Alien God System

Chapter 939: A lore

No, that monster from the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom is the Holy Fire Leader?

The surrounding Nether Temple disciples, who were originally fierce and arrogant, were all dumbfounded at this moment. The body trembled, and he took a step back in horror, no longer the previous arrogance.

Thinking about how the Golden Winged Roc’s strength was able to slap their palace masters back then, these palaces who had been to the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom had seen it with their own eyes.

Unexpectedly now, this monster will appear again.


After swallowing hard, the expressions of these fierce demons suddenly became difficult to look, and they lost their confidence.

Those martial arts comrades who were already desperate when they saw this, they were immediately stunned.

How is this going? How come these people were so arrogant just now that they looked like the first and second child, but now they are all withered?

Could it be that they are afraid of Master Yang?

Is this impossible? They are all masters whose strength surpasses the Five Jues, and there are more than three hundred people, plus that even more terrifying strength of the Nether Palace Master Qiu Xiaotian, they shouldn't be afraid of a Five Jue Master.

But the current situation is that their faces are really full of fear.

This can't help but make all the martial arts colleagues a little confused, so they don't know why, even the five masters like Mo Gaofeng frowned suspiciously, incomprehensible.

A wicked smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng stretched out the huge golden wings, slowly turned his head, facing Qiu Xiaotian in the air, and smiled: Farewell to the Ten Thousand Demons Country, long time no see, you masked man, Hehehe. "

It really is you! "

With his fists tightened, Qiu Xiaotian couldn't stop taking a step back, both anger and fear in his eyes.

Everyone saw this, although it was strange, they already understood that this powerful Qiu Xiaotian treated Guru Yang differently from others.

Even if Bei Jue Long Xiaotian had demonstrated the ability to destroy the sky and the earth just now, he failed to attract the attention of this demon, but now the master Yang just showed his face and made him lose his sense, and his whole body was tense.

People don't know why this is, but it is clear that this is a glimmer of hope.

Suddenly, people's eyes radiated light, and courage reappeared.


At this moment, a soft beep sounded, Yang Feng slowly raised his hand, and a cloud of colorful glow appeared on his hand, like a large turntable, which was constantly spinning, and the more it turned, the more terrifying it gradually emitted. The energy came, and the whole world began to shake.

this is……

Eyes shrank, everyone in the Nether Palace was shocked, especially Qiu Xiaotian, who roared inconceivably: How could it be possible? Have you practiced into the Wuxiang God Formation? No, I am the only one who has trained in this world, you..."

No way, exactly the same moves as the palace master, with all five elements, no phase **** formation? "

The brows were trembling vigorously, and all the ghost palace followers were also panicked.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Yang Feng glanced at them playfully and said: Don't believe it? Then try it. Look at the difference between my authentic Wuxiang Divine Formation and the simplified version that Long Xiaotian reluctantly used, hehehe. "


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng waved his hand and threw the colorful roulette in his hand.

The color disc flew to the distant mountains and rocks, but it seemed as if it had crossed the space, and it arrived in an instant. Those Nether Temple disciples hadn't realized what was going on yet, the colorful roulette had already slammed into the rocks of the earth-level earth element power bonus, and burst out.

The multicolored rays of sunlight expanded like a mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb exploding, and everything they passed was turned into dust, and was broken down into nothingness by the power of the five elements.

The disciples of the Nether Temple above it shrunk, and they hurriedly evacuated in fright, shouting: Run, don't let the Xiaguang **** in, this is the real...Ah! "

However, before they could leave, they were already covered by the weird glow, and they disappeared into dust in an instant.

However, in the blink of an eye, all the masters of the Nether Palace with more than a dozen of the five absolute ranks fell.

Seeing all this, everyone present was stunned, even the three top five masters such as Mo Gaofeng.

They originally thought that Yang Feng was just a little bit stronger than them. If they really fight, even if they lose, they will be able to do it for a while, and at least it will be no problem to escape.

But only now did they discover how far they were from Yang Feng.

Those Nether Palace apprentices, the last time they were the same strength as them, but now they are all destroyed by Yang Feng's hand and turned into dregs, how this is crushed by the strength of the sky.

Suddenly, the eyes of the martial arts decent sects looking at Yang Feng were completely dull and speechless.

The people in the Netherworld Hall were even more frightened. When their legs were soft, they knelt down and roared in a trembling voice: Yes, that is the Wuxiang Divine Formation. He has become as good as the Lord. What should I do? We can't help him at all, it is a truly invincible and perfect existence. "

Click it!

Qiu Xiaotian did not speak, but his fists were clenched tightly, and they were about to explode, his eyes gloomy and terribly dark.

The original plan to kill everyone here, and then support Long Xiaotian, the new martial arts leader, to come to power was again disturbed by this big Peng.

At this time, Qiu Xiaotian wished to smash Yang Feng's body into pieces, but he didn't have this confidence in his heart.

The corners of his mouth always carry an inadvertent evil charm. Yang Feng didn’t care about the surprise, shock, or horror in the eyes of everyone around him. He just raised his hand and gently said to the place where he had already blasted a way out: Everyone listened. Then, I immediately escaped from that exit, Zhong Jue Mo Senior, Xi Jue Gu Senior, Dong Jue Yuan Senior, and my Holy Fire Cultivation Four Kings, as well as the powers of the various factions that reached the peak of War Emperor and Shu Ling. Congratulators, trouble you to cover, after I come to break, we must **** everyone to leave safely! "

it is good! "

Almost unanimously, everyone present was in unison.

At this moment, people saw Yang Feng's strength enough to contend with the big demon of the other party, and the flames of hope were ignited again in their eyes, and they all regarded him as the head and listened to his orders.

At this moment, although the martial arts leader has not yet been elected, it is clear that people can't help but regard Yang Feng as the true leader.

Qiu Xiaotian came to the martial arts conference this time to stir up, but to help Yang Feng build unprecedented martial arts prestige, it is not a **** assist, Yang Feng was moved to cry.

But even so, Yang Feng would not show mercy to him.


A group of people waited under the guidance of the five masters such as Mo Gaofeng and desperately to flee to the opened life.

Standing on the nine heavens, Qiu Xiaotian looked at the ants below, sneered and said: Want to run? It's not that easy! "

call out!

With that said, Qiu Xiaotian also showed a group of colorful lights in his hands, and threw it to the people below, but it was still in the air, and he encountered another group of colorful lights that slammed into it, and immediately burst into a loud noise that destroyed the world. Blast a dark hole in the air.

The terrifying power made the people below tremble with fear, and could not help but stop.

But very quickly, Yang Feng's roar sounded: Run, don't stop, everything has me, just run forward boldly. "

This calm voice seemed to give everyone the courage to make them run wildly again without paying attention to Qiu Xiaotian in the sky.

Qiu Xiaotian's eyes were cold, he stared at Yang Feng not far away, gritted his teeth and said: Damn Golden Winged Roc, I have to get rid of you for anything today, huh! "

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