Alien God System

Chapter 996: Spiritual power division

A quarter of an hour later, a cup of fragrant tea was delivered to the front, and God invited Yang Feng into the room to talk.

Before and after the two sat at the table, Tian Ye introduced himself to Yang Feng: The old man Kuang Tianwei, that is the old man’s righteous daughter, Qu Linglong, how dare you call your Excellency? "

The first handsome guy in the Lower Realm, Yang Feng is too! "

As soon as Yang Feng opened his mouth, he couldn't correct the old problem, he bragged himself and stunned the situation.

Qu Linglong stared at him fiercely, muttering: Shameless! "

Yang Feng grinned, his face was thicker than the city walls, and he didn't mind that their aesthetics was too far behind the trend, and could not appreciate his handsomeness, but hurriedly asked his doubts.

That... God, you said you ascended to the spirit world ten years ago? "

Yes, specifically, 15 years ago. "

But if you can ascend to the spiritual realm, you must be a masterpiece with a great reputation in the world. But I have been wandering in the martial arts of the lower realms for so long, why haven't I heard of your name? And, as far as I know, no one in our place has ascended for hundreds of thousands of years until I fly up. "

With a slight smile, Heavenly Lord glanced at him lightly, then smiled lightly: Three thousand avenues, countless dimensions. That's because you and I are not in the same world, how can we meet each other? "

what? You mean there are many in the lower realm? "

Yes, the Nether is a general term for the framework of biological strength inside. In fact, the Nether has many planes. The spiritual world is the same, composed of countless planes. It's just that the plane where we are now corresponds exactly to our mutual lower realm. Although we don't know each other on our planes, it's a kind of fate to meet in the spirit world, ha ha ha. "

God chuckled, and then raised his hand to signal Yang Feng: Please have tea. "

Yang Feng got bored mechanically, and hurriedly asked again: There are so many spiritual planes, will my old husband and wife go to other planes? And my brothers, will they also be teleported to other planes? "

Don't worry about this, you won't. "

He shook his head, and God said to popular science: Every spiritual realm plane corresponds to a fixed lower realm plane. For example, our plane has two thousand lower planes fixed below it. Well, as long as they fly up from these two thousand lower realm planes, they will all come to this plane and won't go astray, so you can rest assured. "

Oh, that's good, that's good...

Breathing out a long suffocating breath, Yang Feng nodded in relief.

Even though he is far away from the old man and those brothers, it is difficult to see him, but as long as he is in a boundary, no matter how big he is, he will always meet.

Revolving around the earth, Europeans and Asians can still communicate with each other, he believes that the day when they reunite will not be far away.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng asked some things about the spirit world, and God answered them one by one before he understood.

It turns out that the strength division system of this spirit world is similar to that of the lower world.

The warlock ascends and becomes a spiritualist, a spiritualist, a great spiritualist, and a spiritual sage; a warrior ascends and turns into a warrior, and becomes a samurai, a general, a spirit, and a king.

Each level is divided into three levels, and the third level is divided into four phases.

In addition to its own energy has become stronger celestial spirit power and celestial element power, the technique has also become stronger spiritual technique and martial art.

It's just that this is a good thing for others in [Baidu novel]. After all, the overall strength has been upgraded in all directions, but Yang Feng himself is not flattered.

He needs the power of faith to release magic skills. In the past, he used ordinary spiritual power to release magic skills, and now he uses advanced spiritual power to release spiritual skills.

It seems to be no different from before, but what magic skills can be released with one million faith points before? Now with one million belief points, what magic skills can be released?

The power has increased a hundred times, and the consumption has increased by a million times. It looks like the system is manipulating the exchange rate to steal his money.


With a long sigh, Yang Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

Besides, Tianwei glanced at him, thinking that he was missing his friend and wife who didn't know where, so he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder gently, and said with relief: It's a good time to meet each other, Brother Yang, you don't have to miss it too much. But it's yourself, newcomers, be careful not to be too ostentatious. This is no longer the lower realm, where we call the wind and rain, the world is so big that we can walk. Basically all the forces here are beyond our reach. "

power? What are the forces in the spirit world? I evened it one by one! "

Raised his brows, Yang Feng shouted.

Kuang Tianwei smiled and shook his head, only as if he was bragging, and then calmly said: This spiritual world is different from the lower realm. All forces are divided into four levels based on the family. Third-rate family, second-rate family, first-class family and super-class family. Whenever walking in this spiritual world, everyone must have a family seal to prove it, otherwise they will be deemed to be the evil spirits to eliminate. Generally, the cultivators who have just ascended into the spirit world use their ascension ground to join the local family nearby. "

Family seal? "

Rolling his eyes and thinking for a while, Yang Feng nodded clearly: Is it just an ID card or household registration? "

Similar to the household registration, but more important than the household registration. If there is no family seal, no matter where you go, it will be a rat crossing the street. Everyone will be punishable, and some big towns will not be able to enter. "

Oh, you know, black households. "

Yang Feng is very clear about this. The people above are easy to manage, but is it too strict? Kill them without a family seal? Heihu hasn't been bullied in this way. Are there any human rights?

Cursing his lips in disdain, Yang Feng asked again: Where do I go to apply for a family seal? Or... can I start a family by myself? "

Forget it, this is completely impossible, after all you are... Ha ha ha! "

He shook his head with a wry smile, and Tianwei didn't say it clearly, and then he smiled again: As for the family seal, you soared from within the boundaries of Wujiabao, and naturally belonged to the people of Wujiabao. In two days, the old man will take you to Wujiapu to go through the formalities of entering the family. "


Nodding lightly, Yang Feng didn't care.

Let Laozi join Wujiapu? What is Wujiabao? Is it worthy to let Lao Tzu join? He joined Laozi almost. Take down Wu Jiabao the next day, I change it to Yang Jiabao, hehehe.

Yang Feng was **** casually in his heart, but he didn't even know how terrifying his thoughts were in this spiritual world. Few ascenders from the lower realm dare to have this thought.

By the way, what kind of family is Wu Jiabao? "

Third-rate! "

Damn, the tail of the crane, rubbish! "

Yang Feng curled his mouth in disdain, Kuang Tianwei took a deep look at him, but smiled sadly, and lowered his head deeply.

Alas, the lower realm ascendant who just came up, which one is not so awkward, the hero is roughly.

But after staying in the spirit world for a long time, people will find that even these third-rate families are not the ascendants of the lower realms, they can easily rise up there!

His eyes gradually became a little moist. Seeing Yang Feng's wild and unruly appearance at this moment, Tianwei seemed to see himself ten years ago, but soon his eyes darkened again, and there were a few more wrinkles on his brows... …

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