Alien Lord

Chapter 1088: Combat (1)

"Yes, this is the Yuanshi decanter, the most powerful war weapon on the warship!" said the chief of the warship with pride, his eyes full of fanaticism.

Lin Ze nodded quite understandably.

Just like those soldiers on the earth, they are also full of fanatic expressions about their own strategic weapons.

"However, even the Yuanshi Shiwen Artillery is used. It seems that the wild beasts encountered this time are not simple!" Lin Ze thought.

The Yuanshi decanter is used to deal with the innate strong of the guru level, and now it has been taken out, which shows that this time the attacking barbarian is very strong.

"First mate, I don't know what kind of flying savage is this time? What is the number?" Lin Ze asked the first mate directly.

Lin Ze’s induction range is only more than 3,000 meters away, and now it’s clear that the wild beasts are still outside Lin Ze’s induction range, because in Lin Ze’s induction, there is no trace of flying beasts Some are just traces of wild beasts on the ground, and on the warships, there are some very powerful, like radar technology on the earth, which can detect enemies more than ten kilometers or even tens of kilometers away. trace.

Above the detection range, Lin Ze's responsiveness is far worse.

"This... I don't know yet. I just know that a large group of flying beasts are approaching here quickly, 30 kilometers away." The first officer didn't conceal it, but told the truth directly.

The investigation circle on the warship can detect the enemy's situation, but it can't recognize the specific identity of the enemy.

After all, there is no such thing as a display on the modern warship of the earth on the warship. At most, it is equivalent to the first-level radar. It can only identify the source and number of the enemy, and cannot accurately confirm what the enemy is.

"Oh, there are still thirty kilometers!" Lin Ze nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Lin Ze really has never experienced such a battle with the enemy in the sky. This time, he had to take a good look at the battle in the sky.

At the same time, I have also accumulated some experience in fighting flying beasts, because in the future, Lin Ze will definitely meet such flying beasts. Now it is just time for these upcoming flying beasts to try their hands.

Finally, there is an unknown thought in Lin Ze's heart.

As long as we look at the situation in which the warship is preparing for combat this time, we know that the strength and scale of the flying barbarian this time are not small, so Lin Ze thought to himself whether he could do something in the dark.

When others didn't notice, or their spirits were all attracted by the attacking flying beasts, they secretly gathered some shot down flying beasts.

Lin Ze believes that the flying beasts who can live in the sky of 100,000 mountains are not ordinary. Therefore, such a good opportunity, Lin Ze does not want to miss it.

"Mr. Lin, I'm going to prepare for the fight first!" The first officer on the side saw Lin Ze no longer asking anything and said directly.

As the first officer of the warship, he was under his command this time, so he could not continue to gossip with Lin Ze here.

"Well, you go, I wish you all success!" Lin Ze said with auspicious words with a smile.

The other party was able to explain this patiently to himself, which was already very good, so Lin Ze wished him a sentence before the first officer left.

("Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old, I’m willing not to wish, can you give me a name?" The first officer wailed.....

Traveler: ........)


The first officer quickly returned to his post of war (I still have no name, I cried...), and soon, he showed his ability to be a first officer.

Under his orders, the originally chaotic scene on the deck quickly restored the order. Each warrior stood on his own war post, ready to face the upcoming battle with a war of intent.

The Yuanshi Cannon on the warship has five people in each gun position, and now three stand on the first line, one of which sits directly on the gun position and puts his feet on a foot like a modern bicycle. After the board-like mechanical mechanism, then began to quickly step on the feet.

Under the influence of the chain of the base and a bunch of mechanical gears, the muzzle of the Yuanshi Cannon began to shake up, and it was very easy to go up and down.

It can be seen from this that the mainland of China does not pay much attention to the research of science and technology. Chains and gears have appeared here without looking at it.

It's just that the personal fighting power here is too strong, so even if there are modern machines like chains and gears, they haven't developed in the end.

I believe that if it were not for increasing the movement speed of Yuanshi Cannon, even the chain and gear would not be invented.

The strong personal strength of cultivation civilization and the long life span make people in this era consciously ignore the development of science and technology.

In fact, don’t say it’s cultivation of civilization, even if it’s on the earth, once it appears, it can greatly increase people’s strength, and each can become a powerful person like a hero in a martial arts, and can increase the lifespan. Believe on the earth. One hundred percent of people will devote a large part of their time to cultivation.

Maybe you don’t care about life, but you absolutely care about the powerful power you have;

Maybe you don’t care about your own power, but when you reach the age of forty or fifty, you absolutely care about the longevity of your life;

Maybe you don’t care about the power and long life, but you definitely don’t care about the appearance of your face;

Maybe you don’t care about powerful power, long life, and staying in the face..., but you absolutely care about the rejection of the world. Once others start to practice, but you refuse to practice, you will soon be rejected by the world. .........

Therefore, once the cultivation practice appears in the scientific and technological civilization, it will definitely cause the development of the scientific and technological civilization to slow down.

Inventions that could be invented only ten years ago may take fifty years to hundreds later.

This shows the horror of practicing civilization!


"Get ready for battle!" The first officer's voice spread throughout the warship.

"Report the preparation of each gun position!"

"Position #1 is ready..."

"The second gun position is ready..."

"The third gun position is guaranteed..."

"The fourth gun position is ready..."


The gunners who completed the combat preparations began reporting loudly.

Seeing this, Lin Ze was also a bit excited.

At the same time, he also found that the military qualities of these crew members are very high, even if compared with the soldiers trained by his crew.

No, it should be stronger and more military literacy!

However, Lin Ze also did not care.

The combat members on the warship have not been trained for a year or two, but the troops he has trained have only been trained for less than half a year.

Lin Ze had this confidence, and given him two years, he was able to train more trained soldiers than these gunners.

After these crews were ready, the other combat warriors with heavy machine crossbows and heavy bows on each side of the airship deck were also on their own. The heavy crossbows and heavy arrows on their hands were already wound.

"Hold it, buckle it on your body, be careful not to be thrown out!" The first officer of the airship threw Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen their two sets of special equipment and two heavy crossbows.

Lin Ze didn't say yes, just took it and put it on.

This is a set of leather-like simple vests. After wearing it, there is a safety buckle on the left and right sides of the waist position of this garment. Through this safety buckle, it can be directly buckled to the deck boat side. On two fixed metal slide bars, in this way, you can avoid being thrown out by the warship.

Just like a warship above the earth, the sailors above put on life jackets before fighting, just to avoid accidents.

In fact, Lin Ze should give them a parachute at this time.

It is not cursing that this warship was shot down, but that the warship was flying in the sky, which is equivalent to a strategic bomber above the earth .

It is only obvious that no parachute has been invented on the mainland of China, so such a metal buckle will appear.

There is a parachute in Lin Ze’s plane seed world, but now it is impossible for him to take it out, not to mention, those flying beasts will not care about your parachute, even after seeing the huge parachute, those flying The barbarian's brain, which is only about the size of a finger, only thinks if there are any other barbarians to challenge themselves, so next, for their own territory, these flying barbarians will stare at the parachute.

In that case, Lin Ze was sitting on the wax, so Lin Ze put on this special armor without hesitation.

After wearing the armor, Lin Ze was a little uncomfortable, and the safety of the armor was okay. However, the appearance of the armor was not so good. Wearing it, Lin Ze felt like a turtle, a bit ugly.

Lin Ze turned around and saw that every crew member on the deck, including the first officer, was wearing such a set of things. Everyone buckled up the safety on the waist, but he was very relaxed in his heart.

At least here is not only his "turtle", but there are hundreds of "turtles".

Lin Ze had just buckled the metal buckle on the'Turtle Shell'. Suddenly, the warship that had been flying straight straightly came to an accelerated right-turn rudder, and the entire hull came to the right with a huge tilt. The deck level of the entire warship was tilted at least nearly 40 degrees to the right.

For a moment, Lin Ze only felt a sharp tilt of his body, and then felt that his feet were empty, and the whole body fell involuntarily...

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