Alien Lord

Chapter 1544: One after another

"Catch the dragon skill!!" Lin Ze's face was cold, and the old man with both hands was flying like that. A substantive red dragon claw appeared in front of the old man and caught him directly.

Seeing that the old man was about to be caught, at this time, Sun Xifeng stepped on his right foot at random, and then he suddenly appeared between Lin Ze and the old man, and a white semi-circular light curtain immediately appeared. Appeared in front of him, defusing the attack brought by Lin Ze's dragon claws.

It's just that Lin Ze's full blow was so easy to bear. The protective light curtain on Sun Xifeng's body was shaking, and he himself took a dozen steps back.

Seeing this, Sun Xifeng's eyes narrowed, and Lin Ze's strength was more certain in his heart.

Sun Xifeng had speculated in his heart that Lin Ze's strength may be the foundation period, but he hasn't confirmed it yet. Now, after this time Lin Ze and the old man have fought, he already has seven levels of confidence in his heart.

The old man in front of him is not an infamous fellow. He is the former master of Xuanyin Demon Road, and his current strength is already the strength of the pseudo-base period.

Although he is now just a puppet avatar, the strength is the mid-level strength of the Supreme Grand Master, but Lin Ze can defeat him, the strength is strong, that is evident.

Sun Xifeng, who had been determined in his heart, turned directly to the old man and stared at the other person, his face was never dignified, saying one by one: "Chang Sect Master, this is our predecessor, don't be too rude !"

After finishing this sentence, Sun Xifeng immediately turned around and looked at Lin Ze apologetically, apologizing: "Senior, please take your breath away. Lord Sect Master just wants to test your strength of the senior, so that's how it is, hope Don’t worry about it."

"......" When Chang Xinyuan heard this, the whole person's face was stunned: "What's going on?"

Seriously, things are here, and Chang Xinyuan is a little bit thinking that he is dreaming.

You know, his strength is the top. The person in front of him is just an acquired warrior. Before he shot, he did have a meaning of temptation. In the end, it was him who was beaten.

Now adding Sun Xifeng's words, Chang Xinyuan immediately realized that he had kicked an iron plate.

"Sect Master Chang, hurry up and apologize, the strength of the predecessors is the strength of the foundation period."

At this moment, an extremely subtle voice reached Chang Xinyuan's ear.

Upon hearing Sun Xifeng's words, although Chang Xinyuan's expression did not seem to be a little unusual, but the shocked color in his eyes could not be concealed.

At the same time, Chang Xinyuan's inner dissatisfaction and the desire to recover some disadvantages are slowly put away.

At this time, he didn't seem to have the slightest bit of fairy air bones before, but the whole person had a slightly cautious feeling.

"Master Sun Men, are you sure?" Chang Xinyuan also asked the voice.

Master Sun Men nodded directly and said, "Really, you forgot what you just happened!"

Sun Xifeng didn't leave Chang Xinyuan a face, he said outspokenly.

"Uh..." Chang Xinyuan suddenly looked bitter.

Indeed, he was directly beaten by Lin Ze before. Although there are some factors in which he was not careful, but now he thinks back, even if he is prepared in advance, but he believes that the result will not be How much has changed.


Chang Xinyuan glanced at Lin Ze with a depressed look, and after thinking for a while, came to Lin Ze with a sigh and bowed to Lin Ze to apologize: "Senior, this time is someone Chang's, isn't it, please Forgive me!"

"Since this is the case, then this matter is here, but I warn in advance, if there is a similar thing next time, hum..." Lin Ze's eyes were cold and cold With a few hums, the heartbeat of the opposite regular heart element of listening is several times faster.

"Yes, yes, Senior, Chang Xinyuan understands!" Chang Xinyuan should have been quick, and with the lessons learned before, he dare not dare to provoke Lin Ze.

Seeing this, Lin Zexin was also relieved.

Don't look at Lin Ze's previous combat strength, but that is because Lin Ze urged the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei to the extreme.

Only in the time before these three or four strokes, Lin Ze consumed nearly three layers of strength.

In other words, if Lin Ze used the previous killing tricks again, at most it would look like a dozen or twenty tricks, and the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei would be consumed.

Lin Ze knew this very well, so when Sun Xifeng stood up to stop them, he was actually the happiest in his heart.

At the same time, it also ended the conflict and kept most of its strength.

Someone here will ask, with the identities and insights of Sun Xifeng and Chang Xinyuan, don't they know that Lin Ze used the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei to fight?

To be honest, Sun Xifeng and Chang Xinyuan really saw it, but they didn't even care about such things.

Don’t forget, where are they now?

They are in the tomb of Xuanyin, and Sun Xifeng and Chang Xinyuan can appear in this secret realm, or rely on puppet avatars, that is to say, they also rely on external treasures to fight. Here, their main body strength is basically Can't use it.

The puppet doppelganger and Yanlong Fen Tianpei are both external treasures. Since this is the case, then Lin Ze will use the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei to fight. Where else will they feel strange, because they also borrow this puppet? Doppelgangers, and other similar treasures are fighting.

After talking about it, the atmosphere between the two sides began to relax.

It's just that Chang Xinyuan suffered a heavy blow after all, so after apologizing to Lin Ze, he turned and walked aside, stopped at a distance of 50 meters away from the two, and began to heal.

Seeing this, Sun Xifeng shook his head directly, and could not help whispering in his heart: "You are asking for bitterness!"

Lin Ze looked somber, this Chang Xin Yuan was a lunatic in his eyes. Before that, he had no reason to meet him, and he used a smile to face the previous moment, but the next moment revealed a terrible, such a person, in Lin Ze, Is not a normal person.

"Chang Xinyuan is the predecessor of the previous generation of Xuanyin Demon Road. This person is extremely strong. Even I have not won. Although he is born with a righteous way, he is really cruel and killing countless, purely a lunatic. It is a famous devil in the cultivation world." Sun Xifeng stood beside Lin Ze and introduced to the voice.

Lin Ze sullen his face, glanced at the Chang Xin Yuan who healed in the distance, and then looked at the gravel zone with his own splits and was very happy to fight, and sometimes came out a white article with bloodthirsty roar, his heart could not help but become more heavy.

The Chang Xin Yuan in front of him is a madman, and the other Bai Yiwen is a madman. Only Sun Xifeng is still normal. It is difficult for Lin Ze to want to relax with these people.

"Hey, someone came again!" Sun Xifeng said in a low voice, slightly moving.

Lin Ze looked up and looked up. From the distance above the horizon, a flying boat flew over. There was a person standing on the bow of the flying boat. The person looked very handsome, but his lips were slightly thin, his face It also reveals a feeling of relentlessness, which makes it difficult for people to feel good about him after reading it.

At this time, the man was carrying his hands on his back, his head was raised high, and he was wearing a brocade brocade shirt with a circle of golden silk thread embroidered on it. .

Behind him, there is still a person standing, but this person is not very young, about 20 years old, and his appearance is also average, but when he looks at his eyes, he sometimes reveals a strange red mans, you can guess that his strength is absolutely not general.

After the flying boat approached, the man in red in the bow of the ship leapt down when there were still hundreds of meters above the ground. The young man behind him quickly followed.

"Furfur!!!" The two people, like two flying birds, landed easily on the and looked at Lin Ze.

Lin Ze also looked at the red man in front of him at this time. This man was seen wearing a red body, but his body exuded an extremely cold air. This cold was the kind of cold that leaked from his bones. It's like a thousand years of ice that never lasts.

After landing, the red man's eyes were cold, and he swept around. First, he stayed a little bit on Bai Yiwen who was fighting in the gravel zone. Then he glanced at Lin Ze again, and then at the distant heart-healing Changxin Yuan. After seeing Chang Xinyuan being healed, his eyes narrowed directly, and his expression began to distill.

In the end, he put his eyes on Sun Xifeng's body, and his tone was still like the frost of winter, and said coldly: "Master Sun, it's so lively here!"

"Hahaha..." Sun Xifeng smiled and said, "Xiedao Lord, we haven't seen you in ten years, your cultivation is getting more and more profound!"

After finishing the speech, Sun Xifeng did not take him to answer, his lips were slightly moving, and he passed on to introduce Lin Ze's background.

Ruby man Xie Zijun listened and listened, his face was startled, and then his eyes immediately turned inside, after a little look, he nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Have seen the senior, if the senior you can break the third level inside I am very grateful to you, Xie Zijun, for the treasures inside, you will pick them first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man's face changed behind him, staring at Lin Ze's eyes, faintly jealous.

Lin Ze smiled and said, "Then we're done!"

The man in red, Xie Zijun, nodded again, withdrawn his gaze, and said slowly to Sun Xifeng: "Why are we here, the others? Is it interesting that they are looking for treasure in the sea of ​​ghostly mist around them."

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