Alien God System

Chapter 935: I'm coming

Yang Feng was suspicious, but he was happy to see it. The less popular he is, the easier it will be to regain it. This person is all compared. The more cruel Long Xiaotian behaves, the more Bodhisattva is alive, and the holy king comes.

Is it possible that this surnamed Long came to assist me, thank me for not killing him that day, hehe.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth grinned, and his face suddenly grimaced, and he shouted: Longmen Master, you're over now. Yes, what you just said is very reasonable. In order to deal with the Nether Palace, everyone must definitely be united, but you can't force it. Mass work requires patience, perseverance and conscience. If you do this, it will only make everyone fall apart, and we must serve the talents with morals. "

Pull it down, Master Yang, don't think I don't know, you are exactly the same as I thought. It's just that you are a hypocrite, and I'm a real villain. Don't knock on either of us, hum. "

There was a rough breath from his nostrils, and Long Xiaotian smiled coldly. After glaring at him, he looked at everyone around him: Now the Wulin Justice League has been established and no one disputes. But a snake without a head can't do it. This Justice League should always have a leader to take the lead in dealing with the Nether Hall. Whoever thinks can take the post. "

I think Longmen possesses both ability and political integrity, and has the style of a leader. Let his old man lead us to conquer the Nether Palace, and we will surely succeed. "

Yes, we unanimously elected Longmen Lord as the leader. "

Long live Longmen Lord! "


As soon as the voice fell, someone in the crowd immediately began to whistle and tsunami.

The corner of Long Xiaotian's mouth curled up and his head triumphantly raised. Long Qianqian and the others also had their nostrils up to the sky, staring at everyone present, as if Long Xiaotian was already the leader.

Yang Feng touched his nose, shook his head with a smile, and said in his heart to find support for himself, and put himself on the top. Who can't, I have some.

With that, Yang Feng gave the following wink, and someone immediately started shouting.

Guru Yang is young and promising and heroic. We recommend Guru Yang as the general leader. "

Yes, the threat of this Nether Palace was detected by Guru Yang, indicating that Guru Yang is thoughtful and intelligent. We recommend Guru Yang as the leader of our Justice League. "

Long live the Master Yang! "


A group of people called out Yang Feng's name again, and immediately suppressed the voices of Long Xiaotian's group.

Long Xiaotian's face sank and stared at Yang Feng fiercely. The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up and he looked at him provocatively.

At this time, Mo Gaofeng said with a dry cough: All quietly, let's go, our Wujue will vote on behalf of the five martial arts, and choose the general leader. Do you have any opinions? "

No! "

The fellow martial arts colleagues in the West, Central, and South all shook their heads very frankly and agreed to this resolution. Dongfang wavered, looking at Yuan Fangsheng, and seeing that Dongjue nodded, they shook their heads together and agreed.

Only the people in the northern martial arts looked at Long Xiaotian with a grim look.

Long Xiaotian did not speak, but frowned and thought carefully, but at this moment, Yang Feng took the lead and said: I vote for Senior Mo and elect him as the leader of the martial arts, do you have any opinions? "

No, no, the old man is old, the old man chooses the leader Yang! "Mo Gaofeng shook his head and left the heavy responsibility to Yang Feng.

Gu Hanyang and Yang Feng had already formed a line, and immediately followed the votes. In an instant, Yang Feng became two votes, which was a stable win.

Yuan Fangsheng looked at the situation and felt that Yang Feng's three people joined forces to win even more, so he fell in a hurried manner. Yang Feng won three votes, not including his falsely modest vote. The proper martial arts leader Up.

Seeing this, Long Xiaotian couldn't help but shook his body. He realized that the four people were all venting, and only he was isolated. He immediately yelled: Wait, if you want to vote, how can there be only five of us? All the schools of all martial arts should be allowed to participate together. "

Yes, vote together. "

Among the martial arts in this world, the northern martial arts has the largest number of people. If one person has one vote, Long Xiaotian will naturally take advantage.

How could Yang Feng allow the peach tree he planted to be picked by others?

So he looked straight and shouted: No, the world is so big, all martial arts leaders have sent for a meeting, and it has been a year. If everyone casts one vote to elect the leader of the martial arts, then how long will it be? I'm afraid the Netherworld Hall has wiped out all our martial arts sects, and it hasn't been selected yet. "

Teacher Yang is right, so what do you mean..."

Since everyone is a fellow martial artist, let's compete against each other. It's fairest to come here. "

Okay, let's compete! "

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Long Xiaotian laughed, his face full of confidence and glory.

Yang Feng didn't expect that he would agree so easily, a defeated man, where's the confidence.

But soon, Yang Feng discovered that his confidence was really not for no reason. The wind was blowing. This time he came back out of the rivers and lakes, and as expected he came back with two brushes.

Sixiang evil killing array! "

With a loud shout, a blood-red light curtain appeared on Long Xiaotian's whole body. Accompanied by the creak of the wind, the four elephant patterns appeared on various parts of his body.

It is Dongqinglong, Xibaihu, Southern Suzaku and Beixuanwu!

Among the four elephant beasts are Dongmu, Xijin, Nanhuo, and Beishui, four earth-level elemental energies, which can not help but converge in its body, giving off a terrifying power.

Mo Gaofeng's expression was shocked, and he said with horror: He is using the power of the ancient evil formation to gather the five elements. "

What do you mean? "

That is to say, he could not refine the five elemental powers himself, so he stored these five powers in the totem of the gods and beasts. When they are used, they can temporarily gather together to exert their power to destroy the world. Be careful! "

Mo Gaofeng's brows were condensed into lumps, and cold sweat ran down like a waterfall.

Yang Feng didn't care about it. It turned out that Long Xiaotian had spent a long time, but he had just made a temporary version of the Wuxiang Divine Formation.

This set of skills, I have already practiced so thoroughly, is this original genuine software, we are afraid that he has such a temporary version with no money to renew?


Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently, and walked up triumphantly, but he still didn't speak, sarcastically, a black cloud floated from the nine days, and said angrily: With you, you are also worthy to master the Lord of this world. The Wuxiang Divine Formation that you can own? Humph, don't be ashamed, miscellaneous goods. "

who? "

With his eyes wide open, Long Xiaotian looked viciously at the top of his head and roared: Then you come and taste the power of the four-elephant evil-killing formation, ha! "


As soon as the voice fell, Long Xiaotian slammed Jiutian's palm, four weird earth-level energies, mixed with his own earth attributes, flew and merged in the air, gradually emitting colorful rays of light and the power of destroying the earth. Come. But before he touched the black clouds, he saw a glowing light radiating out, dissolving all his tricks in an instant.

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, Long Xiaotian looked at all this in disbelief.

How could it be... the old man betrayed his soul in exchange for this unique skill. It was originally a shame, so how could it be broken so easily?


Long Xiaotian wailed in his heart and snarled: Who are you? "

Ha ha ha, you are here today, don't you just want to deal with this seat? This seat is what you are looking for, Nether Palace, Qiu Xiaotian. Now I am coming! "


The dark clouds dissipated, and more than three hundred figures appeared on the nine heavens, as well as a masked man, staring at the bottom with a look of murderous intent in his eyes...

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