Alien Lord

Chapter 1046: Out of town

At the same time, in the study room of the Governor's Mansion, Governor Yu Deen looked at the messenger in front of him with a pale face, and the news that the messenger had just returned was always in his mind.

"All the personnel, the whole army is wiped out!"

"How is this possible, how is it possible, but there are a total of thirty-seven masters, and there are still five innate masters in it!" Yu Deen muttered in a daze, unable to believe the news in front of him.

"Alas..." Du Ling on the side sighed deeply, his heart was full of decadence, Lin Ze's power far exceeded his calculations, and they would lose such a powerful power, his Responsibility cannot escape.

"Du Ling, do you say this is true, all my masters have been captured or killed? If we make peace with Lin Lixuan, can we still bring them back?" Yu Deen asked Du Ling around him.

Now, where is the domineering governor of the sandbar during the day, it is almost the same as those ordinary people after learning that their taxes are going to rise again.

"Sir, this thing is not good." Du Yu dare not say that he is dead, otherwise, the angry Yu Deen will definitely clean up his. After all, this time he proposed the plan, and he persuaded Yu Deen to accept this plan.

"Okay, okay, since this is the case, Du Lin, you can contact Lin Lixuan, as long as he can put my people back, the conditions will follow him." Yu Deen said impatiently.

The reason why Yu Deen was able to go to jail in the Governor of Shazhou, the biggest reason is not that he has enough innate strong men, but this time he directly lost five innate strong men, it can be said that he lost half Congenitally strong, in this way, his strength can no longer suppress the strength of the families below, or the forces that he does not deal with. At that time, if these strengths unite to deal with him, Yu Deen, the governor’s position, will not be able to sit. Living.

Therefore, he knew that it was embarrassing to ask Lin Ze now, or that he would lose a lot of benefits, but Yu Deen had to do so.

He went to beg Lin Ze, although he would lose face and lose a lot of benefits, but at least he could hold the governor’s position at a minimum, so that the following hostile forces would not dare to do it. After comparing the two, the fool knows how to do it. .

As long as a person like Yu Deen can keep his position and the strength of his family, it is not difficult for you to let him kneel down and beg for you. For a person like Yu Deen, he does not care about his face. In their hearts, only interest, interest, or interest!

"Yes, my lord, I'll do the humble job right away!" After that, Du Lu turned around and went out of the study.

He also understands the reason why Yu Deen would do this. He also knows that this is the only way to preserve the status of the Governor. Although this will be shameful and face-saving, how much is a pound of face-saving? !

Therefore, Du Lin was persuaded to proceed directly without persuading.

However, Du Ling is also a bit cunning here. He didn't go to Lin Ze for the first time, but chose to temporarily silence the flag, because Du Ling knew that Confucian was staring at Lin Ze now, so he had to wait for Confucian to come out. After the move, see the result of victory and defeat, and then go to Lin Ze.

If Confucianism prevailed, Du Xin would look for Lin Ze as a winner. At that time, instead of begging Lin Ze to release the masters of the Governor's Mansion, he directly ordered Lin Ze to release the masters of the Governor's Mansion.

And if Confucianism also failed, then Du Lin would go to Lin Ze in the most pious manner to beg Lin Ze to release the master of the governor’s house he had captured. For this reason, even if Lin Ze made any more demanding requirements, he would promise.

Governor Yu Deen and deputy governor Lin Ze played against each other. In the final analysis, it still depends on who has strong power. Now that Lin Ze's power directly crushes Yu De'en, all of Lin Ze's requirements, where Du Lin would dare to refuse.

This is the essence of war, big fish eat small fish!

Less than six o'clock in the morning, Lin Ze hurried out of Linsha City with a guard of hundreds of people in anxious expression, and headed southwest. Baiyu City was located in the southwest.

At the moment when Lin Ze and his party left the city, he brought the news of hundreds of guards directly to Rumen Zhou Qiao.

"Elder, Lin Lixuan has gone out, with hundreds of guards around him. The spy said that the innate five-story master is also in it. It seems that this time Lin Lixuan was really anxious." Zhou Qiao smiled at Qu Jing around him Wen said.

"That's good, let's go now and destroy Lin Lixuan directly on the road." Qu Jingwen said with a murderous face, now he, where there is a big literary look, is exactly the same as the ghost in hell.

"Yes, elder!"

Soon, in a hidden mansion in the west of Linsha City, fifteen figures flashed, and then, in a blink of an eye, disappeared above the horizon...


The Ranshi Canyon is located in the middle of Linsha City and Baiyu City. Both sides are two to three hundred meters high, and the **** is between 70 and 80 degrees. The widest part of the road in the middle is only two or three hundred meters. There are a lot of rocks, and walking here can only walk slowly, even if you are riding a horse, because if you are not careful, if you accelerate, you may install the rocks in the canyon, you can say, Such a dangerous place, used in military affairs, is definitely the best dangerous place.

However, because it is located in the hinterland of the sandbar, there will be no enemies at all. Moreover, the enemy really wants to enter here, and the sandbar has already fallen. Therefore, this military important place is not valued at all.

The only thing the Governor’s House in Shazhou did was place a warning sign on both sides of the canyon to warn people who wanted to enter the canyon to slow down, because it was full of tens of meters and hundreds of meters of rocky forest.

Today, perhaps because of the early days of the sky, or for some other reason, the rocky gorge, which is not lacking in popularity, is not popular at all. The whole canyon is dead, no, there seems to be a trace of murderousness vaguely covering the whole Rocky Canyon.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

Suddenly, from the southeast side of the canyon, near the side of Linsha City, there was a burst of rapid horseshoe sounds. From these horseshoe sounds, it was clearly heard that the horses were all going.

"Well, here!" Lin Ze, who was hidden in the Rock Canyon, thought silently.

Lin Ze placed a dozen killer bees at the entrance of the Rock Canyon, and it was these killer bees that told him that the innate strong man of Confucianism had arrived.

"Fifteen, a lot, huh, huh, this time I want to make your Confucianism feel painful!" Lin Ze said with a murderous expression on his face.

The strength of Confucianism is very strong, and the number of congenital masters is not small, but don’t forget that these fifteen congenital masters are not ordinary congenital masters. The lowest strength is the innate two layers. And the most powerful are the three innate four-layer masters. Among these three, there is another one of the congenital four-layer pinnacles, which will soon break through to the innate five-layer master. If such a team is the whole army The eradication is also a great blow to Confucianism.

"Well, there seems to be something wrong!" Qu Jingwen frowned.

On the way to chase Lin Ze, Qu Jingwen's heart has always had a feeling of anxiety, and this anxiety rose to the apex after they entered this messy rock canyon.

"Everyone be careful, there seems to be something wrong here." Qu Jingwen ordered immediately, he believed in his hunch.



A burst of swords rang out in the canyon.

"Fuck, Lingjue is really sensitive. Even before approaching the place of ambush, I feel something is wrong. It is worthy of being an elite master of Confucianism!" In the distance, Qu Jingwen's forest was monitored by ubiquitous killer bees in the canyon. Zezu couldn't help but scolded.

Qu Jingwen's instinct for danger made Lin Ze a little helpless. If the average person was alert, Lin Ze didn't care at all, and then it was still a sneak attack, but now these people in Qu Jingwen are all innate strong ~www.mtlnovel. com~ I want to continue the previous sneak attack with their full vigilance. The effect is not very big.

"Elder, it seems that this time Lin Lixuan went out to lead a snake out of the hole, he deliberately went out, in order to lead us out of the city." Zhou Qiao on the side said with a sullen face at this time, he had already seen through Lin Ze's intention.

Zhou Qiao is the person in charge of Confucianism in Shazhou, and he is most familiar with the terrain of Shazhou. Therefore, in this attack mission, he is doing his job.

"Well, that should be the case." Qu Jingwen replied a little embarrassed.

The current situation is already very obvious. Lin Ze's powerful outing before the city is actually to let them know that it is to lead them out of the city.

Now think about it, if you change to him, knowing that the granary of Baiyucheng was attacked by dozens of masters, and there are five innate masters in these masters, the general superior will not personally check the situation in person. of.

In most cases, I just send some experts around me to the granary in Baiyucheng. One is to check the detailed situation, and the other is to protect the safety of the granary.

However, before these thoughts, because they were out of town by Lin Ze, they had the opportunity to wipe out the ‘good’ news of Lin, so they would gather together and chase them down without thinking.

Looking back now, their attack this time was indeed too reckless.

"Elder, what should I do now? Lin Lixuan dared to lead them out of the city, and his strength in ambush is definitely not small." Zhou Qiao's words revealed that he wanted to return to Linsha City immediately, and he didn't want to pursue Lin Ze anymore. Lin Ze, who had hidden the shadow in the Rock Canyon, was shocked.

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