Alien Lord

Chapter 1065: 2nd Floor

The shops are full of guys on the shelf, but no, as soon as Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen came in, a sharp-eyed guy found them, and his eyes were strong, and he could see Qu Jingwen's innate military status at a glance, although With his current strength, he still can't sense the exact level of Qu Jingwen, but he quickly walked over to entertain Lin Ze and his eyes.

Ha ha, here is a bit wrong, mainly to entertain Qu Jingwen, an innate strong man.

After this man came to Lin Ze, he first said a welcome to Lin Ze, and then immediately turned to Qu Jingwen and bent down to give Qu Jingwen a deep salute, the man asked cleverly: "Senior, do you want any panacea? Presumably ordinary panacea must not be in the eyes of the senior, you might as well go downstairs to the VIP hall upstairs. There are some advanced panacea and spirits What kind of material, there is definitely what you need for seniors, how?

Hearing this man's exquisite and discerning words, there was still an obvious difference in treatment. Lin Ze's heart was speechless for a while, but after he smiled, he didn't speak much.

After all, it’s common to treat them differently in the store. It’s like you are buying a house. You are wearing a brand name, driving a luxury car, and you are wearing a pair of one or two hundred dollars, riding one. A bicycle to buy a house, the treatment between the two is completely different.

In the former, as soon as you enter the sales area, there will be one, or even more beautiful beauties come to entertain you, extremely passionate between words, like coffee or something, will be taken out immediately.

In the latter case, after you enter the sales area, maybe the first question someone asks is who you are looking for, rather than asking you if you are here to buy a house.

I saw more different treatments on the earth, so Lin Ze didn't care about this guy's disregard for his behavior.

However, if you don’t care, you won’t care, and Lin Ze will not give you a smiley face. So, Qu Jingwen directly said coldly: "Lead the way ahead, let me go and take a look!"

Hearing a bit of coldness in Qu Jingwen's tone, this guy was a little hairy in his heart, but more happy.

As a buddy, observation is the most important thing, so Qu Jingwen’s answer lets this buddy know that this person is not bad, otherwise, he will not have such an arrogant attitude, nor such a simple.

"Yes, Senior, please, please upstairs!" The man's waist was lowered, and his face glamourously led Qu Jingwen upstairs.

As for Lin Ze, who was more closely followed, he did not stop him. He thought Lin Ze was Qu Jingwen's back.

Thousands of acquired warriors on the first floor saw Lin Ze and the two went up to the second floor, envy and jealousy slowly in their eyes.

In response, Lin Ze smiled at the corner of his mouth and ignored it at all.

Soon, Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen came to the second floor.

Compared with the supermarket decoration on the first floor, the second floor is indeed much more upscale. There are no shelves here, only a luxurious private room.

Obviously, VIP services similar to banks are enjoyed here.

What do you want to buy, just say, someone will bring the corresponding thing immediately.

"Oh, it looks a bit!" Lin Ze smiled at the bottom of his heart, with a trace of interest on his face.

At this time, the guy smiled and invited Han Li and Qu Jingwen to a private room, then resigned very respectfully, and then quickly went to invite the relevant hospitality.

Just one minute after the buddy left, the stool under Lin Ze’s buttocks was not sitting hot, the door of the private room was opened, and there was a beautiful lady-in-law standing at the door. Two cups of fragrant tea were served, and then the person retreated silently.

Lin Ze was also not polite, immediately picked up the tea cup and sipped.

"Well, it tastes good, not teasing people."

Although the taste of this cup of tea is not as good as the tea made by Ping'er, but it is considered to be a tea ceremony master, the taste is still good, at least Lin Ze is very satisfied.

Just as Lin Ze drank the third tea, the door of the private room was opened again. At this time, an ordinary-looking man with 50--60 years old with a long chin on his chin walked in.

This man had a copious smile on his face when he first came in, but when he saw Qu Jingwen's specific behavior, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The buddy’s repair is very low, only five floors from the day after tomorrow, so it can only be seen that Qu Jingwen is a strong congenital, but this shopkeeper is obviously also a strong congenital, so as soon as he sees Qu Jingwen Qu Jingwen's strength is extremely strong, at least on the congenital four floors. (Actually, it is the peak of the congenital fourth floor, and we will soon advance to the fifth floor.)

Realizing that the person in front of him had a congenital four-story cultivation practice, the shopkeeper immediately hugged Qu Jingwen with his hands, and with a trace of respect on his face, said: "Unexpectedly, my friend, your strength has reached the level of the congenital four-story. It’s so light, it’s really gratifying! Below is the inscription of the shopkeeper here, Tai Yizong, I wish my friends to arrive at the Grand Master’s level as soon as possible!"

(Innate is the realm of the Grand Master, more than five layers of the innate are the realm of the Grand Master, and the nine layers of the innate are the realm of the Grand Master...)

Don’t look at Quan Ming now looking only 50 years old, and still young among innate warriors (innate warriors generally have a lifespan of 120 to 30 years old), but in fact, Quanming is now 87 years old, He looks only fifty years old, just because he can maintain and break through innate reasons.

However, as long as you look at the breath of Qu Jingwen, you know that he is definitely not sixty years old.

The strength of others is less than 60 years old, and the strength has reached the congenital fourth floor, and his Quanming is now in his eighties. The cultivation base is still stuck in the congenital two floors. Comparing the two, Quanming suffered a 10,000-point blow in his heart.

"Everyone is the same. How can they be so strong! Alas..." Quan Ming sighed in his heart.

However, as the shopkeeper are the hearts of Qiqiao, so even if his heart is envious and jealous of Qu Jingwen, but in the face he is still respectful.

After all, Qu Jingwen is a strong man with four layers of congenital power. Such strength is not a place where he can provoke him.

Hearing Quan Ming's words meant to be flattering, Lin Ze couldn't help but stunned!

This is a strong player with two layers of congenital, just like this, there is no bottom line to slap Jing Jing's ass? !

In fact, this is not surprising. Quan Ming is a congenital strongman, but he is also the shopkeeper of the shop. As the shopkeeper of selling things, what's wrong with sending the guests' farts, not to mention Qu Jingwen in Quan Ming's eyes , But a big man in the future.

Every congenital warrior who can advance to the Grand Master is a pride of heaven, and Quan Ming would not dare to offend.

Although it was strange in his heart, Lin Zexin’s mind turned very fast and immediately understood what was inside.

Of course, Lin Ze would not be able to speak now. He still commanded Qu Jingwen to smile and push the boat down the water: "The whole shopkeeper laughed and laughed. It was such an easy thing to break through to Grand Master. This is a nine-death thing. I leave. It’s still early for the Grand Master."

"Yeah, breaking through the Grand Master's realm is a matter of nine deaths, but I never want it!" Quan Ming sighed.

Yes, for the warriors of Qu Jingwen, who are innate four layers, there is a great danger of breaking through to the Grand Master. More than half of the innate strongmen died when they broke through.

Perhaps this may seem dangerous. Some people may even say that those who break through the Grand Master's realm are completely fools.

Ha ha, in fact, people who say such things are real fools.

Just like those who climbed Everest, in the eyes of many people, these people are full and support themselves, but for those climbers, this is their challenge and challenge limit.

Maybe when you are ascending, there are dangers everywhere. If you are not good, you will be buried in the snowy But when they reach the top and stand on the highest place on the earth, looking down, the kind of Satisfaction, the sense of conquest is unparalleled, and the feeling of those who stand at the foot of the mountain and watch them climb is absolutely incomprehensible.

The same is true of congenital warriors. Breaking through the grandmaster is that they are climbing the snow mountain. The sense of accomplishment after climbing the snow mountain is absolutely impossible for others to appreciate.

What's more, once a congenital warrior breaks through from a grandmaster to a grandmaster, he can get not only an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, but also a stronger strength, a longer lifespan, and a brighter future.

Quan Ming knew very well that he could not touch the door of Grand Master in his life, so he was really envious of Qu Jingwen's access to the door of Grand Master.

As for the dangers in it, Quan Ming really cares at all. Being able to reach this gate is the lifelong pursuit of all innate warriors. Even if you pay everything so far, it is worth it.

Lin Ze understood Quan Ming very well, so instead of mocking Quan Ming, he nodded with approval, and then said: "Don’t be frustrated, the shopkeeper, maybe you will still be able to touch this door in the future, after all, the future Things, where is good." Lin Ze (Qu Jingwen) consoled Quan Ming.

"Yeah, where's the good things to say in the future, maybe I still hope to get in touch with that door!" After listening to Lin Ze's consolation, Quan Ming recovered his fighting spirit in his heart.

Congenital strong men have extremely strong fighting ambitions in their hearts, but they will not be beaten so easily.

Although Quan Ming has a lot of merchant's breath on his body, in essence, he is still a congenital strong man.

"Good ambition of the shopkeeper." Lin Ze praised first, and then directly entered the topic.

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