Alien God System

Chapter 980: What kind of monster did you marry

In the early morning of the next day, the reconstruction of the imperial capital began in full swing. The official did not say bluntly that this was caused by Yang Feng's slap after being drunk, only that a major earthquake occurred.

In the Holy Fire Church branch, fifty miles away from the imperial capital, because it is far from the earthquake center, there are still several intact rooms.

With a big red to purple bag on his head, Yan Chongtian lay quietly on the pale big bed. Yang Yuchan was lying on the side of his bed, sleeping quietly.

Dawn came in through the cracks in the window.

Yan Chongtian jerked his uncomfortably pierced eyes, and opened his eyes: Where is this? What's wrong with me? "

Dad, are you awake? "

Hearing what he said, Yang Yuchan on the side also slowly woke up. Seeing him wake up, he immediately smiled and said: Are you thirsty, I'll pour you a glass of water? "


Without speaking, Yan Chongtian's head was muddled and he didn't know anything. But soon, he recalled what happened yesterday, especially the horrible shot. When his pupils contracted suddenly, he sat up in fright and shouted: How could it be possible? That monster... actually..."

Raising his hand tremblingly to touch the still aching big bag above his head, Yan Chongtian's eyes trembled, his eyes full of fear.

He couldn't believe it in his dreams that there would be such a terrifying monster in the lower realm, and he would be stunned by one move.

You know, this is something that would never happen in the spiritual world?

That kid...what is sacred?

father! "

When Yang Yuchan saw his actions, he understood what he was thinking, and couldn't help but persuade: Actually, Yang Feng didn't mean it yesterday, and he was drunk again, and you forgive him for the unintentional mistake..."

daughter! "

Not paying attention to what she was talking about, Yan Chongtian shouted, and quickly grabbed Yang Yuchan’s arm, his expression was more solemn than ever: What kind of monster are you married to? You must not be able to bear it in recent years. Less pain? "

what? I'm okay……"

What a good thing, don't lie to you! "

With unspeakable dignity in his eyes, Yan Chongtian gritted his teeth and said: That stinky boy is not only a swinger, but also rapes, rapes, and commits crimes. Your daughter must have been forced by him, right? "

what? Rape and looting?

Suddenly, Yang Yuchan was dumbfounded: Where did you hear it? My mate's character is very good..."

It was the kid who said it himself, he had harmed many other girls, and he couldn't even count them. "

Whoops, dad, he was drunk yesterday. In fact, he also likes to make jokes, not serious, don't take it seriously..."

It's not wrong to speak truth after drinking, and this kid is extremely arrogant! "

With gleaming light flashing in his eyes, Yan Chongtian clenched his fists tightly, and said in resentment: This kid is definitely a peerless demon in this lower realm, he is domineering and doing harm to the world. The old man, as one of the strongest masters in the spiritual world, should have taken care of the people and vented your anger for your daughter. But it's a pity, the strength of this demon is unprecedented for his father, and he actually met him, and he was defeated for his father. I am really sorry for my father. "

Shaking his head dumbfounded, Yang Yuchan looked at Yan Chongtian's guilty expression and sighed helplessly.

This dad's misunderstanding of Xiang Gong was too great, but... he was really kind to me.

Yang Yuchan, who had not been loved by his parents since childhood, and only had an adoptive father, felt the care from his father for the first time, and his eyes couldn't help but moist.

Seeing this, Yan Chongtian thought that she had been oppressed and bullied by Yang Feng's monster for so many years. Now she is sentimental and hastily said: Daughter, don't cry, don't worry, Dad will definitely save you. Now we return to the spirit world, the monster will never find you. If he chases you to the spirit world, Dad will unite the powerhouses of the spirit world and destroy him. Don't worry, our Yan family is number one in the spirit world, and we can definitely protect you. "

Dad, you misunderstood, how dare he bully me, he..."


Yang Yuchan shook his head with a wry smile. Just as he was about to explain, he only heard the thunderous tremors outside the house, so that the entire emperor couldn't help shaking.

Yang Feng just woke up last night’s drunkenness, walked out the door, and suddenly saw the nine days of thunder bursting, with colorful glow, can’t help but wonder: I’m not a teenager in this world, I’ve never seen such a violent thunder, it seems The sky fell in general. "

This is a catastrophe, not ordinary thunder! "

The voice of the saint ancestor rang out, Yang Feng couldn't help but was taken aback: Heavenly Tribulation? "

The robbery is coming, for my father, I can't stay here any longer. "

Yan in the room frowned suddenly, feeling the terrifying power.

Yang Yuchan looked confused and asked: What is the catastrophe? "

This world is made up of countless interfaces, and each interface has the most suitable existence. Once the things inside exceed the range of this interface, there will be a catastrophe and it will be wiped out. The father is a strong man from the spiritual world, for the creatures on this interface, it is too strong, and it destroys the balance and stability here. Therefore, staying for a long time will lead to the catastrophe and eliminate the imbalanced existence of being a father. "

That's it! "

Nodding clearly, Yang Yuchan understood, but soon he was puzzled again: Dad, you said that your strength is already strong enough to affect the balance of this interface, so God will accept you. But my father-in-law slapped you fainted, isn't he even more affecting the balance. For so many years, I have never seen God want to accept him. "

Uh this...

The heart suddenly stagnated, Yan Chongtian was speechless, and he didn't understand why this was. Why would there be such a metamorphosis as Yang Feng in the ant layer of the Lower Realm.

In the end, Yan Chongtian had no choice but to prevaricate: Tianwei is unpredictable, everything is in definite number, this is not something we mortals can guess. In short, now Dad is going back, you must go with Dad and escape from the devil's claws. "


With that said, Yan Chongtian raised his hand and took out a jade medal.

The jade card exudes a strange light, soaring straight to the top of the sky, and instantly a channel leading to the sky is punched in the room, and the soft white light is instantly sprayed on the two of them.

Yang Yuchan was surprised and shook his head quickly: Dad, I won't go, let me go, I want to be with me. "

Old husband, I'm sorry, I beat you yesterday...Uh! "

The first thing Yang Feng did when he was sober was to rush to apologize, but just stepping into the door, he saw this strange scene, and he was immediately confused: What is going on? "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yan Chongtian sneered: Dead monster, you won't want to bully my daughter anymore, get out, hahaha! "

Mate! "

Yang Yuchan screamed one last time and raised his hand to Yang Feng.

Yang Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch her, but with a squeak, the white light disappeared, and both of them disappeared. Yang Feng almost swiped past Yang Yuchan's hand, but failed to catch it.

Suddenly, Yang Feng was empty in his hands, as if he had lost something.

The thunder in the sky gradually dissipated, seemingly because of the loss of Yan Chongtian's trail, and no more actions to eliminate the catastrophe.

Everything returned to peace, only Yang Feng stood in the room blankly, looking at the direction in which Yang Yuchan disappeared, and muttered: Don't you just hit you? There is no need to take your daughter back to her family. "

Nonsense, beat the old man, and want to sleep with other girls, you want to be beautiful, cut! "The ghost of the ancestor floated out, unable to stop laughing...

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