, so now Lin Ze can already do the incarnation of consciousness.

In the twinkling of Lin Ze’s incarnation of consciousness, the man with snake-like diamond eyes who kept approaching here was still shocked when he saw this situation, and the whole body was shocked. His eyes were fixed on the position of Lin Ze's Divine Avatar, his face unbelievable.

First, because he felt a breath of memory inheritance from that consciousness!

Second, the position chosen by Lin Ze was just right. He thought it was the only position he could perceive.

All of this happens in a very short time, and in detail, it takes a few seconds.

In fact, all this is in Lin Ze's calculations, and now there will be such a result, Lin Ze itself is not surprised at all.

Lin Ze’s character has always been extremely cautious. The moment he entered the crack in the space, he felt that the magic weapons in the storage bag shone, revealing a trace of destructive breath, which made him secretly alert. Therefore, the next moment , He directly collected these natal magic weapons into the plane seed world, completely eliminating these hidden troubles around him.

In addition, this way, where Lin Ze will easily come out of the space crack, at least without any preparation, he will not rush back again.

Therefore, he concealed his body in the crack of space by means of the memory inheritance of Xuanyin's memory, and isolated the pry of those outside from him by the attribute of blocking the consciousness in it.

After that, he observed carefully for a long time, and found that those peeping at him slowly dimmed, and finally the breath completely dissipated, which was considered a relief.

After all, no matter whether it is the Baidu Demon King, or the remaining soul of the body, the strength is very strong. Sincerely, Lin Ze can't resist now, so Lin Ze is really happy to be able to escape their attention.

So he took advantage of their battle to enter the fierce situation, he opened the space crack again, but for safety reasons, he did not actually come out first, but first rushed out with a figure transformed by the hurricane herd.

As for why Lin Ze chose to use the Hurricane Beast, one of them is that the number of Hurricane Beast is extremely large in his hand. Even if it is consumed for this, he is not heartbroken.

In addition, it was thought that the hurricane beasts were proficient in consciousness attacks. In this way, they could resist the scan of consciousness of the Baidu Demon King.

Although it will not work for a long time, sooner or later they will be seen by Baidu Mojun, but Lin Ze only needs this period of time, because during this period of time, Baidu Mojun they must think that it is Lin Ze’s body. If so, it gave Lin Ze a good opportunity.

However, after the cracks in the space opened, he immediately discovered that besides the old man who missed him, there was now a man with snake-like diamond eyes in his hunter.

At that time, Lin Ze's heart was full of speechlessness, because, obviously, this guy's biggest enemy was Baidu Demon Jun, but now he was thinking of him, which really made Lin Ze speechless.

He saw with his own eyes that this man is the remnant soul of the body of the Baidu Demon who was hidden in the mysterious creature. After more than 500 years of cultivation, his strength is now comparable to that of the red-haired man Baidu Demon. Facing such a powerful enemy, Lin Ze naturally dare not rush out easily.

After that, he thought carefully and immediately sent out four black hurricane beasts decisively again, and left a trace of his own consciousness in it. After doing all this, his body was hidden in the space again. Within the crack.

Lin Ze never underestimated any stronger man than him, especially this strong man was also sealed here by Xuanyin Master for more than 500 years. For such a strong man, how can Lin Ze overestimate Yes, but it is impossible to underestimate them, because that would cost you blood.

Although Lin Ze could be hidden in those four hurricanes, Lin Ze didn't do it after thinking about it, because the speed of the hurricane was obviously inferior to that of the Baidu Demon King and the long-haired man.

Once they destroy the cracks in space and find no trace of their own, then they will definitely turn to deal with the four hurricanes, and then Lin Ze will be in danger.

Therefore, this time Lin Ze came to a plan, a plan, a plan.

He was still hidden in the cracks in space, and later he let the long-haired men to destroy the space channel, and the four hurricanes he had released before.

In this way, it will inevitably be exposed that the long-haired man attaches great importance to a certain place, so that the Baidu Demon King will see through it, and then the Baidu Demon King will definitely attack with all his strength and get away to look at that place.

At that time, the long-haired man will be entangled by the Baidu Demon King, then that is the best chance for Lin Ze to appear.

Even if Baidu Mojun had part of his strength to investigate, Lin Ze believed that he would have enough strength to fight.

After that, Lin Ze continued to hide in the cracks in the space, and the situation outside was the same as Lin Ze guessed. After realizing the importance of that position, the Baidu Demon King broke out directly.

For the series of accidents after Baidu Mojun and others, Lin Ze all passed the hurricane beast in the hurricane, seeing in his eyes, especially Bai Dumo Monarch's strange magical art of avatar, even made Lin Ze deeply feel that he had just The decision is correct, if you really put the seal on the Baidu Demon King as the old man said, even if you have not finished the seal, you will be killed by these avatars of the Baidu Demon King. The six people who died were equally miserable.

However, the next action of Baidu Mojun made Lin Ze a little nervous, because he actually sent one of the ten coagulated avatars, and rushed in the direction that Lin Ze specifically exposed. .

Looking at it here, Lin Ze immediately and decisively caused the hurricane to collapse before he could find a specific location. The consciousness of the countless hurricane beasts spread out, so his avatars were scattered directly. In the future, hiding in the consciousness of several hurricane beasts will become safe, and the possibility of being discovered will be much smaller.

However, Lin Ze is not arrogant enough, thinking that he will never be discovered by the other party. He is even prepared. If the other party finds his own avatar of the consciousness, then the big deal is that he directly cut off this part of the consciousness of the consciousness. There is a lot of soul power in the sea, even if it consumes this Divine Avatar, is there any big deal?

After all, the greatest effect of this part of Divine Avatar on Lin Ze is to explore the way and position.

In this way, he controlled all the hurricane beasts with his avatar to spread out, and then directly hit the stone pillar behind the mysterious creature. There was a trace of consciousness in it, and he even cleverly touched the crucial point. Above the important position, at the moment of encountering the seemingly insignificant jade card, he clearly felt that bursts of strong summons came out.

Under this call, he realized that part of the memory inheritance within the sea began to tremble violently, as if to come out of the body.

But at the same time, within Lin Ze’s memory inheritance, it suddenly seemed to be unsealed, and there was a new memory out of thin air. After these memories were clearly Lin Ze couldn’t help but sink. .

However, soon, he very decisively attracted the hurricane beast consciousness around him to explode directly, because the venomous demon avatar he now faces is actually a collection of soul power. For this soul power avatar, the consciousness The damage of self-explosive is great.

In this way, the explosion of consciousness caused by the countless hurricane beasts directly prevented the avatar of the Baidu Demon from daring to be easily approached. However, whether he left or not, he kept staring at everything around him.

Seeing this, Lin Ze actually had some doubts in his heart, because the strength of the Baidu Demon King's avatar was obviously more than this. Under Lin Ze's suspicion, he contacted the things before and after, and immediately understood the other party's heart. Want to lead him out.

In response, Lin Ze sneered, and then he simply calculated the plan. While the other party didn't want to lead him out, he boldly opened the crack in the space and released a consciousness avatar again, lightning out. .

Lin Ze was right, the gap between his cultivation behavior and that of the Baidu Demon King was too large. Although it was only an avatar, his strength was also far from the existence that Lin Ze could conceal. The avatar was The moment I saw Lin Ze's consciousness avatar, a sneer flashed in my heart.

He had discovered Linze’s Divine Avatar in those hurricanes before, otherwise, he would not use the most damaging Supernatural Avatar in his memory to phantom ten avatars and let one of them escape.

In fact, as soon as he entered the outer space of the memory inheritance space, he already realized that it was wrong.

Although he could not be connected with the memory inheritance of Master Xuanyin, but how to say that he also fought with the seal of Master Xuanyin for more than 500 years, he was extremely familiar with the breath of Master Xuanyin.

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