Alien God System

Chapter 933: World Martial Arts Conference

Three months later, on the ruins where the Wulin League was wiped out, the World Martial Arts Conference was held in full swing.

For nearly a year, Yang Feng kept people in ruins in order to gather representatives of the world sect to see this heinous scene, so as to promote the progress of the martial arts union.

At this moment, there are already tens of thousands of tents standing in front of the ruins. Clusters of people are swaying like ants, pointing around the scorched ground, shaking their heads with sighs and sighs.

Whoops, it's unexpected that the dignified martial arts league was destroyed in this way. How sacred is the other party? "

I heard that it was a demon gate called Nether Palace, and suddenly came out. I have never heard of it before. I didn't expect that their strength is so strong. Now even the five masters are tricky. "

Isn't it? Otherwise, how could Zhong Jue and Nan Jue jointly call everyone together? "

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There was a bit of twittering, and the martial arts scholars from all sides kept moaning.

Zhongjue, Mo Gaofeng, Mo Senior here! "

Xijue, ancient Hanyang, ancient predecessors are here! "

Nanjue, the hero Yang Feng, the leader Yang is here! "

Suddenly, someone snorted, everyone turned their heads and stared scorchingly at the idol in Quan Wulin's heart, the owner of the three peerless seats.

Yang Feng, Mo Gaofeng, and Gu Hanyang looked calm and indifferent, passing by the admiring gaze of everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, especially Yang Feng. It is estimated that most of the people present saw it for the first time, and they were even more surprised.

Although they had already heard that Nanjue, the Holy Fire leader, was a young hero, they never expected that he was such a young half-sized boy.

Tsk tsk, it turns out that the hero was born as a teenager, and he became the owner of a peerless seat at such an age. The future is unlimited.

When the three of them came here, they separated into their respective camps, and Yang Feng went to the various factions of the southern martial arts to communicate with them carefully. Gu Hanyang and Mo Gaofeng went to the West and Middle-Earth Martial Arts respectively to discuss the matters of this martial arts conference.

The three of them did not have any communication during the whole process, which seemed to be avoiding suspicion.

Dong Jue, Yuanyang Lao Xian, Yuan Fangsheng, Yuan Yuan is here! "

At this time, another loud shout rang, Yang Feng raised his brows, and looked at the place where the stars were holding the moon not far away, and his heart came to him. Among the five masters, he has not seen the helm of the East.


Before the people arrived, a lingering celestial aura had already curled up, making everyone present refreshed and radiant, as if they had just taken a big tonic pill.

Then, a black-haired, childlike teenager walked over with a chuckle. He looked like a fourteen-five-year-old child, much younger than Yang Feng, but there was quite a difference between his gestures. Fan Laocheng's sense of seriousness is not what he should be at this age.

Yang Feng was stunned unconsciously, and muttered: Is this baby Dong Jue? Still called Lao Xian? Where is he getting old? "

Enlighten the teacher, this Dongjue is the three-yang immortality, every 50 years, it can reverse the years and increase the cultivation base. Regardless of how he looks like a child, he is actually more than 300 years old, and he is the oldest of the five uniques. "

Poison King explained in Yang Feng's ear.

Yang Feng nodded clearly, blinking strange eyes.

It turns out that there is really no Tianshan child grandmother in this world, this old monster.

Sect Master Lin, long time no see! "

Head Yue, it's been good these days, but we haven't seen each other in a hundred years, so I miss you. "

Master Zhang Dong, don't come unharmed. It's been eighty years since you and I said goodbye, hahaha! "

Yuan Fangsheng greeted the people around him one by one. Unlike the indifference of the other Sanjue, he was very talkative and approachable.

Finally, after saying hello to Mo Gaofeng, he came to Xijuegu Hanyang and got in touch.

Everyone knows that the old and the yin and yang of the east and the west have a very good relationship. They stick together when they meet, and never know what they are muttering. But no one knows that the two of them are just pure interests.

Before Long Xiaotian was too domineering, in order to protect themselves, the two formed an East-West alliance to resist the Dragon King's infiltration into their martial arts.

Now, the Dragon King Gate had disappeared, but it seemed that there was a more powerful opponent.

What's the matter, Brother Gu, how could you lose the entire Xijin? "

Lowering his voice, Yuan Fangsheng asked Gu Hanyang quietly, but he kept a smile on his face, like an old friend meeting and saying hello.

With a wry smile and shook his head, Gu Hanyang sighed: You think I want to lose it, but I can't hold it anymore. "

Why can't you keep it? Are Zhongnan Erjue teaming up? Otherwise, even if Mo Gaofeng took the shot himself, even if you can't beat him, you won't be conquered and compromised so easily, right? "

How could Mo Gaofeng Xianyun Yehe participate in this kind of siege? The old man was severely stepped on by that Nan Jue! "

No, do you mean that he can clean you up by himself? "

With a flick of his brows, Yuan Fangsheng glanced at him in surprise, then looked at the people in the southern martial arts, and at a glance, he found the center of the crowd, Yang Feng's position, his expression instantly dignified.

Is such a young offspring really so powerful? "

Are you not talking nonsense, if he is not strong, the old man can give up the entire western realm? Don't you think the old man is a rookie? "

Without speaking, Yuan Fangsheng's brows furrowed deeply, and after hesitating a little, he said: What do you think of this martial arts conference? Let's not talk about that mysterious Nether Palace. From the old man's point of view, it is the Holy Fire Sect who wants to do something. "

Alas, now the Wulin League is annihilated, and the dragons have no leader. The world of martial arts is divided into five factions, and people have lost a unified leader. It is a good opportunity to unify the martial arts and be set in one. Neither the Dragon King Sect nor the Holy Fire Sect will let this opportunity pass. This is the general trend. It is better for you and me to understand the situation and follow the trend. "

Yes, the leader of the World Wulin League used to belong to the Wulin League. Now that this seat is vacant, someone will naturally sit on it. But who is sitting in this seat? "

Yuan Fangsheng's eyes shone brightly, thinking silently.

When Yang Feng saw the martial arts, the representatives of all schools and factions were almost there, regardless of the east, west, south, north, and middle, except for the Dragon King Gate.

As for why the Dragon King Gate, Bei Jue, hadn't arrived, Yang Feng knew in his heart that he was probably still groaning on the bed because the injury was not healed.

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng grinned and walked onto the high platform that had already been erected, and shouted: Every fellow martial artist, all be quiet. Today, I’m South Jue Yang Feng and Zhong Jue Mo Gaofeng, and Senior Mo’s co-branded you all here. It’s really a matter of life and death for me to decent Wulin. It is the rise of the Demon Sect and the invasion of the Nether Palace to destroy all our sects. "


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room boiled over, and they began to behave fully.

Everyone has seen the ruins behind me. Once upon a time, this was the holy place of faith for our decent martial arts, the martial arts league. But now, it was destroyed by the Nether Hall, and there was no scum left. This was a provocation to all our decent martial arts. If we can't stop it in time, then the next person to be like this is you, me, and him! "

Yang Feng pointed at the people below, shouting hoarsely.

The expressions of everyone are getting more and more serious, and even a deep sense of fear exudes from the pupils.

When Yuan Fangsheng, Gu Hanyang, Mo Gaofeng and other discerning people saw this, they already understood Yang Feng's plan. Nan Jue is going to intimidate the Quan Wulin Zongmen nakedly and pave the way for his unified martial arts...

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