Alien Lord

Chapter 1545: It was so decided!

The man in red, Xie Zijun, nodded again, withdrawn his gaze, and said slowly to Sun Xifeng: "Why are we here, the others? Is it interesting that they are looking for treasure in the sea of ​​ghostly mist around them."

"It should be like this. The teleportation array can only be opened at a specific time. So, instead of wasting time here, it is better to go inside the ghost fog sea. You know, there are many people With great expectations!" Sun Xifeng said with a smile.

Don't look at the ghost fog sea is very dangerous, but just look at such a secret realm here, many people wonder if there is a similar secret realm in the ghost fog sea, or other treasures.

Therefore, during the period when the teleportation array was not opened, many people went out to explore the sea of ​​ghost fog and wanted to find the hidden treasures inside.

It's a pity that I don't know if there are no treasures in them, or these people have a bad luck. They have no other gains than harvesting some ghosts.

However, even if this is the case, these people have not given up, in order to seize the extremely small possibility.

"Oh, these people think that treasures are so easy to find?! Really daydreaming." Xie Zijun said with a sneer on his face.

He didn't know if he could gain something in the sea of ​​ghosts and fog, but he knew that he would end up with two minds.

The most important thing now is to explore the treasures in the secret realm, but those people who haven’t even searched for the secret realm go to the sea of ​​ghosts and seek treasures. They want to find one or more similar secret realms in Xie Zijun’s heart Is extremely contemptuous.

Because they acted like they picked up watermelon and lost sesame seeds.

It's not easy for them to come in. The materials they carry, especially some powerful means are limited, and the sea of ​​ghost fog is not very safe. Once inside, it will definitely consume a lot of energy.

That is to say, after entering the sea of ​​ghost fog, if you come out again, your strength will be reduced a lot, which is extremely unfavorable for exploring inside the dense realm.

Both Xie Zijun and Sun Xifeng knew this, so they have not been involved in this matter.

Maybe there are indeed top-level treasures in the ghost fog sea, but for Xie Zijun and Sun Xifeng, the harvest in the secret realm is enough, and compared with the harvest in the misty sea, the harvest in the secret realm is more Be realistic.

"Xie Island Lord said that these people think too much, alas..." Sun Xifeng sighed.

Among these people, there are also Confucian people. Although Sun Xifeng has been restraining them before, but as soon as he left here, the Confucian people were immediately deceived and all entered the sea of ​​ghosts and hunts for treasure.

"Master Sun Men, why don’t you see the old man Fan, he is not easy to be tempted//confused, I heard that he offended Tian Fuzong ten years ago, and was among the top ten masters in Tian Fuzong Hunting, I wonder if he is dead now."

"Even if he died, he would take the entire Tian Fuzong as a funeral!" A slightly hoarse voice came slowly from the sky.

Amidst the vastness, a huge green centipede, about fifty meters long, appeared slowly in the distance.

This giant centipede is not easy to find at first glance, because it has actually evolved three pairs of six green wings on its back. With the incitement of these three pairs of wings, this huge six-winged centipede Flying directly in the sky.

Moreover, its speed is really not slow.

The figure of the six-winged centipede was still on the horizon before. Then, I saw that the six wings on it were like that, and a strong wind sounded out, and the sand on the ground flew directly to a dozen meters high.

Even from far away, Lin Ze can still feel the strong vibration of the ground.

Immediately after the figure of the six-winged centipede moved, the huge body flew forward with the instigation of the wings, and the body of the six-winged centipede was like lightning, and immediately disappeared in the distance.

When it appeared, it was not far from the crowd, and then it was like a hill pressed down.

At a distance of 30 meters away from Lin Ze and others, it fell suddenly.

Just listening to the sound of bang, the dust on the ground was madly lifted, blowing directly tens of meters high.

After the dust had dispersed, the huge body of the six-winged centipede was exposed.

On its back like a steel armor, the three pairs of green wings with a length of more than ten meters are gathered silently, and then there are as many as two or three hundred, five meters How long, the centipede legs that are as big as the head slowly spread out, and there was a continuous flash of cold light on it, which made people feel awesome when they saw it.

The huge six-winged centipede crawled on the ground, his eyes revealing the bloodthirsty color, and above this six-winged centipede, a person was sitting.

This person was wearing a green robe with the same color as the six-winged centipede. His figure was not as tall, that is, about one meter seven, and his head was covered with white hair. It gave a very old feeling, but his There is no wrinkle on the face, it looks strange.

Also, his eyes are like triangles. The jaw is short and the jaws have pointed jaws, the glimmer of light in the eyes, the face is covered with pockmarks, and there is an unpleasant stench coming out of the body, and there is a sleepy feeling when smelling it. Extremely.

He touched the beard of his chin at this time, his voice husky, and a burst of laughter said, "The old and undead of Tian Fuzong, who chased the old man for 15 years, and finally, I was All of them were poisoned. If the opening time of the secret realm is approaching here, I will certainly kill Xiang Fuzong to report the fifteen years of chasing."

With that, he was really angry, and he stepped on it gently, and the six-winged centipedes were extremely psychic, and immediately stretched out the four centipede legs around him, posing on the body, forming a ladder, and old Fan So stepped on the legs of these centipedes and walked slowly down.

As he walked, he glanced around, so he slowly walked slowly to the ground.

After he landed, his right hand waved freely. The huge six-winged centipede immediately shrank, and eventually became the size of a slap. Then, he did not put it away, and just placed it directly on his shoulder.

After getting down, the armor on his body changed, and soon disappeared on his shoulder.

If everyone had clearly seen this six-winged centipede on Fan's right shoulder, he would really think there was nothing on it.

"This six-winged centipede can be integrated into the surrounding environment like a chameleon, which is really amazing!" Even Lin Ze now saw it, and there was a sigh in his heart.

"Unfortunately, this person knows at first glance that it is not a better guy, I want to get the offspring of this six-winged centipede, the possibility is too small!" Lin Ze shook his head.

For such a rare beast, Lin Ze really wanted it, but when he thought about the appearance of the old man opposite, he dispelled this thought.

After that, Lin Ze stepped back a few steps quietly. Through the cold eye observation and a trace of his words, Lin Ze knew that this person must be good at using drugs, so his vigilance increased again.

Xie Zijun also frowned at this time, and looked at the old man beside him, and said with a deep voice: "Old man Fan, I haven't seen it in ten years, how is the poisonous smell on your body getting stronger and stronger!"

Old Man Fan looked at his eyes and said with a few laughs, "Xie Laofu, others are afraid of your six-yin magic skills, but the old man is not afraid. Ten years ago, the strength of the two of us was invincible. Is it that you still have today? I don’t want to play again!"

With that in mind, he touched his shoulder as if it were an invisible six-winged centipede, and there was even a grin in his mouth.

Xie Zijun stared at each other with cold eyes, and there was a burst of madness in Qi between the two immediately, but soon, both of them turned around and converged.

They are all smart people, knowing that it is definitely not a time for conflict, even if they want to win or lose, they have to go after the trip to the secret.

At this time, Chang Xinyuan, who has been healing 50 meters away, slowly stood up and said: "Everyone is here for the same It is still good for peace, So as not to regret it later."

This time Chang Xinyuan's voice was much lower. With Lin Ze's "big master" in it, Chang Xinyuan couldn't run wild.

"This time the old man deliberately refined a treasure, three parasols, the defense is extremely amazing, I believe this first level should be able to complete most of it."

"That's the best." Xie Zijun's voice was still cold, said: "I will resist the second half of the first level!"

Old man Fan is no longer troubled at this time. He touched the beard of his chin and said hoarsely in his voice: "The second hurdle, just look at me!"

Sun Xifeng, directly pointed to Bai Yiwen in the gravel zone in the distance, Shen said: "This person is called Bai Yiwen, and he is very good at five-element escape. It is helpful for me to pass the second pass. In addition, this senior is good at mental strength The attack, the mental attack of the third hurdle, depends on him.

Hearing that Sun Xifeng actually called Lin Ze as his predecessor, Fan's dark eyes swept over Lin Ze's body, but then he did not speak.

The reason for this is very simple, that is, the six-winged centipede on Fan old man's body is trembling, and after feeling the fear of the six-winged centipede, Fan old man knows that Lin Ze is absolutely powerful.

Otherwise, his six-winged centipede would not be so afraid.

"Since everyone has made a distribution, after entering the secret realm, don't let it go easily." Sun Xifeng reminded.

There are countless treasures in the secret realm. If someone is tempted and dispersed, it will not be good for anyone, so Sun Xifeng first reminded.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"That's it!"

...All the people agreed and the matter was decided.

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