Alien God System

Chapter 995: God

open! "

After gritting his teeth, Zheng Feifei said solemnly.

Without speaking, Yang Feng just looked at him indifferently.

Otherwise I'm welcome! "Zheng Feifei threatened again.

Without speaking, Yang Feng still looked at him so coldly.

Very good, you asked for it. "

With his eyes condensed, Zheng Feifan's whole body suddenly became vigorous, and an earth-yellow light burst out in his hand, turning into a mighty dragon head, and the moment he turned around, he slammed a fist into Yang Feng's chest.

First-rank high-level martial arts, earth-level energy bonus, Dragon King Fist! "


There was a loud noise, and violent fluctuations continued to rise and fall on Yang Feng's chest, Zheng Feifan's face became more and more ferocious, and the Linglong **** the side looked stunned and horrified.

Only Yang Feng, as if he had been infected by the dead old man Sikong Lengguang, was a dead fish face from beginning to end, expressionless, without any waves.


At this time, a crisp sound was heard, and Zheng Feifan's fierce punches disappeared without a trace, leaving only the arrogant young man's constantly twitching face and incredible eyes.

How... how is it possible?


The corners of his mouth twitched vigorously, Zheng Feifei looked at the trembling of his arm, and then looked at Yang Feng's still unwavering face in front of him, and his head was burst into cold sweat.

Who is this girl? I beat him with the strongest stunt in my life, but he didn't react at all, and he broke my arm?

Moreover, it wasn't that he was deliberately broken, but his body was too hard, and he hit him with a punch, just like an egg hit a rock.

I am crushed to pieces, and the stone will not fall off even a bit of scum.

The strength of this man... is unfathomable.

At this moment, Zheng Feifei already understood that he had kicked the iron plate. It's just that I can't figure it out. How could such a monster appear in such a broken place in Silent Town?

What state of his cultivation has reached?

The strength that can hold himself up with a Dragon King fist and break his arm is at least as good as the third-order peak strength.

But how is this possible? The powerhouse of the third-order peak of the spirit envoy is already enough to stand on his own. Will he still marry such a lowly woman in such a shabby place in Silent Town?

Feeling stunned, Zheng Feihua was completely stunned.

Linglong on the side looked at the two in a dazed manner. After staying for a while, she couldn't help but screamed: Brother Fanfa, he is a cultivator who has just risen from the lower realm. very. If you hit him with such a powerful martial skill as Dragon King Fist, you will kill him. "

Let me go, girl, are you just coming to persuade you to fight now? The fight is over, is it a bit late?

Yang Feng glanced at Linglong speechlessly, Zheng Feifei was even speechless, tears in his eyes.

Damn, didn't you stop it sooner? Laozi's arm was broken by him, you said? It's so painful.

Also, you said he was a rookie in the early stage of the first order of the Spiritual Envoy who had just ascended? Who are you lie to? Can a rookie break my arm?


Swallowing hard, Zheng Feifan was full of cold sweat, but he gritted his teeth, unwilling to grunt, and smiled facelessly: I know, so I just showed mercy. Brother, did my fist wind hurt you just now? "

What do you say? Do you want to fix a steel plate for your arm? Huh...

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng looked down at his trembling arm, and understood what was going on, but did not expose him, silently watched him pretending to be forceful, but the hand holding his shoulder was stronger A little bit.


Zheng Feifei's shoulders sank, and he felt a piercing pain straight into his heart, and his entire cheeks were flushed, but he still clenched his teeth and said with a trembling voice: There is a confidant in the sea, the end of the world... well... if you are next to each other, Brothers are like brothers, and women are like clothes. Brother! "


Grabbing Yang Feng's iron claws on his shoulders, Zheng Feifan tremblingly began to cry: I really don't mind you being together, and I sincerely wish you all, please let go and let me go. "

No, you have to listen to my explanation. "

I don't need to explain, I don't care about this woman, I really don't care about it. Brother, you just use it, don't worry about my feelings. "

No, things are really not what you think, we are innocent. "

You are innocent, I don't care. Just let it go, my house is still stewing soup, it's almost dried, oooooo...I really don't want to eat something muddled, oooooo..."

Zheng Feifan was so painful that he was crying, he just wanted to escape from the devil, but he still wanted face, talked nonsense, and refused to beg for mercy.

Yang Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, and shook his head with a wry smile.

This guy is really weird. Why would you rather endure Lao Tzu's torture than three people being together to explain things well and solve this misunderstanding?

Alas, I really don't know if he is strong or stubborn. It seems that he has to work harder.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng's eyes condensed, his hand was ready to tighten again, and he could just squeeze his shoulder to see if he was still stubborn.

But before he could act, he suddenly uttered a light drink: Extraordinary, are you back? "

Master? "

father! "

The visitor was an old man in his 50s and 60s, dressed in a long gown and full of spirit, with a beard under his nose, and his temples were white, but he was not old-fashioned, but he was hard to tell.

Seeing him coming, Zheng Feifan and the Linglong girl called out together.

It's just that Zheng Feihua's face is a bit complicated, but Linglong leaped forward with joy, and said anxiously: Dad, Feihua had misunderstood me and the cultivator who had just ascended..."

Okay, Linglong, needless to say, Dad knows. "

Before she finished speaking, the old man waved his hand gently, stopped her, and then looked at Zheng Feifan calmly.

Seeing that the parents were here, Yang Feng should be able to explain clearly, so he gently let go of the kid.

This time, the kid did not leave immediately, but after a light sigh, Kuan Kuan came to the old man, and said deeply: I am coming back to see you. "

Didn't come back for three months, how did you live well in Wujiapu? "

Hmm...well, Master Youlao is concerned. "

Okay, let's go, you don't belong here anymore, go on your future. "Without looking at him, the old man said calmly.

Zheng Feifan's brows trembled again and again, as if he had a lot to say, but in the end he nodded silently, and left with his head calm.

Seeing this, Linglong hurried to catch up: Brother Fanfa, don't leave, you really misunderstood..."

Linglong, stop! "

With a loud shout, the girl stopped, the old man sighed lightly, and said leisurely: Forget him, he and us are no longer the same. "


Her body was stagnant, Linglong looked at him inexplicably, not knowing why: Dad, what do you mean? Why is Brother Fanfa not the same with us? "

Don't worry about this, save trouble. "

Shaking his head, the old man didn't look at her, but turned his gaze to Yang Feng, who looked like a passerby and had nothing to do with me. He smiled and said: When the old man came back, I heard that a cultivator from the lower realm who had just ascended came to look for him. Old man, is that you? "

I find you? "

After blinking his big innocent eyes, Yang Feng's head shook like a rattle: No, no, I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for God, my husband. "

I am God, but not your husband, hahaha! "

With a loud laugh, the old man said heartily.

Yang Feng was dumbfounded after listening.

God? The powerhouse of the lower realm who soared to the spiritual realm ten years ago? How come... he knows all the masters of the lower realm, and there should be no such person. What is going on?

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