Alien God System

Chapter 938: Return of Dapeng


The sound was loud, like ten thousand horses galloping, thunder tumbling, and the whole world was shaking violently.

Long Xiaotian's skin was tight, like that tight rubber band, which was about to break at any time. The red blood ran quickly on the surface of the skin, as if it was about to nourish, and his face was also unhappy.

But he still gritted his teeth fiercely, his whole body exuding colorful glow, and at the same time a roar of beasts surrounded him.

In a short while, the phantoms of the five-party mythical beasts of Dongqinglong, Xibaihu, Southern Suzaku, Beixuanwu, and Zhongqilin appeared around him.

As soon as these fierce beasts appeared, the energy fluctuations on their bodies became even more terrifying.

Even the peerless masters of the Nether Palace were shocked at this time, never expected that Long Xiaotian's strength had reached such a terrifying level, and couldn't help but hurriedly said: Palace Master, be careful. "

Without speaking, Qiu Xiaotian just watched all this coldly, silently.

Only when that Long Xiaotian bumped into with the monstrous might, did he gently raise his hand, and the colorful rays of light suddenly became bright.


A blast that destroyed the sky and the earth exploded in the entire nine days.

The terrifying power spread, and the entire sky was shattered into dross, and it began to peel off one by one, revealing the dark space passages.

Seeing this, the masters of the Nether Palace and the martial arts allies were all shocked.

What kind of destructive power is this, the sect master of the Dragon King, Long Xiaotian is no longer a human being at all, but a monster against the sky.

At this time, everyone in the Nether Palace became more worried about Qiu Xiaotian's safety.

Ho **** ho!

After a single move, Long Xiaotian stiffened his body and stood in the air, gasping for breath, obviously exhausted and very tired.

But he still stared at the dark emptiness, where everything had disappeared, with a triumphant smile on his face: Qiu Xiaotian, even if Lao Tzu wants to join the Nether Hall, he must be the hall master, not the deputy. From now on, the black and white martial arts in this world will be named Long, and I will continue your unfinished work, hahaha! "

Lord! "

The heart trembled, and everyone in the Nether Hall suddenly felt excited, looking at the empty black slit, and frowning tightly.

Could it be that his own Palace Master was really killed by this ambitious Long Xiaotian and replaced him?

All the martial arts fellows were also shocked. No wonder that Long Xiaotian dared to be so arrogant just now, without putting anyone in his eyes, it turned out to have a strength that surpassed the Five Jue Masters dozens of times.

But before they waited for them to look for it, a chuckle suddenly sounded.

It is worthy of being the soul chosen by the Lord God, a generation of lords, a heart higher than the sky, and when he first joined the group, he wanted to occupy his seat, ha ha ha... very good, very good! "


The pitch-black cracks were gradually repaired by the laws of heaven and earth, but seeing a flash of sunlight, Qiu Xiaotian appeared in front of everyone again, especially in front of the surprised Long Xiaotian, teasing: It's a pity, you are not qualified . Do you think you can defeat this seat with your four-elephant evil killing formation? Don't dream anymore, your four-elephant evil killing formation is far from the Wuxiang God formation of this seat, and you can't hurt a single hair of this seat at all. "

What, how could..."

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, Long Xiaotian looked ugly.

Qiu Xiaotian glared at him scornfully, and said with a wicked smile: Do you think it's weird, isn't it, why is the magical power bestowed by the Lord God useless? Actually, it's not that the exercises are useless, but you are useless. With the strength of your body, it is impossible to withstand the simultaneous existence of the five elements and earth-level elements, so you can't cultivate the strongest formless divine formation in this continent. The Lord God has no choice but to retreat and let you cultivate this four-element evil killing formation. Relying on the power of the five-party mythical beast, he barely made up enough power of the five elements. "

But what is reluctant is reluctant after all. You are just a simplified version of the Wuxiang Divine Formation. Compared with this authentic Wuxiang Divine Formation? The strength between you and this seat is still far behind, so be your second child for ten thousand years, hahaha! "


With a twitch of face, Long Xiaotian is a decent person. Although he knows that he can't beat the opponent, how can he be humiliated?

After shaking his fists, he wanted to shoot again, but found that at this moment, his body was already too painful to move, and he was shaking.

Qiu Xiaotian saw the situation and said with a sneer: Reluctantly using the power beyond his body's tolerance, this is the end, you are incomparable with this seat. If there is anything in this world that can win this seat, there is only that animal, hum. "


With that said, Qiu Xiaotian slammed and came to Long Xiaotian, before he could react, he slammed a punch on his lower abdomen.

Long Xiaotian's pupils shrank and fainted immediately.

Qiu Xiaotian grabbed his body and threw it to his men. He shouted: Take it back and train it well. This stubborn temper must be changed. "

Yes, the Lord! "

The subordinate nodded slightly, then looked at the people at the Dragon King Sect below, and asked: Well... this Long Xiaotian has become the Vice-Hall Master, should the Dragon King Sect people be more merciful..."

No need to! "

Shaking his head very decisively, Qiu Xiaotian sneered: All the people who came to participate in the martial arts conference are dead, and the people from the Dragon King Sect are safe and sound, isn't it doubtful? Besides, there are so many people with mixed mouths, and it is best that no one can spread the news today. This is also convenient for us to help Long Xiaotian into a new martial arts alliance, continue to control the entire world, hum. "

Yes! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, the man nodded, and then made a gesture to the people around, all of them smiled evilly and began to cast the spell.

Everyone present was frightened and at a loss, felt a disaster, and was about to cry.

Mo Gaofeng and the others also gritted their teeth, looking around the situation around, trying to find a flaw to escape, but they couldn't find any gaps, they couldn't help but gritted their teeth with hatred.

Could it be that today is the time when their martial arts decent sect is completely destroyed?


Suddenly, at this moment, there was an explosion, and a master of the Nether Palace hadn't realized what was going on, he was directly exploded by a small fireball and turned into fly ash.

A spike, an absolute spike!

Everyone present was shocked and dumbfounded.

After all, the person who was killed in seconds was not an unknown person, but a master of the Nether Palace with the same strength as the five outstanding ones. Who could kill him at this moment?

Not only those martial arts comrades who were panicked, even the people in the Nether Hall were stunned, stiffened, and no longer sealed.

Qiu Xiaotian's brows condensed, and he stared at the back of the crowd with his arms outstretched. At this moment, the smoke in his hand was still wafting.

Who, who dares to kill this person? "

The leader of the torch religion, the hero of the gods, Yang Feng! "Yang Feng didn't look back, just grinned.

Qiu Xiaotian raised his brows and nodded clearly: So you are Yang Feng, and you have been admired for a long time. This time we finally met. As it happens, I still want to find you. Your sacred flame inheritance sacred flame, which can make the soul immortal, give it to me now. "

Really, you want my ground fire, it depends on whether you have this ability. "

It’s a big tone, and you’re so singular, why do you dare to clamor with this seat? "

Just rely on this! "


A dazzling golden light bloomed into the sky, swaying so that the masters of the Nether Palace couldn't open their eyes. When everyone adjusted to it, they looked intently, but suddenly their eyes shrank with fright.

this is……

Qiu Xiaotian also shook his body, revealing an unbelievable look, and screamed: How could...that golden winged roc? "

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