Alien Lord

Chapter 1089: Combat (2)

Lin Ze responded extremely quickly. At the moment when his body began to step on the air, he quickly extended his right hand and grabbed a metal handrail on the deck. After three or four seconds, Lin Ze stood here. Stabilize the body.

"Fuck, I almost fell, I really lost these two metal buckles!" After standing firm, Lin Ze was relieved, and the ugly metal buckles around his waist looked a lot better.

This armor is ugly, but it is something that guarantees that Lin Ze will not be thrown out by the warship. Lin Ze will not now dismiss him as ugly.

"Catch the enemy, prepare to launch Yuanshi Cannon!" At this time, Lin Ze's ear sounded the first officer's loud voice.

The entire warship, after the sharp turn just now, drew a huge semi-arc in the sky to the right. Then, after adjusting the direction once, everyone standing on both sides of the warship deck saw clearly It looks like the flying beasts who are coming to attack the warship.

It was a group of giant black paint birds that had just fallen from the distant clouds. Lin Ze's sense of power made him see the flying beasts clearly.

"Fuck, how could there be so many!" Lin Zexin cursed in his heart, "It's all the acquired strength of the seventh or eighth level, many of them are congenital, this time I really want to see the big scene!"

At this time, the figure of the flying barbarian was all in Lin Ze's sense of power, so Lin Ze saw all the details of the incoming flying barbarian at once.

The speed of flying giant birds in the sky was extremely fast. Lin Ze had just seen clearly. In less than twenty seconds, the combatants on the warships could see clearly the appearance of the giant birds.

I saw a dark mass of things flying over from a distance towards the warship. When I looked closely, I found that the objects were very large. When they spread their wings, they were close to more than six meters. Their feathers and beaks, Both claws exude a cold, icy cold light.

Obviously, these giant birds are not so easy to provoke.

However, what is even more terrible is that these people are looking around. The number of giant birds in the black group of giant birds can’t be counted for a while. They only saw this group of black giant birds directly put the war Thousands of kilometers of sky in front of the flying boat were filled.

Seeing such a situation, the first officer's face turned a little white. The number of these black giant birds in black, according to his estimation, definitely exceeded 2,000.

There are two thousand giant birds with the lowest strength in the acquired seventh grade. Among them, there are many innate giant birds. What's more, these giant birds are extremely powerful, and they are the flying beasts that the first mate does not want to encounter. Therefore, the first mate There was a trace of helplessness deep in his eyes.

Helpless and helpless, the first officer's fighting will is very strong, he quickly stood up and said loudly, "It is a variant of the black feather bird, the black iron feather eagle, the lowest strength is the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, everyone must be careful!"

The black iron feather eagle is one of the most difficult and frightening flying beasts in the flying beasts in the outskirts of 100,000 wars.

The black iron feather eagle has a layer of feathers equivalent to the defense strength of black iron. The hardness of the two claws and the beak of the body is stronger, which is directly equivalent to the hardness of black iron.

This kind of black iron feather eagle, even if the warrior of the eighth floor of the day after the encounter, will have a headache.

What's more, the black iron feather eagle is a group flying barbarian. As long as one head is found, there are definitely hundreds of thousands in the vicinity.

What is more frightening is that the chief ranks in the Black Iron Feather Eagle are all innate strengths, and the IQ is not low, which can command the Black Iron Feather Eagle's attack, which is very difficult.

The number of black iron feather eagles that have only appeared here now is more than a thousand. The chief mate speculates that the number of black iron feather eagles in the leading level here will not be less than 30 or 40.

With so many innate black iron feather eagles, it seems better to avoid them in the eyes of the first officer.

The commander in the warship also clearly thought so. After seeing the number of black iron feather eagles, he was ready to leave here directly.

Next, the warship carried out five evasive maneuvers in succession. However, these black iron feather eagles were tightly biting the warship, and there was a tendency that they would not bring down the warship.

Lin Ze didn't panic at this time, on the contrary, he almost drooled out of his mouth.

The first officer, they couldn't count how many black iron feather eagles there were, but Lin Ze had already counted them. There were a total of 2,356 black iron feather eagles, including the congenital black iron feather eagle feet. There are sixty-three heads, not thirty or forty heads.

So many black iron feather eagles appeared in front of Lin Ze, and he was very excited.

Don’t forget, what did Lin Ze do for the One Hundred Thousand Mountains? He came here to catch the wild beasts.

Yes, the nine layers of these black iron feather eagles have only acquired strength, which does not seem to meet Lin Ze's innate requirements.

However, don't forget, this is a black iron feather eagle, a flying barbarian.

As a modern man, where Lin Ze will not know the importance of the Air Force in war.

On the earth, the United States can claim /////World/, a large part of which is because they have one of the world’s most advanced air forces.

The Second World War has fully proved the strategic role of the Air Force in the war.

The chariot nation and the Japanese nation defeated so quickly during World War II. The big reason is that they can no longer fight.


Because most of the factories used to produce war weapons in their countries have been destroyed by bombers from the Allied countries.

There is no factory, where the war materials from them continue to fight, so in the end, only surrender.

The strength of the black iron feather eagle is only the acquired level, but they are the air force and the modern air force in Lin Ze's hands.

Just like in the last fight against Xiao Quan, if Lin Ze had a barbarian army of black iron feather eagles in his hand, there would be no more, that is, two hundred, Lin Ze could solve Xiao Quan more easily And his army.

Not to mention others, just by attacking Xiao Quan and his army with Gang attack every day, you can easily defeat Xiao Quan's army.

The strength of black iron feather eagles is generally the eighth and ninth floors of the day after tomorrow, so their power of attacking the gas is not low, compared to modern heavy shells, and they are only two or three hundred meters in the air. Where the attack was launched, Xiao Quan above the ground had no way to take these black iron feather eagles. (The black iron feather eagle is a wild beast of the wind attribute, and their gangster attack distance is farther than the warrior...)

The defensive power of the fighters in the modern army is absolutely inferior to the tanks on the ground, but in terms of combat effectiveness and strategy, the fighters far exceed the tanks on the ground.

It's not that a fighter jet singles out dozens of tanks.

Therefore, the black iron feather eagle is an acquired flying beast, but Lin Ze still fancy them, and now his head is spinning rapidly, thinking about what method to use afterwards, and winning more without a trace Black Iron Hawk, and then formed his first air force.

"The strength of these black iron feather eagles is really not low!"

Looking at the beaks on the heads of the black iron feather eagles that are as sharp as swords and spears, Lin Ze also understood that these black iron feather eagles could indeed cause huge damage to the warship.

Although this warship is made of natural iron and wood and has a very strong defense, even the innate warrior cannot be destroyed in a short time, but no one knows that the continuity of these large black iron feather eagles Under the attack, how long can you stay on the warship.

At this time, the Black Iron Hawk had approached the distance of about 500 meters to the warship.

"Open fire!" The first officer's roar sounded. Since the Black Iron Hawk did not want to get along with them peacefully, then the first officer would not be polite.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." With the order of the first officer, several elementary stone cannons built on the right deck of the warship and the boat fired at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Lin Ze only realized that there was a muffled noise in his ear, and then he saw dozens of white lights flying towards the black cloud formed by the black iron feather blinked In the meantime, thirty or forty black iron feather eagles were hit.

After a few piercing chirps, there were fifteen black iron feather eagles bursting into the air directly in the air, a group of black feathers scattered on the body, at the same time as a stone, like a free fall , Falling from the air...

The remaining black iron feather eagles did not flinch, and their giant wings fluttered and rushed towards the warship.

The black iron feather eagle is extremely vengeful, and the previous attack is fierce. However, it also provokes a rage in their inner breath. All the black iron feather eagles are completely free of the explosive stone cannons that are constantly exploding around them, and they fall like raindrops. Dark iron feather eagle, full of madness in his eyes, rushed towards the warship.

"Thirty degrees to the right, four black iron feather eagles, fire!"

"Fifteen degrees to the left, ten black iron feather eagles, fire!"

"Thirty degrees on the left back side, eight black iron feather eagles attacked, and the heavy crossbowmen were ready to... fire!"

..... The warship was instantly filled with passwords, and the gunners and heavy crossbowmen, under the command of the commander, orderly sent the stone cannon and heavy crossbow to the black iron feather eagle. .

The result is very remarkable. On the road of nearly 500 meters, the blood of the black iron feather eagle sprinkled the sky.

More than three hundred black iron feather eagles fell on the path of the charge, but this did not frighten the remaining black iron feather eagles. They still resolutely stormed the warship.

Soon, the first dozen black iron feather eagles were only 50 meters away from the warship. At the next moment, the attack belonging to the black iron feather eagles came to the warship for the first time...

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