Alien God System

Chapter 979: Who hurts who

Father, be merciful, don't hurt him...Uh! "

At this time, Yang Yuchan, who hurriedly rushed to stop the battle between the husband and the son, also arrived, panicked, but just ran to the ruins and was instantly shocked.

She originally thought that such a big movement was caused by her dad who came out of nowhere.

With such a terrifying destructive power, it is estimated that Yang Feng's life will not be saved, so anxious that she almost did not cry.

However, he never expected that when he came to the scene of the incident, his cheap old man was already lying on the broken ground with smoke above his head. Yang Feng stood beside him blankly, belching his wine. Look dazed.

Huh? Wife, are you back? "

Hearing Yang Yuchan's voice, Yang Feng looked up, grinned immediately, and said in a naive way: I haven't seen you in a few months, why are you polite? Calling Dad as soon as I came back made me feel embarrassed, hehehe. "


With a twitch of face, Yang Yuchan saw his drunk appearance, and immediately a black line fell down, cursing: I'm pooh, who calls you father? I mean... what just happened here? "

Nothing? "

Scratching his head, Yang Feng looked around, and finally pointed to the unconscious figure under his feet, and muttered: I was drinking at home with a few priests. I was very happy, but I don’t know where this old man came from. Ask me to settle accounts. I didn't know him either, so I patted him lightly, but if I didn't pay attention, I patted him down, I don't know if I patted him to death. Hey, this old man is so fragile. Don't come out and wander around a lot of age, touch porcelain? "

Yang Feng sighed and sighed for a while, helplessly human beings small.

Fortunately, Yan Chongtian was already unconscious, otherwise he would have to vomit blood if he heard these words.

A peerless and powerful person in his own dignified spirit world, would he be considered too fragile? This……

Of course, in front of Yang Feng, who is not vulnerable!

However, after Yang Yuchan heard Yang Feng's disgusting words, his body trembled, and his lips were trembling: You...what did you say? You shot him to death? "

Hmm...ah, it seems so..."

father! "

With a cry, Yang Yuchan immediately pounced on Yan Chongtian, shaking his body, howling and howling.

Yang Feng was dumbfounded: Wife, you...what do you call him? father? Dare to love that dad called me just now? "

roll! "

With an angry shout, Yang Yuchan glared at him.

Yang Feng scratched his head again with a bewildered expression, and said leisurely: I thought you wanted to have a little fun between husband and wife, as soon as you came back, you called me Dad, but it was not me. But you can't just call an outsider casually. You are my daughter-in-law, and you recognize your father all over the world. Doesn't that mean I have many old men? I'm a dignified martial arts leader, why do I want so many dads? Where do I put my face? "

Go away, this is really my dad. "

Let's pull it down, how many years our father has been dead, where can a father pop out? "

This is my father! "

You are an orphan, our young daughter-in-law of the Yang family, where are you from... Huh? "

Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly, but stared blankly, muttering: Dear... Daddy? Kind of blood relationship? Is it reliable? Isn't it a liar? Anyway, there is no DNA test in this world, so why does it prove that he is your father? Let me tell you, my wife, in our hometown, someone abandoned a newborn baby. The baby was adopted by a rich family. Later the child grew up and went to find his biological parents. The result was more than a hundred pairs. The final identification showed that none of them was Really. "

This is called greed and desire. Now that you are developed, you have a husband of a martial arts leader, so he popped out to recognize his daughter. This is a liar. Don't be fooled! "

Go away, have you ever seen a liar challenge you, the martial arts leader, for a fake girl, without even wanting his life? Besides, we have all confirmed that they are of the same bloodline, it cannot be fake. My father, I'm sorry, you just recognized your daughter, but you were killed by your daughter's grandfather. Your daughter is really ashamed of your old man. "

Glancing at Yang Feng fiercely, Yang Yuchan cursed, and then hugged Yan Chongtian tightly and wept bitterly.

Yang Feng's body shook, and he couldn't help being stunned. Then, he looked at his cruel palms, and suddenly his legs softened, and he knelt and cried: Father-in-law, my son-in-law didn't mean it, I was really careless. If you shot you to death, please forgive me, otherwise, how can I go to Yu Chan's bed in the future? "

Go away, you still want to go to bed now? Go to the floor later, huh! "

Yang Yuchan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and stared at him, he was drunk crazy, and he still couldn't adjust.

Cough cough cough!

Suddenly, a soft cough sounded and Yan Chongtian's body moved slightly.

Yang Yuchan was taken aback, hurriedly inspected, and was overjoyed: My father is not dead? Is he still alive? "

what? The old man came alive? Great, God bless me, the old man came back from the dead, just forgive me, I can go to Yu Chan's bed again in the future, thank you, thank you! "

Yang Feng kept bowing his head to Yan Chong the world, thanking the heaven, the earth, and the old man for being reasonable.

Yang Yuchan's cheeks reddened, he gave him a fierce look, and said, "Okay, don't be crazy about drinking. What comes back to life? My father didn't die just now. Why did you say that he was dead and made me sad for a long time. "

I... guess, I'm fine if I die, hehehe! "

Yang Feng smiled naively.

Yang Yuchan stroked his forehead helplessly and smiled constantly.

Now Yang Feng was so drunk that he would believe what a drunk said just now, and he was too anxious to care.

At this moment, Yang Yuchan looked at Yang Feng's smirk again, and couldn't help but wonder: What are you doing drinking so much all right? Hurry up and find a place for me to sober up and stop messing around. Are you not messing up enough? "

Yes yes yes, I'm going to sober up, I..."

Busy nodded, Yang Feng looked around again, and within a hundred miles of him, he was shattered into ruins by his slap just now. There was no room at all. Where can I sober up?

and also! "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yuchan said again: Hurry up and help my dad to rest in the house. When he wakes up, he will apologize and let his old man forgive you for your reckless trip. "

Yes, yes, I must take good care of my old husband and vacate our best house for him... Uh! "

Yang Feng nodded repeatedly, but looked around. Not to mention their Yang Mansion, even the inn in the capital was collapsed by him. The streets were full of homeless people, and there were houses there. .

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes, and immediately suggested: How about we dig a pit, bury the old man in there, let him sleep well, at least it is a house with no air on all sides! "

what did you say? "


As soon as he said this, Yang Yuchan's sharp gaze immediately glared over, like a sharp knife.

Yang Feng swallowed hard, scratching his head and said: I'll go and see if there are any houses in the nearby branches of the Holy Flame. "

After speaking, Yang Feng immediately went to find someone to do the job, and ran away in fright, like a kid who did something wrong.

Yang Yuchan looked at his inconspicuous appearance, couldn't help laughing and shaking his head...

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