Alien Lord

Chapter 1010: Cao Guan

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About half an hour later, Lin Ze and his party arrived in front of the Vice Governor's Mansion in Linsha City.

Lin Ze’s Vice-Governor’s Mansion is located southeast of Linsha City. It occupies a very large area. It can be seen by looking at the city walls outside. It is several times larger than Lin Ze’s General Soldier’s Mansion in Huangsha Town. , Several times more luxurious.

Not to mention others, the gate now displayed in front of Lin Ze is several times wider than the gate of the General Soldier's Mansion in Huangsha Town. The entire gate is made of precious golden silk.

Lin Ze is still more than 30 meters away from the gate, but a very good scent has passed into Lin Ze's nose.

It's just that there are also bad things here, that is, in front of the gate of the Vice-Governor's Mansion, it is very deserted, and there is not even a maid and servants welcoming Lin Ze, just open the gate so empty, waiting for Lin Ze 's arrival

"Hehe..." Lin Ze smiled unintentionally, then waved his right hand directly.

Suddenly, Lin Hu and his party followed Lin Ze and entered the gate of the Vice Governor's Mansion.

"Wow!" The huge gate of the Vice Governor's Mansion was closed...

After being settled in the vice governor's house, Lin Ze took out some blank worship posts and wrote them, and then asked Lin Hu to take the brothers Xu Sheng and Xu Qiang to send them out.

Don’t look now that Lin Ze is the deputy governor of Shazhou. The status seems to be very high. In fact, Lin Ze’s position in the mansion of Shazhou is not as high as you think. Compared with Lin Zegao’s official, there are more in Linsha City. Yes.

Like the other two vice-governors of Shazhou, as well as the general in charge of the Shazhou military..., etc., these people need Lin Ze to visit.

Any local official, after taking office in the locality, the first thing is to meet the official, that is, to report, otherwise, you will be rejected by the local officialdom.

Some people may say here, when Lin Ze took the position of a hundred households, didn't he not do such a thing? Why is he now going to pretend to be a grandson in front of others after he became deputy governor?

You also said that before Lin Ze was just a small hundred households, such as the official position of the hundred households, it really is nothing, it is almost the size of a sesame official position.

In Shazhou alone, the number of small officials like a hundred households is counted in thousands, and the officials in Linsha City are all much larger than that of a hundred households. The appointment of small officials like Lin Ze does not care.

Or to put it more directly, Lin Ze at that time did not have the qualification to visit the officials in Linsha City. Lin Ze could see the subordinates under these officials, even if it was good.

This time, Lin Ze was the deputy governor, and he was also regarded as an upper-level official of the sandbar. At this time, of course, he was qualified to visit these powers in the sandbar.

Even Yu De'en, the governor of Shazhou, who had previously calculated Lin Ze, pinched his nose and wrote a worship note to him.

Although Lin Ze couldn’t wait to kill Yu Deen directly, before that, some scenes still had to be maintained.

Yu Deen can look at Lin Ze because he is the boss of Lin Ze or the governor of Shazhou. Yu Deen does not give Lin Ze face, at most others will only say one thing, and there will be no other things.

However, if Lin Ze didn't know how to be an official, he wouldn't go to see his boss when he first took office, then other people would have opinions on Lin Ze.

They will think that Lin Ze does not know what to do, think that such acts of Lin Ze are challenging the hierarchy of the officialdom, and that Lin Ze does not have the concept of superior...

With these thoughts in mind, it will be impossible for Lin Ze to stand on Chu's officialdom in the future.

Therefore, even if Lin Ze doesn't want to see the Governor Yu Deen anymore, he still has to do some things in face.

After delivering the greeting, Lin Ze got up early in the morning the next morning, Lin Ze put on his deputy governor uniform, mounted Bai Yue, and took Lin Hu and other guards to go out.

Lin Ze's first stop was to go to the headquarters of the military headquarters in Shazhou.

Lin Ze also had an official of the general of the Western Regions, so after coming to Linsha City, he should go down to the military headquarters.

Linsha City’s military headquarters did not have anything to do with it. After Lin Ze’s arrival, the military assistant, Cao Guan, directly met him in the lobby.

Cao does not look old. He looks like he is in his forties. He has a short chin in his chin. The whole person is full of soldiers. It is strictly forbidden to look at Lin Ze with dignity.

Seeing Lin Ze's appearance, Cao Guan sighed in his heart: This Lin Lixuan is indeed very young!

Indeed, the first feeling Lin Ze gave Cao Guan was that he was young, young, and young! (Three times important words)

Thinking about his age at that time, it seemed that he was still practicing martial arts at home. He only joined the army after his 25th birthday. Fortunately, he was very strong, and later experienced several **** battles. He followed the right person, was promoted step by step by the general, and finally sat down at the position of the Shoshu Military Department.

Seriously, Cao Guan was already in his forties when he was in the official position of the Shazhou Military Ministry, but he was not as good as Lin Ze in front of him.

Lin Ze is only 18 years old now. At this age, he became the vice governor of a continent, and even added the title of a general in the Western Regions. Such an experience made him a sigh of sigh.

Cao Guanxin was indeed lamenting Lin Ze’s youth, but he did not show it on his face. He directly put a long soldier’s face on his face and said seriously: "General Lin, the sandbar here is very barren, but, I believe you also know that this is a geographically important place, not only at the border of the three countries, but also there is a huge threat of barbarians above the grasslands.

Therefore, the situation of the people’s livelihood here in General Lin and Shazhou is very complicated. Last year, the barbarians committed borders and destroyed the borders of the sandbars. Until now, only half of the sandbars have been restored, and now the barbarians are in Tiancheng City. To gather troops outside, it is clear that I want to shoot our sandbar again. General Lin, I know you have a strong army in your hand, so the safety of the sandbar depends on you in the future. As long as General Lin can protect the safety of the sandbar, I will directly give you an excellent performance in the official appraisal next year, how? "

To be honest, Cao Guan is now having a headache for the barbarian cavalry gathered on the grasslands outside the Tiancheng city.

He knows that it is just that the barbarian cavalry of these grasslands will not pose a threat to the Tiancai City. However, the Tiancai City can only block the large-scale grassland barbarian cavalry invasion. The invasion of Tiancheng City has no choice.

Therefore, these small-scale prairie barbarian cavalry need to solve the local sandbar army.

As a soldier, killing the enemy and defending the home and defending the country is a matter of course, but the grassland barbarian cavalry is not so easy to eliminate.

Not to mention others, the barbarians alone are not so easy to deal with.

Each barbarian is equivalent to a barbarian, with a height of about two meters, four or five, and his physique is quite strong.

Just their physical strength and defense are equivalent to the masters of the next two or three layers.

Coupled with the martial arts they practiced, similar to the golden bell cover, each of these barbarian cavalry has the fighting power equivalent to the master of the four layers of the day after tomorrow.

Coupled with the mount under them, the blue wolf with four layers of strength acquired the next day, the strength is even more terrible.

Fortunately, the barbarian may be because all of his abilities are used on the flesh. Therefore, the IQ is not high, and they are straight-headed guys who don't know the turn at all. Therefore, the barbarian is still blocked from the sky. (Ordinary warriors, like generals, still have some people with high IQ, otherwise, they will not be able to defend Chu only passively.)

A hundred households is equivalent to more than one hundred and ten people. These people are all four layers of the day after tomorrow. Together with the blue hair wolf under the day four of the day after tomorrow, relying only on the army in Cao Guan's hands is really a problem.

You should know that the really powerful army of the Shazhou is in the White Elephant Corps, and only the third-line army is left behind. The combat power is really ordinary.

In addition, the speed of the blue wolf is extremely fast, and the ordinary horses cannot catch up at all. Therefore, every time the grassland barbarian cavalry team penetrates, it is Cao Guan's headache.

Well now, with Lin Ze, Cao Guan can have less headache.

Lin Ze’s strength, as well as the fighting strength of his army, no longer need to doubt. Look at the hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou rebels who are still being held in captivity camps outside the city to know this.

The army of 10,000 dared to rush to the army of more than 100,000, and finally wiped out the army and captured 110,000 prisoners.

It is not a problem to have such a strong and daring battle army to encircle some barbaric cavalry infiltrated.

"Master, humble job leads the life!" Lin Ze agreed without hesitation.

Lin Ze could not agree to this matter.

Just by looking at Cao he knew that he would definitely give this matter to himself, so Lin Ze would not refuse.

The first time I went to work, I had a good relationship with my boss.

In addition, the brutal Lin Ze, a barbarian, has also heard many times. If he is only the general of Huangsha Town, Lin Ze can only guard the surrounding of Huangsha Town, but now Lin Ze is the deputy governor of Shazhou. Therefore, he has the obligation to eliminate the barbarians who sneaked in in order to protect the people of Shazhou.

"Very good, General Lin, you are good!" Cao Guan exclaimed with satisfaction.

"Thank you General Cao for your praise!" Lin Ze said modestly.

"Okay, I still have official duties to deal with, so I won't leave you any more. General Lin, the security of the future sandbar, this general will be handed over to you." Cao Guan looked at Lin Ze with a serious face.

"General, I will not live up to your expectations!" After finishing, Lin Ze gave Cao Guanjing a military salute, and then turned firmly and left.

Looking at Lin Ze's firm and strong back, Cao Guan's mouth showed a satisfied smile.

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