Alien God System

Chapter 961: Overwhelming strength


In a dense forest fifty miles outside the border between China and the North, a black shadow flashed and knelt down in front of the two: the palace master Qi, the deputy palace master, the five-nation coalition troops stationed on the border moved today! "

Oh? Finally moved, hahaha! "

Yang Tian laughed, Qiu Xiaotian said triumphantly: Now there are wars in the five kingdoms, if he doesn't move, he can only wait for us to kill the five kings without leaving a piece of armour, and the lives will be charred. Without back-ups, they don't even have any rations, so what battles are they still fighting? But if they move, how do they move? "

Yang Feng has only one person. If only one of them is saved, it will be too late to save the remaining four countries. But if you split your forces, it will be a lesson for the past. In short, the shortcoming of the five-nation coalition is that there are too few capable people, and no one can share his worries with this martial arts leader, Jie Jie Jie. "

Enlighten the Lord! "

Listening to his smirk, the black shadow lowered his head again: According to the subordinates who had just detected, they were working in five divisions this time, each rescuing countries. "

Oh? Is it separate? "

With a raised eyebrow, Qiu Xiaotian rolled his eyelids and thought about it: Then which team is Yang Feng in? "

He is nowhere, he remains at the watermelon! "

What, the five internal chaos, he didn't go anywhere, and sent five miscellaneous soldiers back to die? This... can he eat this melon? "

Qiu Xiao's face was full of suspicion, and he kept muttering: What kind of medicine does he sell in this gourd? Does he think that these remnants will return, and they can really calm the chaos? Isn't that the obvious meat buns hitting the dogs and never return? Even if they hadn’t seen the previous Five-Type Army of the Holy Fire, he should have heard from the people below. Besides, there are a group of Nether Envoys to help. How can he..."

Qiu Xiaotian couldn't figure out Yang Feng's way, the dark shadow was also silent, afraid to speak.

But after Long Xiaotian thought about it for a while, he suddenly said: This surname Yang has always been scheming, treacherous and cunning, this time he acted so abnormally, there must be fraud. Or I will go to the five countries to see and make no mistakes. "

No need, the only threat from the other party is this Yang Feng. As long as you and I keep an eye on him, the others are nothing to be afraid of. Our nether messenger and type five army are enough to solve it, hum! "

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, Qiu Xiaotianxie smiled and said: I want to see what tricks he can do! "


Three months later, in the imperial city of the Fenglei Empire, Huang Laojiu walked around like an ant on a hot pot, and said to Li Yan below from time to time: Lao Li, I'll ask you to ask Brother Feng for help. Will you send someone there? Has it gone? Why haven’t you responded yet? "

You don’t know, now our base stations here are all destroyed, and we can’t use Karma Treasures, we can only rely on human resources to deliver letters. I have already sent more than a hundred people and horses, flying in the sky, running underground, upstream in the water, and all kinds of transportation. There is always a way to get the situation here. Don't worry. "

Why is there no movement now? "

Anxiously, Fatty Huang was almost crying: I have only been an emperor for a few years, so why should I become the king of the country? It's really memorable, alas. "

The courtiers such as the Supreme Emperor and Wang Boren were all waiting here, but they had no choice but to wait for news of reinforcements from the front.


At this time, there was a loud shout, and a guard hurried in: Ten miles away from the imperial capital, the enemy army was found, about a million people. "

I'll go, the one million army hit the imperial capital so soon? Wherever they went before, they killed, robbed, burned all, what should I do? Moreover, they were thousands of miles away half a month ago, and now they are in the imperial capital, so no one resists in the mansion along the way? "

Fatty Huang scolded angrily.

Wang Boren couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: Unexpectedly, the Five-Type Army of the Holy Flame would reappear in the world, and its demeanor was still so powerful. If Yang Feng can't come back for rescue right away, our emperor can't keep it for a quarter of an hour, alas! "

Brother Feng, where are you now? Even if you don’t think about your brothers, your sister-in-laws are still here. Even if you look at your sister-in-law, come back and save us, oooooo! "

Hearing what he said, Fatty Huang couldn't help crying to the sky even more sadly.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the door burst, and a familiar figure flew in. As soon as it landed, half a catty of blood was vomited. Looking intently, that person is not someone else, but the peak of Zhongjuemo.

Daxia Mo? "

Startled, Huang Laojiu said with a look of surprise: What is wrong with you, what happened? "

Jie Jie Jie!

However, before Mo Gaofeng had time to answer, a treacherous laugh was suddenly introduced from outside the palace, and then more than a dozen figures were seen flying in like ghosts. He said: We are the nether messengers of the nether hall, we are the master of the palace. Life, will punish the Fenglei royal family, not leave one. "

you dare! "

Gritting his teeth, Mo Gaofeng managed to stand up and roared: There is an old man here, you can hurt the innocent! "

What a hero Mo, now he still wants to get ahead. However, with your injury at this time, it is estimated that even one of us can't deal with it. What qualifications are there to protect them? Don't overpower yourself, hahaha! "

The Nether Envoys sneered again and again, and Mo Gaofeng gritted his teeth and hated his incompetence.

Suddenly, at this moment, a melodious and melodious sound rang, and then a cold word came: Although I and this old guy have never dealt with it since childhood, no one in the world can underestimate our Mo family! "

Who? "

The body stagnated, and the Nether Envoys shouted.

Mo Gaofeng also frowned: Shaoqiu? "

Without speaking, the music changed abruptly and turned into a sonorous and passionate sound. Everyone hadn't realized what was going on yet, and the surrounding scenery had suddenly changed. It is no longer the original palace hall, but in front of a sea of ​​fire and ice peaks with colorful clouds.

The pupils of those ghost messengers shrank, in disbelief: How could it be possible? Illusion? How can we be in illusion? Who? Who can perform illusions on us? "

Mo Gaofeng was also dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it. When did his younger brother, who had been following behind him, reached such a level that he could envelop so many masters in illusion, including himself.

But everyone hadn't realized what was going on, Mo Shaoqiu let out a cold drink, and the scene changed again.

Five directions to kill the gods, punish! "


As soon as the voice fell, accompanied by the sound of beasts roaring and neighing, the five-party beasts of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Xuanwu and Qilin appeared in this illusory space, with a huge mouth, wailing in fear from those ghost envoy , Swallow them completely into your mouth and bite them into dregs.

Then, the melody stopped suddenly, everything returned to normal, only those Nether Envoys had their eyes blanked, and fell to the ground one by one, completely silent...

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