Alien God System

Chapter 936: Overwhelming strength

What, he is Qiu Xiaotian who completely destroyed the Wulin League?

The heart shook, and all the martial arts masters at the scene stood up in disbelief, looking at the fierceness and evil spirits in the sky, they were also solemn.

These people can wipe out the dignified martial arts alliance without leaving a living, and now they dare to appear here in a big way. It is definitely not easy.

Mo Gaofeng waited for the other Sanjue, and squinted his eyes as he waited seriously.

Only Yang Feng touched his nose indifferently and smiled inwardly.

I organized this martial arts conference by myself, but I wanted to use the threat of the Nether Hall to force the entire martial arts to surrender to him. Who ever thought that the Nether Hall had really jumped out.

Hehe, it seems that they have to teach them again to let them know who is in charge of this world.

uncle! "

At this time, Long Qianqian looked at Long Xiaotian with excitement: Now the chief culprit who destroyed the Wulin League, the biggest demon of the martial arts is in front of him, if you can kill this demon in front of the entire martial arts colleagues, you You are the well-deserved leader of the martial arts, no one can shake your position. "

As soon as his eyes lit up, Long Xiaotian felt reasonable, but when he looked at the masked man in the air, he frowned slightly.

To be honest, his niece's proposal really moved him.

But the little girl is a little girl after all, and she doesn't speak her mind. If this Qiu Xiao was so naive to deal with, there would be no need to form any martial arts justice league and gather all martial arts power to attack him.

At the very least, it's just that this person can easily resolve his ultimate knack, and Long Xiaotian understood that this person's strength is unfathomable.

You know, his trick just now was meant to deal with Nan Jue Yang Feng's unique mastery, but was easily accepted by the opponent, which shows that the opponent's strength is absolutely above the five absolutes and should not be underestimated.

With an unprecedented dignified expression, Long Xiaotian glanced at that Qiu Xiaotian again, and shouted: Qiu Xiaotian of the Nether Palace, I didn't expect that you demons would dare to come to the venue of my Martial Arts Righteous Dao Conference so wildly, really boldly. All the martial arts scholars here can drown you with a single spit. "

Long Xiaotian's words were very pleasing. As Bei Jue, he did not show any retreat, lost his face, and did not foolishly make the head bird, but took it on top of everyone on the court.

Obviously, I want to fight each other in a group and crush them with the number of people. Anyway, I won't go to the opponent's boss.

And those silly Wu Lin Zhengdao colleagues thought it was the Dragon Gate Master who exalted them, and they clamored to fight each other for three hundred rounds, passionately.

Qiu Xiaotian didn't speak, but just kept smiling evilly. After a few moments, he raised his hand and waved slightly, and the crowd behind him slowly dispersed and came to the sky above the outside heads of these martial arts justices, and surrounded them all.

I don't know who killed the Wulin League, but everyone here today doesn't even want to leave alive. "

what? Do you want to kill all representatives of our martial arts righteous way and tens of thousands of sects? Hum, do you have that ability? "

With a grin, an old man immediately dismissed: All of us here are worshipped by the elders of various sects, masters of the masters. Hundreds of people in your area want to kill us all. It's not that easy, hahaha! "


As soon as the voice fell, everyone present raised their hair and laughed contemptuously, but suddenly, but listening to the constant rumbling noise, the whole earth shook unscrupulously.

The crowd was swayed to the left and right, making it difficult to stand. After calming down, people looked around again, and they were shocked to find that somehow, there were rows of mountains and mountains surrounding them all. .

this is……"

His face trembled, everyone's ridicule finally disappeared, and his complexion gradually became serious. It seemed that Qiu Xiaotian didn't seem to talk casually.

Yang Feng also looked around, curling his lips indifferently.

It's an old trick, and it's a wall made by a prefecture-level soil system master using soil system energy. This kind of technique is of no use to a peerless master like himself, and he can break it up with a fart.

However, for ordinary martial arts people, it is difficult to break through this wall, which is added by the earth-level energy of the earth system.

It is estimated that people have not rushed out yet, they have been completely wiped out.

Although Qiu Xiaotian does not have many subordinates, he has always followed the elite line, and he must not be underestimated.

Mo Gaofeng looked left and right, his eyes rolled, and suddenly the light flashed in his hands, he took out his guqin, flicked it lightly, and with a bang, a sound of the piano flew towards the wall like a sharp sword.

But he hadn't touched that wall yet. A wooden thorn suddenly shot out from the wall, which instantly pierced the piano sound sharp sword, and then slashed through Mo Gaofeng's hand like a flying arrow.


A piercing buzzer sounded, Mo Gaofeng's string broke, and a slight red trace appeared on the finger playing the piano. After a while, the trace gradually expanded, and red blood was shed.

how come……

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked.

Everyone is a member of the martial arts. Although their strengths are different, it can be seen that Mo Gaofeng, the world's number one player, had a hand with the opponent's team, but he lost directly and lost the lottery.

Is it possible for people like the other party...

With his brows frowning tightly, Mo Gaofeng looked up awkwardly and looked at the distant high in the sky with a wicked smile. He knew that it was the man's wood technique that had injured him.

And there are more than 300 such masters here.

Mo Gaofeng's heart sank suddenly. Not only him, but Gu Hanyang and Yuan Fangsheng were also sinking into the water, feeling unprecedentedly nervous.

Qiu Xiaotian glanced down at the bottom and sneered: No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants. Everyone in this seat has the strength above the five absolutes. Do you still think you have the ability to escape from here? Hahaha..."

what? Everyone is the Five Wonders?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was finally stunned.

Originally, they might still want to win by numbers. Even if they can't win, with so many of them, the other party can't wipe them out, right?

If you are lucky, you will always escape.

But now it's different. Although the opponent has only a few hundred people, they are all five masters.

How difficult is it for them to escape from these peerless masters?

Suddenly, everyone's complexion was gray, showing a deep look of despair, and some of them were so scared that they were about to pee their pants.

Even that Long Xiaotian was sweating coldly.

More than three hundred and five masters, plus a stronger Qiu Xiaotian, how should he respond?

But at this moment, Qiu Xiaotian looked at him sternly and suddenly said: Long Xiaotian, when this seat kills all the people here, you come to be the new martial arts leader, okay? "

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