Alien God System

Chapter 962: Five Army


Huang Laojiu and the courtiers in the court hall were all confused at this time, not knowing what had just happened. They just saw these nether envoys and Mo Gaofeng suddenly stunned, and their eyes were blank. When they recovered, Mo Gaofeng's eyes had a new look, but the nether envoys fell.

Huang Laojiu scratched his head and said brightly: Um... Daxia Mo, can you explain to me, what is going on? These nether messengers..."

died! "

With a soft drink, Mo Gaofeng murmured.

Huang Laojiu was startled: dead? "

Yes, it's dead! "

After repeating it again, Mo Gaofeng looked outside the hall and roared: Shaoqiu, since he has returned, he is still showing off his skills in front of his brother, why don't you just leave in silence, come in. "

Ta Ta Ta!

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Shaoqiu's style walked in with the gentle pace.

Huang Laojiu saw him, and his eyes immediately brightened: Hey, don't worship, you are back. Is it you who just cleaned them up? "

Nodding slightly, Mo Shaoqiu smiled.

Killing people without blood, directly killing their souls, is still a master like Nether Envoy..."

Staring closely at Mo Shaoqiu, Mo Gaofeng's eyes were full of complex colors: Shaoqiu, you have become stronger, much stronger than me. Now if we do it again, I guess I can't even stop you. "

Shaoqiu shook his head with a smile, and Mo Shaoqiu said lightly: It's not important anymore! "

Not important anymore? Humph, since childhood, you have always wanted to share with me, but now it is not important? Could it be that you think I'm not worthy to do it with you? Haha, although this is true! "

No, I didn't mean that. "

Shaking his head, Mo Shaoqiu smiled and said: I mean, it's meaningless to have been struggling to compete with you for so long. Everyone has their own fate, and strength does not mean anything. I was weaker than you before, but it doesn’t mean that I am worse than you; now I am stronger than you, it doesn’t mean that I am better than you. I can only say that I am luckier than you. Fortunately, there is no comparison, ha ha ha. "


With a frown, Mo Gaofeng didn't know what he meant.

Mo Shaoqiu smiled and nodded, proudly saying: Yes, fortunately, I met a good owner! "


At this time, the guards outside the door hurried in and shouted: Your Majesty, reinforcements have arrived, and the Kylin Army of the backing king has already intercepted the enemy troops outside the city. "

Oh? Backer King is back, too..."

With a smile on his face, Huang Laojiu was about to rejoice, but frowned again, and muttered: Can the Qilin Army rely on the mountain king to block the opponent? Why am I so unsure in my heart? Without Brother Feng, I always lack a sense of security. "

Your Majesty can rest assured that the current Qilin Army is different from the previous ones. Because we are fortunate enough to meet a good master. "

With a slight smile, Mo Shaoqiu said with relief.

Outside the imperial capital city, the two armies were already facing each other. The king of the mountain took a look at the distance, and saw a flying white tiger stuck in the handsome flag of the other side. He immediately understood that this was a tiger-shaped army of the Five Army.

The five armies of the Holy Fire religion are composed of five armies with special functions, namely the Dragon Army, Tiger Army, Serpent Army, Panther Army, and Eagle Army.

Among them, the Dragon Army is a defensive heavy-armored division. From ancient times to the present, no army has ever broken through their defensive front, even if the Allied Forces of the Ten Powers were besieging them together, it can be said to be a bronze wall.

The Tiger Army is a heavy-armored assault combatant, charged frontally, brave and invincible, invincible with one enemy ten.

The Snake Army attacked assassination divisions at night, assassinated in the dark, attacked the camp, and never failed.

The leopard army ran for thousands of miles, and the light armor chased and killed the division. The speed is extremely fast, and every day, no matter whether the flanking surprises the enemy coach or chasing and killing the remnants, he has never missed.

The Eagle Army is an air strike force, and the sky is their battlefield. No matter whether it is long-range assistance or frontal attack, there is no disadvantage.

Originally, if these five types of armies cooperate with each other and fight together, they can be described as invincible in the entire world, even if they attack the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, the monster beasts will not be a problem.

But maybe Qiu Xiaotian simply doesn't look down on the coalition forces of the Five Nations Alliance. He actually used the strongest combined forces of these five types of armies separately.

At this moment, there was only a tiger-shaped army before the patron king.

This undoubtedly made the pressure of the patron king a lot easier, and at the same time the fighting spirit was even higher.

If even a single tiger army can't deal with it, the old man, the unicorn army can be disbanded, hum.

There was a rough breath from his nostrils. With a wave of his long stick in his hand, the king of the mountain led the army to charge forward and roared: I have heard that the tiger-shaped army commander is in the charge. Today, the old man will come to learn, hahaha! "

Old fellow, wait for us to be trampled on, Jie Jie Jie! "

Hearing what he said, the leader on the opposite side also gave a wicked smile, and immediately led the entire army, like a tiger, rushed towards the Kylin Army of the Backer King, and roared: Lao Tzu is the original holy fire sect, one of the eight diamonds. Such a head-on charge has never lost. Especially after joining the Nether Palace, I got the earth-level gold energy bonus, and my army is even stronger. Little unicorn army, try Lao Tzu's tiger assault! "


As soon as the voice fell, the whole body of the iron-faced King Kong glowed with golden light, and instantly covered the children behind him.

In an instant, the entire tiger army turned into a majestic golden tiger, roaring fiercely.

When the patron king saw him, his expression immediately became solemn.

He is taking advantage of the unity of millions of people in the army to cover the energy of the earth-level metal element on the entire army. It is really a sharp weapon, like a sharp knife, without any disadvantage.

If it had been a hundred years ago, no matter how strong the ten-nation coalition was, no matter how large it was, it is estimated that it would not be able to stop this tiger-type army's charge.

Unfortunately, the current Kirin Army has also been transformed.

The phoenix spreads its wings, and the South Fire takes gold! "

With a roar, King Kao immediately waved the great staff in his hand, and an illusory flame phoenix flew out suddenly and enveloped the entire three armies headed by King Kao.

Suddenly, the Qilin Army suddenly turned into a phoenix that rose from the ashes, with a powerful momentum rising into the sky.

The Iron Masked King Kong, who was rushing forward, was taken aback, startled: What is this? It is not an earth-level fire element, but why does this power make me feel uneasy? "

This is not a territorial fire, but the soul of the phoenix who is in charge of the Southern Fire, so it will defeat you Xijin! "

At this time, the two armies were already in a head-to-head confrontation and slammed together. The king of the mountain suddenly waved his fierce great staff, but when he heard a loud bang, the whole earth was shattered into dregs, and even the sky was shaking. The dark cracks are collapsing.

Then I saw that the Kylin Army of the Backer King broke through the Tiger Army's camp as if it had smashed a stubborn stone. After a bit of killing inside, the Tiger Army was instantly ashamed.

As for the iron-faced King Kong at the top of the row, it had already been shattered by the backing, with a head floating in the air, and said in disbelief: How... how could..."

It's a pity that the Tiger Army, which has never been defeated, will be defeated by the old man today. Just because you have rebelled against the Holy Fire. Teacher Yang said, it is not difficult to build a five-type army. "

Without looking back, Kaoshan Wang murmured.

The erratic head of the iron-faced King Kong trembled, finally showing a look of regret. But soon his face became stiff, completely lost his breath...

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