Alien Lord

Chapter 1064: Too 1st floor

Walking on the street of the trading market, Lin Ze nodded from time to time.

The street setting here looks just like the shops opened by ordinary people outside. The same rows of shops of similar size are arranged on both sides of the street. There are also plaques and flags on the outside of the shops. Write the name of the shop and the general management content.

The shops that Lin Ze sees now are Li Ji grocery store, Xu's elixir pavilion shop, Beast God Valley Pill Pharmacy... and so on.

When I saw the three characters of Beast God Valley, there was a burst of smile in Lin Ze's heart. This name is very familiar.

Recalling the thousands of son-in-law guts in the world of Plane Seeds now, Lin Zexin's smile is even more cheerful.

Lin Ze did not enter these shops, but went straight down the street to the center of the trading market.

According to Lin Ze’s previous experience, those big shops with strength will definitely be in the best location, and the best location here is definitely the surrounding area of ​​the floating Ziyun Pavilion, this is still the outer area, certainly not What's good

What's more, in a miraculous place like Ziyun Pavilion, Lin Ze is also trying to get closer and see what is so strange about this Ziyun Pavilion floating in the air.

Thinking in this way, Lin Ze's feet couldn't help but speed up a step.

If he can use light power, Lin Ze will definitely catch up with light power.

At this time, a large number of warriors also came and went on the streets, including some innate strong men. They rushed in and out of various shops from time to time. The number was like ants. This way, they couldn’t help themselves Let Lin Ze sound the Chinese pedestrian street.

Ziyun Pavilion is a little far away. Lin Ze walked for nearly half an hour before coming to the vicinity of Ziyun Pavilion.

Once here, Lin Ze knew immediately that he was in the right place.

Suddenly, Lin Ze's eyes lit up suddenly, and a large square hundreds of meters wide appeared in front of him.

The ground of this square is covered with white long strips of beautiful jade bricks. Under the sunlight, it exudes colorful colors and looks exquisite and gorgeous.

There is nothing in the middle of the square, no, not nothing, there is a loft floating above the square, this is the Ziyun Pavilion.

But at this time, this Ziyun Pavilion looked away from the ground, but the door was still closed. There was no sign of wanting to entertain people. Lin Ze frowned directly.

You should know that Lin Ze will come here as soon as possible, but what he really wants is to enter the Ziyun Pavilion.

Just by looking at Ziyun Pavilion, you know that the things you buy and sell here are definitely the best, and the price will not be bad. Otherwise, Ziyun Pavilion will never dominate like this.

However, now that the Ziyun Pavilion is closed, Lin Ze couldn't help being disappointed.

Since Ziyun Pavilion seems to be unable to enter, Lin Ze can only look at the surrounding shops.

The square has a large area, so various shops are standing around the square.

The shops are all very luxurious, and you can see that it is a high-end place.

Lin Ze even saw that there was a tentative confrontation between these shops. Lin Ze smiled very understandingly.

Just like on the earth, many large shops are surrounded. The most famous is the jewelry store. As long as you see one piece of jewelry, you will see several others nearby.


It's not about competition and competition for customers.

Although it is a feudal society, the merchants’ awareness of competition is the same as modern times.

Apart from these dozens of shops, there are no other shops around the square that dare to step in here.

Obviously, the background of these shops is very strong, and the average shop wants to gain a foothold here, it is simply to die.

Lin Ze didn't think much about it. He first stared carefully at the Ziyun Pavilion in the air for a while, and found that the door was still closed. After no one entered, he set his sights on the dozen shops on the ground.

"Qinghai Pavilion, Taiyi Building, Wanshouju..." Lin Ze mumbled to the names of these dozen shops. From the names of these shops, Lin Ze initially guessed the background of these shops.

Not to mention the rest, if the first floor is absolutely opened by the Tai Yizong, the Wanshouju will definitely be opened by the Wanshouzong.

After secretly remembering these things in his heart, Lin Ze kept looking at the situation of nearby warriors entering and leaving these dozen shops.

If you want to see which store is the best, there is a general rule here, which is to see which store has the most people in and out

Lin Ze was going to choose the most popular store to take a look.

However, Lin Ze frowned a few moments later, and could not help secretly slandering several words in his mouth.

It turns out that the number of people entering and leaving these dozen shops is almost the same, and most people do not enter only one shop, but only after turning around a dozen shops one by one, they are reluctant or very excited. go with.

Lin Ze was full of depression, and his heart soon reacted. Why is this like this.

Just like the luxury auto show, every car in it is extremely luxurious. For ordinary people, it's just a look.

Ordinary people come in and look at these luxury cars. They don't just stare at one luxury car. They must look at every luxury car.

Ordinary people can't afford luxury cars, so they don't care about luxury car brands or whatever.

The shops here are also the same. For the vast majority of the warriors, the shops here are equivalent to the luxury cars in the luxury auto show. The ordinary warriors can't afford it.

However, these shops are more attractive to these warriors, because there are too many precious things inside, just look at these precious things, and those ordinary warriors are satisfied in their hearts.

Like those ordinary fans who came back from the luxury car show, although they can't afford luxury cars, they have been satisfied with seeing so many luxury cars and taking so many photos of luxury cars.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, and for the rest of the rich, come here, or come to the luxury car show, there will be a selection disorder.

The luxury car show is full of luxury cars, and there are luxury cars that make you feel. Faced with so many luxury cars, you want to start, and you don’t know how to start.

Lin Ze is the same now. For the dozen shops around him, Lin Ze doesn't know which one to go to.

However, this problem was quickly resolved.

Lin Zening reconsidered the dozen shops around him, and soon, Lin Ze discovered the strangeness among them.

The flags embroidered outside the dozen shops in front of them, the logo embroidered on them is actually very meaningful.

For example, the flag streamer of the Qinghai Pavilion first seen was embroidered with a handful of black soldiers, and, around the flag streamers, a real black soldier was indeed inserted.

Seeing this, Lin Ze immediately understood that this shop operated by Xuanbing.

Taiyilou is an elixir that exudes countless enlightening light. Obviously, the elixir is bought and sold here.

Wanshouju is the simplest and most conspicuous, standing directly in front of the door are two well-behaved beasts soliciting guests...

Seeing here that Lin Ze's heart has reacted, he doesn't have to think about what he chooses to be phobia. He just needs to choose according to the business content of these shops.

Just like a luxury car brand, different luxury cars and brands are different. Every rich person likes the brand differently. Therefore, if the rich want to buy a luxury car, just go to their favorite luxury car brand Buy it there.

Lin Ze had made up his mind. Lin Ze didn't have any extra thoughts. First, he walked directly to the nearest Taiyi floor. There wouldn't be too many things like Lin Yao, since he came here, buy more Some, and Qu Jingwen behind him naturally followed behind silently.

As soon as I entered the hall on the first floor of the building, I swept it a little bit, and Lin Ze found that it was not too small, and it was about 40 to 50 feet long and wide.

It looks like there are more large shopping malls than shops. (One foot is equal to more than three meters, so forty or fifty feet is the full 120-150 meters.)

In fact, this is indeed the case. Lin Ze came in and found that it really looks like a large supermarket.

The surroundings are like supermarket Rows of rows of white jade carved shelves are lined up with glittering various elixirs, elixir, elixir, number, variety, and forest Ze was a bit dizzy.

However, these things Lin Ze just swept away, and knew that the best of these things was only available to the warriors of the 6th and 7th layers of the day after tomorrow, and could not enter his eyes at all.

Like supermarkets on the earth, in front of each shelf, there are two or three guys dressed up in Lisuo who are greeting many warriors who are looking at these elixir and spirit materials. Whenever these warriors see which kind of elixir or spirit Medicine, the person in front of you will immediately report the efficacy of the elixir or elixir, and finally whisper the price.

This is exactly the same as the supermarket above the earth. In the supermarket, you can arbitrarily view the contact products, but here, the warrior cannot touch the products.

Elixir is not a general store, the products in the supermarket can allow you to contact, because this will not damage the commodity, but the Elixir is different.

The elixir is directly sealed into the jade bottle after it is refined, which limits the volatilization of the elixir's efficacy to the greatest extent.

Put it this way, if you put the Elixir in the air, the effects of the Elixir and the Aura contained in it will continue to be emitted.

Each additional day, the potency of the panacea will decrease by one day. Over time, the panacea will lose its effect and become waste.

Therefore, the elixir located on the shop is sealed in the jade bottle, and generally cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it must be bought. There is no room for negotiation.

The elixir and elixir are also the same. Once opened and viewed many times, the efficacy of elixir and elixir will be reduced.

Of course, you have dealt with it in advance, that is two things.

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