Alien Lord

Chapter 1047: Peacemaking?

"This..., is this still a disciple of Confucianism, or a congenital strong?" Lin Ze's eyes slowly couldn't believe it.

In Lin Ze’s heart, the innate strong man is not persevering, even if there are countless dangers ahead, or is he determined to kill the past, but why did Zhou Qiao immediately think of retreating as soon as he felt something wrong? I don't care if he does this, or if he loses the face of the innate master.

At this moment, Lin Ze as a whole was forced.

In fact, Lin Ze would be so dumbfounded because his thoughts were imprisoned or misleading.

Yes, many warriors, whether they are acquired warriors or congenital warriors, when they encounter enemies, they don’t care about the difference between their strengths, and they just go to the door. There are many such warriors, but Lin Ze I have forgotten that the warrior who will make such a choice, the people of nine layers and nines have already been reborn, and the really clever warrior will not do so at all.

People want to live longer, then you have to be smarter.

For example, if you are robbed when you go out at night, at this time, the first thing you should do is not consider how to keep your money, but you should first think about how to protect yourself and protect your own life.

After all, money is something outside the body. If you are robbed, you will be robbed. There is no big deal. The most important thing is that your life is saved.

You can earn more money if you are alive.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything at all when you encounter a robbery. You can calm down. When you hand money to the robber, you can carefully see the robbery’s appearance, height, and memory. Be clear about what he is talking about.

If there are cameras around, it is best to be able to photograph these things, which is very helpful for the police to solve the case later.

However, if you do have the strength, such as a special forces background, what you want to do is up to you.

But remember, tens, tens, don't start too heavy, you really want to beat the robber into a serious injury, then you will also go in, just give him some lessons.

Zhou Qiao What are they born? They are authentic Confucian disciples!

It is extremely difficult for Confucian disciples to get started, and only those genius students can get started (most Confucian masters are not actually Confucian martial arts practitioners, including innate masters).

Since it is a genius, it is very clear about the relationship.

Yes, Zhou Qiao has great strength around them now, but after realizing that this is Lin Ze’s conspiracy, Zhou Qiao’s first thought was not to be angry, but to be fooled by Lin Ze for himself, but thinking about them How to safely leave this trap.

Taking Zhou Qiao's IQ, he realized that this was the trap that Lin Ze cited//to lure// they came out, and immediately thought that this time they were really dangerous.

With Lin Ze’s IQ, if he has enough strength to destroy them, he will not use himself as a bait to lure them out.

After all, if Lin Ze does not have such strength, they will be killed by Zhou Qiao by then, that is to pretend / force / not change / stupid / force /.

Zhou Qiao believes that Lin Ze will not be so stupid, so the first time he realized the trap, he immediately chose to retreat.

It may seem ashamed to directly retreat now, but compared to his own safety, what a shame is counted.

"Alas, late!" Qu Jingwen said with a sigh.

If possible, he also wanted to retreat immediately, but his spiritual consciousness told him that everything was too late now, and after they entered this rocky canyon, it was already too late.

"Lin Lixuan, come out, I know you are here." Zhou Qiao's eyes turned and said.

"Oh, it's really Dean Zhou, really powerful." Lin Ze's voice rang around Zhou Qiao and others.

Now that Zhou Qiao has seen through their traps, Lin Ze is no longer hiding.

"I can't find where he is." Zhou Qiao said fiercely in his heart.

Just now he would speak loudly to let Lin Ze out, but there are actually traps in it.

Zhou Qiao knew that Lin Ze was still an acquired warrior, so if Lin Ze just stood up, he would immediately face Zhou Qiao's full attack.

To capture the thief first to capture the king's strategy, Zhou Qiao, a disciple of Confucianism, is very proficient.

It is a pity that Lin Ze was also clearly aware of this, so he did not show up at all.

Where could Lin Ze appear in front of Zhou Qiao and others? The realm of the day after tomorrow is in the ninth layer of nine warriors. It is indeed a strong man, but now he is facing Confucianism like Zhou Qiao. Innate elite.

Any one of them has the strength to beat Lin Ze. (Except the protection ability of Planar Seed World)

Beheading tactics, Lin Ze was the most familiar when he was a special forces instructor on the earth, so in the face of Zhou Qiao and these strong men, Lin Ze would not easily show up.

Just now, Lin Ze made a sound through the horn.

"Elder, only found this thing!" Lu Yunying said to Qu Jingwen with a white horn in her right hand.

If Chinese people see the speaker in Lv Yunying's hands, they will definitely see things like "collect old color TVs, old washing machines, waste books and newspapers..." and so on in their minds for the first time.

Yes, the horn that Lin Ze put in the canyon is the horn used for these waste products.

The sound of these trumpets left a deep mark on Lin Ze's youth career.

"What is this?" Qu Jingwen was holding this white trumpet, his face confused.

"Collect old TV, old washing machine, waste book newspaper..." Qu Jingwen just pressed a button behind the horn butt, and the most familiar sound in Lin Ze's ears rang.

"Uh!" Qu Jingwen was instantly dumbfounded, holding the horn in his hand, with a dumb face.

"You don't have to look for it anymore, it's just some speakers, I'm not here." Another speaker sounded again.

What, you said these horns are not here, how could they be turned on?

Haha, it's very simple, don't forget the existence of those killing bees.

Each of these killer bees has the strength of one or two layers acquired. Turning on a horn is not a simple matter.

Really speaking, the power of a killing bee is stronger than you are.

With a cry, "Qiao!" Zhou Qiao's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and killed towards the source of the sound.

In less than three seconds, Zhou Qiao returned to Qu Jingwen, disappointed, holding the same speaker in his hand.

"Elder Qu, the same thing." Zhou Qiao handed the horn on his hand to Qu Jingwen.

"Lin Lixuan, you stopped us and reconciled your intentions?" Qu Jingwen put away the two speakers and asked.

"What's the point? Ha ha, this Confucian elder, we are all smart people. Why should we ask such questions about these things that we know well." Lin Ze's voice came again.

This time Zhou Qiao did not look for it again, anyway, they still look for the same trumpet.

"Lin Lixuan, if I am no longer doing right against you on behalf of Confucianism, are you willing to withdraw the trap?" Qu Jingwen took the initiative to soften, and directly proposed Confucianism and Lin Ze shaking hands.

Qu Jingwen's proposal was indeed very exciting. For a moment, Lin Zexin's heart was also refreshing.

The strength of Confucianism is really very strong, if he can not match this strength, Lin Ze is also very willing.

However, Lin Ze soon reacted. Qu Jingwen said this, in fact, it was only his strategy of deferring his troops.

The history of wars on the earth for thousands of years clearly explained one thing to the world, that is, the moment the covenant was signed, it was used to tear it.

As long as the strength of one side is enhanced, the covenant will be torn in the first place.

The only one who can really guarantee his own safety is his own powerful strength.

Just like the current nuclear weapons, its existence has made the entire planet peaceful for nearly seventy years.

Even in the 1960s and 1970s, when the cold war between the East and the West was most brutal, the real war did not start because both sides of the Cold War had nuclear weapons. knows that once the war starts, it will only hurt both sides.

Therefore, don't look at what Qu Jingwen is saying right now, saying that he wants to make peace with Lin Ze. In fact, this is just his strategy of deferring troops.

Because they are at a disadvantage this time, for their own safety, they just fooled Lin Ze by saying something.

Although Qu Jingwen was the elder of Confucianism, he was only the elder of the outer door, not even the elder of the inner door. Therefore, he did not have the qualification to sign any peace treaty with Lin Ze at all.

Besides, even if Qu Jingwen had this qualification, Lin Ze would not believe it.

Don’t forget, our Great China has coined the word volunteer/wish//jun.

Confucianism can make peace with Lin Ze, but at the next moment, they will put on the coat of the seven princes and still deal with Lin Ze. At that time, besides the sentence ‘MMP’, what else can Lin Ze say? !

"Harmony?! Ha ha......." There was an obvious ridicule in the valley. This was Lin Ze's ridicule.

"Lin Lixuan, what do you mean?" There was a hint of anger in Qu Jingwen's words, and he was irritated by Lin Ze's // red / naked / naked naked ridicule.

"What do you mean? Isn't that obvious, I don't believe it!" Lin Ze said very straightly, saying that Qu Jingwen's chest felt like a deflated breath, and it was uncomfortable.

"Why? You don't believe me. If this is the case, I swear with the dignity of my warrior." Qu Jingwen said solemnly.

On the mainland of China, once the warrior swears with the dignity of his warrior, it is definitely not a joke, but it will indeed be done. Otherwise, he will be spurned by all the warriors, and at the same time, it is impossible to break through the realm, so, this way The oath, nothing can be done!

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