Alien Lord

Chapter 1009: Detection


()     Compared with Yu Deen's hope that Lin Ze died in the hands of Black Dragon, Zhou Qiao did not have such an idea, because he knew that Black Dragon was absolutely impossible to kill Lin Ze.

     The assassination of the Kyoto Purple Bamboo Forest, let Confucian know that Lin Ze has a strong guardian power around him, and the number of innate masters will not be less than three.

     With the protection of these innate masters, as long as Lin Ze does not die on his own, even if he is surrounded by more than 100,000 troops, Lin Ze can still get away safely.

     The three innate masters protected Lin Ze, who is also the day after day, from the ensuing great consummation.

     Therefore, at the beginning, Zhou Qiao didn't have the idea of ​​killing Lin Ze. Otherwise, Zhou Qiao would use the strength of Confucianism to mobilize more troops.

The most important reason for Zhou Qiao's shot this time is to get more than ten million gold coins in Lin Ze's hands. Of course, it is also good to take advantage of the situation to eliminate Lin Ze's more than 10,000 heavy cavalry.

     Black Dragon didn’t even know that when they set off, Zhou Qiao secretly mobilized a 100,000 army with the power of Confucianism. At that time, if the Black Dragon wins, the 100,000 army will ambush and wait for him, Then wipe him out.

     In this way, Zhou Qiao will be able to get those tens of millions of gold coins.

It's a pity that things didn't develop as Zhou Qiao thought. The army of Black Dragon was easily defeated by Lin Ze, and even he himself fell into Lin Ze's hands.

    , Zhou Qiao still felt a little regret in this regard, because the Black Dragon's plan failed, then he no longer has to think about getting the 10 million or so gold coins in Lin Ze's hands.

After      defeated the Black Dragon's 140,000 army, there will never be an army that will start against Lin Ze.

     Tens of millions of gold coins are very good, but no matter how good, it is better than your own livelihood!

     Besides, Lin Ze has now entered the sandbar, he can get support at any time, so in the end, many people watched Lin Ze and his team with red eyes and went to Huangsha Town with 10 million gold coins. But he didn't dare to shoot at all.

     Governor Yu Deen, they don’t know Zhou Qiao’s calculation, they still thought that Zhou Qiao would unite them, just because of the order of the Seventh Prince Yan Yucheng, where would you think that Zhou Qiao, who is usually low-key, would have such a powerful calculation and strength .

     "Brother Zhou, how will the Seventh Prince prepare to deal with Lin Lixuan this time?" Du Xing asked.

The seven princes ate turtles several times in Lin Ze's hands, and these things had already spread into Du Lu's ears. Therefore, for this time Zhou Qiao took the initiative to come to the door and asked him to join forces to deal with Lin Ze. I believe it.

     However, believe it, Du Yu still wants to hear Zhou Qiao's plan.

    "Brother Du, I won't hide you. This time, the Seventh Prince is mad, so we must not let Lin Lixuan go. He didn't Lin Lixuan start to kill Sha Pi, so this time I will let Lin Lixuan came to the siege of sand thieves again to see if he could eliminate more than 500 thousand sand thieves." Zhou Qiao said with a smile, his face confident.

     "Oh, it seems that Brother Zhou wanted to leak the tens of millions of gold coins in the hands of Lin Lixuan to the sand thieves in Shibasha City." Du Xin quickly saw through Zhou Qiao's plan.

     "Oh, I know Du Du too!" Zhou Qiao admitted with a smile.

     Lin Ze will make the Seventh Prince feel tricky. A large part is still the 100,000 strong army in his hand. If there is no such 100,000 strong army, the Seventh Prince will deal with Lin Ze much easier.

     As for whether Lin Ze will once again wipe out the army of sand thieves who came from his millions of gold coins, Zhou Qiao did not care at all.

     because, no matter whether Lin Ze really wiped out these sand thieves army, the loss of 100,000 troops in his hand will certainly not be small, and will also cause dissatisfaction in other countries.

     Eighteen Sands City is a hollow area of ​​power set by many countries, in order to allow different countries to have a buffer of forces before and reduce the conflict of forces between different countries.

     is now occupied by Lin Ze. Those countries feel uncomfortable. It is conceivable that by then, Lin Ze will face unprecedented pressure.

Zhou Qiao believes that Lin Ze can survive the siege of the army of sand thieves, but he absolutely does not believe that Lin Ze can survive the joint targeting of other countries.

     Therefore, Zhou Qiao really doesn't care whether the sand thief army will be wiped out by Lin Ze, anyway, there will be many countries to clean up Lin Ze.

     "It's a good idea, but it just seems to be slower." Du Xin said with a smile.

     "Oh, it seems that Brother Du has a better idea." Zhou Qiao said indifferently.

     "It's not a better idea, but now it seems that this idea is more appropriate." Du Lu said with a hint of modesty.

     "Brother Du, I would like to hear the details!" Zhou Qiao said formally.

     "In fact, this method is very simple, that is"

     Next Du Xin explained the plan he had previously told Governor Yu Deen. On hearing this Du Zhou plan, Zhou Qiao's eyes also lighted up.

     Indeed, compared with his previous plan, Du Yu's plan is a real bottom draw, the most important thing is that the effect is extremely fast, and it can be effective without two or three months.

     "Brother Du, someone Zhou has taken it. I really didn't expect Brother Du to have such a good idea. Admire, admire!" Zhou Qiao said admiringly.

     This time he didn't lie, but he really admired Du Lu's plan.

     For Confucianism, Du Ling's plan is easier and more effective to implement.

     Don’t forget, as I said before, Confucianism is very strong in the Qingzhou rebels. So, as long as the Confucianism moves, countless refugees in Qingzhou will continue to flow towards Linze’s yellow. Shazhen went away.

     When the time comes, the number of the 4 million refugees they planned will double, or even double, so that the number of refugees will be an astronomical number, and a small Huangsha town will Where it is accommodated, how can Lin Ze solve such a large number of refugees.

     The thought of Lin Ze in the future will be inundated by countless refugees, Zhou Qiao's heart is very happy.

     "Brother Du, let us two act now. I can't wait to see the helpless, panicked expression on Lin Ze's face at that time, hahahaha"

     There was a loud laughter inside the teahouse, which made the people on the street below feel very harsh.

     "It's really poisonous, I would think of this way." Lin Ze, who was walking to his deputy governor's office, said secretly.

     In order to avoid some unexpected situations, Lin Ze turned on his sense of power after entering Linsha City. Therefore, Zhou Qiao, who was like a 100-watt light bulb, shining innate warrior immediately entered Lin Ze’s surveillance target .

Not to mention, Lin Ze also saw a deep killing of himself from the eyes of Zhou Qiao and Du Xing, so Lin Ze's sensitivity will not leave these two people any more.

     (As Lin Ze's strength improved to the day after tomorrow, Lin Ze's inductive range now increased to four kilometers.)

     Where did Zhou Qiao and Du Lu want to know that Lin Ze would have such cheating means of inductivity, so their words and words were clearly heard by Lin Ze. (Reading lips, Lin Ze knows lips.)

     "It seems that I have to be ready now, otherwise, how to deal with this huge wave of refugees." Lin Ze began to secretly plan how to arrange the upcoming huge wave of refugees.

     In fact, Lin Ze had a simpler solution at this time, that is, when Governor Yu Deen handed over the resettlement to him, then there may still be a wave of refugees, but it will not be very big, and Even if something goes wrong, Lin Ze will not be blamed.

     However, as long as Lin Ze thought of those refugees who could not survive, he couldn't make a decision in his heart.

     plus Lin Ze’s idea of ​​developing cities now lacks a large population, and these migrants just fill these gaps.

     The three cities of Huangsha Town, Hesha City, and Blast City want to develop, and there are no millions of people who can't do it.

     What's more, there will be 17 other Linze in the future, no, 16 sand cities.

Sixteen sand towns, even if each house only houses half a million refugees, the number has reached eight million, and if each directly houses one million, then all the Qingzhou refugees will not be enough.

     (Don’t worry that these cities can't accommodate a million migrants. The cities above the mainland of Shenzhou are very large. The general cities are the size of Kyoto in ancient China.)

     Someone may say here, compared to the place of resettlement, the real problem is the huge amount of food these migrants need.

     This is a few million refugees, not the previous 100,000, 200,000, so many refugees, the amount of food needed, but a real astronomical figure, can Lin Ze take it out?

     The answer was taken by Lin Ze.

    Don’t forget, Lin Ze’s current Planar Seed World has a range of three or four hundred kilometers, and Lin Ze has been growing food in the Planar Seed World.

     One is to develop the nature of the plane-seed world, and the other is also to avoid any preparations. It is now in use.

     In the plane-seed world, because of the full aura, the grain here is produced in batches a month, and these grains are still grain output has been greatly improved, so now Linze The amount of food on hand is really a lot, and feeding these millions of refugees is really not a problem.

     Perhaps it is really difficult to resettle the millions of refugees in Qingzhou. Lin Ze and his men will be busy from morning to night, and will not be able to rest for a few hours a day. The whole person will be haggard, but these things Lin Ze they As long as you stick to it, you can still stick to it.

     However, Lin Ze’s decision was able to save the lives of millions of refugees. Lin Ze was willing to do such a thing.

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