Alien Lord

Chapter 1508: Understand the reason

"Like, I like it so much." "Grandma" put the Mithril puppet in his arms like a treasure, and said absently to Bai Gu Lao Mo: "Brother is the best, thank you brother."

For a Mithril puppet, she would kill all people. She was ignorant of such a tragic incident, but she happily played with the Mithril Puppet in her hands, and she refused to let go for a while.

Although Lin Ze knows that "Grandma" has limited IQ and is still a child's mentality, she is so indifferent that Lin Ze's heart is still cold for a while, looking at "Grandma"'s eyes, there is no previous look of peace. There is a trace of dissatisfaction.

The IQ of'Grandma' is only ten years old. However, in ancient times, a ten-year-old child was basically a sensible person. Even if a grandma was born in a martial arts family, she should know a little bit of things.

So, she should be very clear about what it means to kill other people's doors.

If she really has some human nature, or if there is some compassion in her heart, she will never play with the blood-stained Mithril puppet like this now.

And "Grandma" is doing this now. It can be seen that her heart is actually black.

"Hahahaha, girl, you like it! You like it."

In the voice of Bai Gu Lao Mo, there was some joy in it, as if everything was worthwhile as long as "Grandma" was happy.

It's really a pair of weirdos. Everyone on the scene can see the way they get along, and they all come to the same conclusion in their hearts.

"Brother, brother, how does this Mithril Puppet play?" "Grandma" after playing with the Mithril Puppet, still couldn't find a specific gameplay, so I asked the Bai Gu Laojie on the side directly.

"Oh, little girl, this is the Mithril Puppet. If you want to play, you have to input a part of your mental power into it." Bai Gu Lao Mo was not impatient at all, and explained it in detail.

"Mithril Puppet?" Lin Ze also secretly asked Qu Jingwen the reason for this Mithril Puppet.

"Master, I know this Mithril puppet." At this time, the blood demon Xinxue took the initiative to speak on the side.

"Oh, what's the reason for it?" Lin Ze hurriedly asked, quickly.

I don't know how it is. The subconscious master in Lin Zexin's heart. This Mithril puppet is very important. It can solve a big question in Lin Zexin's heart.

"The master, the so-called Mithril Puppet, is actually a puppet made of Mithril. Mithril is an extremely high-end spirit material. The puppet made of it is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely malleable. One of the best puppet spirits." Xin Xue introduced.

"Mithril is a ground-level spirit material. The puppets made with it generally have the strength of a guru, and even higher can reach the strength of a grand master or a supreme grand master. It can be said that it is the best spirit material for refining puppets. One. Every refining master is pursuing some Mithril for life. For these reasons, Mithril is valuable in the market, and is in the hands of the top Zongmen."

"The most important thing is that Mithril has a strong plasticity. Therefore, the puppets made out of it can accommodate people's spiritual power and even the soul, so as to achieve a very easy control, just like an avatar. "

Speaking of doppelgangers, Xin Xue's eyes flashed a bright light.

When he learned that there was a top-level treasure such as the Mithril Puppet, Xinxue used the power of the Seventh Prince Yan Yucheng to search for the Mithril Puppet everywhere, but unfortunately, when he fell into Lin Ze's hands, there was no specific News.

Originally, he thought he could not see this Mithril puppet in his generation, but he saw it here unexpectedly.

At this moment, Xin Xuexin had to sigh. Sometimes, surprises always appear when you can't even think of it, just like now.

Xinxue wanted to take away the Mithril Puppet, but the thought of Xinxue disappeared immediately when he thought of the Bai Gu Old Demon.

"Avatar? Really!" Lin Ze's eyes also lighted up. Avatar is one of the abilities that Lin Ze wants most. His current shop is too big. He really needs some avatars to help Lin Ze deal with related things.

Perhaps in modern society, with convenient communication and transportation, Lin Ze can easily handle these things, but in the feudal society of mainland China, in this run-off society that still relies on a pair of legs, Lin Ze wants to deal with the subordinates. All things on the site are really not difficult.

"Just, how is this possible? I said, if there were such avatars, then where would they fall into the hands of Bai Gu Lao Mo, those sects would have already started." Lin Ze asked with a trace of doubt.

The ability of the avatar is really too ////// state ////, I believe no matter who it is, I will like to have such a avatar.

From the emperor to the ordinary people, they will not despise this ability.

Therefore, at that time, these Mithril puppets were definitely in the royal family, or those top ancestors, martial arts family, ordinary people want to get it, it is impossible at all, and it is impossible for Bai Gu Lao Mo to be like this. Zhengda took it out brightly and gave it back to "Grandma".

Bai Gu Lao Mo did so. Obviously, there are some restrictions in this Mithril Puppet Doppelganger. It is precisely because of these restrictions that these Mithril Puppet Doppelgrants are very precious, but others will not go to monopolize it.

"Is there any other reason?" Lin Ze asked directly.

"Yes, master, there are indeed some other reasons." Xin Xue said admiringly.

"Mithril puppet doppelganger's ability is very good, but when used, it has obvious shortcomings."

"Disadvantage, is it..." Lin Ze meant something immediately, with his understanding of spiritual power and soul, he had already guessed what was in his heart.

"The master is wise!!" Xinxue is just a flattery, let Qu Jingwen on the side roll his eyes.

"Master, Mithril Puppet Doppelganger is very good, but if you want to use it, you must first have strong mental strength. At least you must have guru-level mental strength. There must be at least a number of twenty. Only in this way, when you separate part of your mental power, you will not damage your spiritual power foundation, and you can control this Mithril puppet afterwards."

"This is a prerequisite for using the Mithril Puppet Doppelganger. There are a lot of warriors who meet this condition, but few people will do such a thing, because once you separate the mental power, that part of the spiritual power It is equivalent to losing everything. The most important thing is that if you want to control the Mithril Puppet all the time, you have to constantly input mental power to this Mithril Puppet.

Those mental powers separated by you are like the plants that have lost the soil in the Mithril Puppet. If you want to continue to grow, you have to rely on external forces. "

"Once your mental power input is weaker than the consumption of the mental power split in the Mithril Puppet Doppelganger, then you will soon lose this Mithril Puppet. It is precisely because you need to constantly replenish mental power, so once you Using such Mithril Puppets, it means that your strength can be said to be fixed there, and there will never be a chance of growth. Of course, if you have the spiritual material to add spiritual power, or immortality Whatever, then this problem does not exist."

"Oh, that's what it is!" Lin Ze nodded clearly.

The Mithril Puppet Doppelganger is very good, but if you use it, the sequelae will be very strong.

Think about it, you are already a strong master, and there is a chance that you will be an advanced grandmaster or even a great grandmaster in the future. Now you have lost these possibilities because of using Mithril puppets. Will you be willing to destroy your future like this? !

I believe that people who are not forced into desperation will never be willing to self-destruct.

"Now I understand why these people have the strength of the Supreme By this time, Lin Ze finally understood why there are no such things as Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Laomo. The strength of the Grand Master.

"I think they should also use the ability of avatars like Mithril Puppets, so that they can maintain the strength of the Supreme Grand Master in the tomb of Xuanyin. I should have thought of this earlier." Lin Ze's heart revealed for the first time. Smile.

Some things are really scary when they are unknown, but once you know its details, you will find that it is not that terrible.

"The formation prohibition of Xuanyin's Tomb is aimed at living people, and there are no restrictions on things like puppets or Xuanbing." Lin Ze murmured to himself.

At this point, Lin Ze directly thought of the piece of flames that Huo Mingyuan had on him, which could help you develop the strength of a master, grand master, or even supreme grand master.

These strengths have long surpassed the strength allowed by the Xuanyin tomb formation ban, but Huo Mingyuan did not suffer any attacks from the Xuanyin tomb formation ban at that time.

Including when Lin Ze used Yanlong to burn Tianpei, it still did not cause the counterattack of Xuanyin's tomb array.

Obviously, the formation of Xuanyin's tomb is forbidden, and it is forbidden to be alive. The strong of the guru level, for those who have reached the guru, and even higher mysterious soldiers, puppets and other dead objects, are not within the scope of the ban Inside.

I thought of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei. Lin Ze thought of Gu Xiyao again. The Qianmo streamer in her hand was also a psychic bastion soldier. The previous battles had exerted the strength of the master, but it was still good.

Thinking of these, some questions in Lin Ze's heart completely disappeared.

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