Alien Lord

Chapter 1509: Ginger is old and spicy

"I can find the weaknesses or gaps of Xuanyin's tomb array prohibition. Those smart people in the sect can not fail to find this, so now only Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu The top strong man of the supreme grandmaster like Mo, alas..." Lin Ze sighed inwardly, knowing that now that Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu old demon have appeared, then in the future There will definitely be more people like them.

"However, such powerful people as Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Lao Mo, why would they want to lose the opportunity to advance and use puppet avatars to come to Xuanyin's tomb? Are they just to protect the coming younger generation?"

Lin Ze's heart was full of doubts. These two problems had just been born, and Lin Ze himself immediately denied it.

It is absolutely false to say that Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Old Demon entered Xuanyin's tomb in order to protect their juniors.

If they really came to protect their juniors, they should have appeared when they encountered the threat of giant sand monsters.

Also, looking at how Hu Li and Mrs. Hu talked before, it is clear that Mrs. Hu did not come for Hu Li, but for the Millennium Ice Fox Nedan.

"Then they came for these treasures?" Lin Ze guessed.

Soon, he was very sure of his conjecture, because he thought of Mrs. Hu's age.

Hu Li called Mrs. Hu the elder ancestor. It can be seen that her age is definitely not small. In addition, Qu Jingwen later explained that Mrs. Hu is now more than 120 years old. Lin Ze knew that Mrs. Hu I will be willing to lose part of my spiritual power in order to enter the Xuanyin tomb and get some of the top treasures in it.

Yes, Mrs. Hu’s use of the puppet avatar would cause her to lose three or four levels of mental power (the higher the puppet avatar, the stronger the mental power required.), so that her strength is greatly reduced, but these efforts are compared In the end, what she got was not much.

I won’t say anything else. If it’s just the Nedan of the millennium ice fox in front of me, if Mrs. Hu can get it, let’s not restore the lost mental power before, and restore the original strength, even in the advanced foundation period It's not difficult.

You have to know why Mrs. Hu’s ancestors would kill the Millennium Ice Fox that his master put him in charge of. It wasn’t because he wanted to use the Millennium Ice Fox to build the foundation.

If Mrs. Hu’s predecessors did not have this certainty, would he do such a bold thing? !

Moreover, in order to be able to integrate the Millennium Ice Fox Neidan as well as possible, Mrs. Hu's predecessors also merged the blood vessels of the Millennium Ice Fox first, so that their own blood veins could be transformed into the blood veins of the Ice Fox.

The purpose is to fundamentally transform himself into the same kind of ice fox, thereby reducing the rejection of the thousand years of ice fox Nedan.

As long as he can successfully integrate this millennium ice fox Nedan, his advanced foundation period is 100%. With the blessing of the ice fox's ice attribute, in the future foundation period, he will also become one of the top strong By.

It can be said that these considerations of Mrs. Hu's ancestors are really very strict, but then again, there are still problems, which led to him not only being abolished, but also driven out of the sect.

It's just that the curse lies on the blessing, the blessing lies on the peril!

It is for this reason that he survived and passed on the descendant of Binghuo Island.

As the longest generation of the Hu family and the most powerful ancestor, Mrs. Hu knew everything about the matter, so even if she knew that using puppet avatars would cause her power to be greatly reduced .

It is indeed a big reduction. You have to know that Mrs. Hu’s strength was the peak strength of the Supreme Grand Master, but now it is only the mid-term strength of the Supreme Grand Master, and it has dropped by two small realms. (Late and peak)

In order to obtain the Millennium Ice Fox Nedan, Mrs. Hu has put half of the Hu family's staff into the Xuanyin tomb time and time again for the last stroke.

For this reason, Binghuo Island's strength is greatly reduced, and it is even necessary to marry Qianji Island.

Fortunately, God paid no attention to people, this time finally Mrs. Hu found the whereabouts of the thousand-year-old ice fox Nedan.

Yes, yes, when Hu Li saw the light blue ball, she knew that this was what Mrs. Hu needed, so she activated the bloodline psychic as a child of the Hu family in the first time. Technique, told Mrs. Hu the story of finding the Millennium Ice Fox Nedan.

Needless to say, afterwards, under the guidance of Hu Li's signal, Mrs. Hu soon came here and appeared in front of Lin Ze.

As for why Bai Gu Lao Mo followed up later, it was because he found Mrs. Hu's trace and followed him.

Although the ice fox blood of Mrs. Hu’s body is not as strong as that of her predecessors, it is not bad, at least it has been able to integrate the Millennium Ice Fox Nedan.

In other words, as long as she serves this millennium ice fox Nedan, then she can advance to the foundation period.

In this way, Mrs. Hu can not only get a life span of hundreds of years, but also increase her strength greatly. At that time, let’s not say a small Qianji Island, even if the Zongmen Qianji Gate of Qianji Island came, Only the falling end.

When you get here, maybe someone will say, isn't Lin Ze inductive, he opened it before, how could he only see through Mrs. Hu that they are actually puppet avatars? This cannot be explained?

Lin Ze opened the induction, but his induction is not omnipotent and will be limited.

Just like the formation prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb, inside the Xuanyin's tomb, the effect of Lin Ze's inductive force has been greatly reduced, and until now it can only scan the surrounding space of more than 100 meters.

The most terrible thing is that the consumption of mental energy is more than ten times before, so Lin Ze can't use it for long.

In addition, don’t forget that Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu are the supreme grandmasters, and they have their own formation-type prohibition, so that you can’t see their specific strength at all.

Just like the innate warrior, the acquired warrior is difficult to see their strength.

In addition, it is also one of the most important reasons, that is, there are formations of isolation and detection on the puppet avatar.

People like Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Old Demon absolutely do not want to be known. Their current body is a puppet avatar. Even if the secret is in their class, it is already an open secret, and it is no exception.

In addition, when refining such puppet doppelgangers in order to achieve a false sense of truth, so that others can't distinguish the difference between the puppet doppelganger and the master puppet masters, they also tried every means to make the puppet dopant and the human body. Exactly the same.

Lin Ze’s sensitivity is strong in scanning rather than seeing through it. So, if you want to see through the current puppet avatars of Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Laomo, you really can’t do it.

These open secrets, Lin Ze can only rely on himself to find answers.

Obviously, Lin Ze has done it now.

The importance of the thousand-year-old ice fox Neidan to Mrs. Hu is self-evident, and now there is a Bai Gu old demon here, so Mrs. Hu began to prepare to expel Bai Gu old demon.

"Enough is enough, Gu Gu Laowei, your Qingqing over here and I will go back to your Baigu Mountain and do it too late, now you two will be quiet to me."

Seeing the two of them endlessly tired, Mrs. Hu, who had been impatient for a long time, had a crutches in his hand and shouted innocently.


Bai Gu Lao Mo turned back, the green light in his eyes flourished, and the sound of bone rubbing on his body sounded again.

"Why? When did your patience become so poor? Older sister, there are treasures you will get in the old sister."

Bai Gu Lao Mo is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. Upon hearing Mrs. Hu's words, she immediately realized that there were treasures that Mrs. Hu would fight for.

At the thought of Mrs. Hu's attention, the eyes of the 100 Gu old demon turned, and the laughter in the mouth sounded Older sister, the injuries that had been hurt until now are not good! Do you want me to find an elixir, so that you don’t have to walk on crutches anymore? "

Speaking of the last sentence, there was a murderous sensation in the air, and the cold surroundings had gradually dissipated, and the warmth began to rise slowly, but at this time, it was like an ice cellar, which made people shudder. .


Mrs. Hu laughed loudly and immediately froze coldly: "Hundred Gu old demon, your boy hasn't seen his skills in a few years, dare to scare my wife? Huh! What kind of exercise did you practice to make yourself inhumane He’s not a ghost, and he’s not afraid of scaring the little girl next to you."

Jiang Guoran was old and spicy. A sentence that scared the little girl right in the middle of the dead hole of Bai Gu's old demon. He saw that his body shivered slightly, and the whole body was like a cracked sound, as if something would be split from the cloak. general.

Seeing that the atmosphere was extremely tense, although Mrs. Hu's face remained unchanged, she still sneered, but the hand holding the cane could not help but tighten.

At this moment, the Bai Gu old demon, which was about to explode, suddenly stopped shaking, and it only took a moment from extreme movement to extreme silence. He condensed for a moment and changed his voice like a zombie: "The elder sister’s mouth is still That's so powerful, the younger brother is willing to worship."

Seeing him so confessing defeat, Mrs. Hu was obviously taken aback in her heart, and then said after a moment: "Bai Gu Lao Mo, what do you want? Or, what do you want me to do?"

The meaning of this remark is nothing but agreeing to share the stolen goods with him. After all, Bai Gu Lao Mo is also a supreme grandmaster who has been famous for a long time. Mrs. Hu does not have the certainty of victory, as long as he does not want to be in the middle Millennium Ice Fox Dan, Mrs. Hu doesn't have to flip his face with him.

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