Alien God System

Chapter 932: One more alliance

On the other hand, Yang Feng left the team on his way back triumphantly after winning the Western Championships.

Instead of returning to the wind and thunder with the large army, but inquiring about the locals, he went straight to the place of Xijue practice, Yinghu Mountain.

Stop, who are you, dare to enter the clean repair ground of Master Xijue? "

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, a boy suddenly jumped out, gesticulating.

Yang Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said faintly: Holy Fire Sect leader, Yang Feng, this time I came to visit Gu Hanyang Gu Senior, please let me know, otherwise I will force it. "

What, you, you... You are Nan Jue who cut off one of my master's arms? "

His body trembled, the boy's legs trembled in fright, and he fell down with a pale face, and he couldn't walk in an instant.

Although they usually relied on being Xi Jue's disciples, with their nostrils facing the sky, they didn't put the people of the world in their eyes, but today facing Nan Jue who is stronger than their master, they no longer have the usual arrogance.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, ignored him and walked up the mountain.

It seems that you can't climb back and tell your master, then I can go up by myself, ha ha ha. "

When he arrived at the top of the mountain, Gu Hanyang seemed to have already noticed Yang Feng's arrival. A group of disciples arrayed in front of him like an enemy. Gu Hanyang did not show up, but his voice came like the sound of a valley.

Guru Yang has already taken the entire Xijin Empire, what is it for him to come to this quiet place? Didn't you want to eliminate the roots and solve the old man? "

Senior Gu, if I really want to kill you, you wouldn't just lose one arm that day. "Yang Feng smiled slightly and said jealously.

When those disciples of Xijue heard this, all of them were angry and sparked with anger.

However, they also know the strength gap between themselves and the other party, and they dare not act without authorization.

Gu Hanyang didn't speak, but after hesitated for a while, he immediately admitted freely and easily: Yes, it was indeed a simple matter for Master Yang to take the life of the old man that day. It's just that since Guru Yang had been merciful that day, he came to my place again today. What did he intend to do? "

I must have received the invitation from Gao Gaofeng and I. As the next martial arts conference is coming soon, I would like to ask, when do you always plan to leave? "

The old man is not going to set off. "

With a cold smile, Gu Hanyang murmured: Now in the entire Western martial arts, the old man has already given over to Master Yang. The fight between good and evil in martial arts has nothing to do with the old man. From now on, it is the time when Guru Yang is swaying the wind, the old man wishes Guru Yang dominate the world as soon as possible, and dominate the martial arts, hahaha. "

Gu Hanyang laughed, and his laughter was full of teasing.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and understood what he meant: You said lightly, now you have retired to the world, Western martial arts is a group of dragons without a leader, but that does not mean that Western martial arts will completely listen to me. On the contrary, this is your base camp, and Western martial arts all regard you as your head. If you don't show up, I'm an outsider, it would take a lot of effort to integrate such a bunch of local snakes, isn't it? "

Humph, then it depends on Master Yang's ability. Is it possible that Master Yang, with his supernatural powers, can seize this vast territory, but can't let the people in this realm obey him, hahaha? "

The so-called strong dragon does not crush the ground snake, Gu Hanyang looked at the jokes, even if your Holy Fire Sect is strong, you can occupy this Xijin territory, but it is not so easy to win over the hearts of the Western martial arts.

The human heart can never be conquered by force.

Yang Feng touched his nose, smiled wickedly, and then he disappeared with a swish.

When the disciples of Xijue saw it, they were all shocked, not knowing why.

At the same time, in a dark secret room, Gu Hanyang frowned slightly, feeling the disappearance of Yang Feng's breath, suddenly full of suspiciousness, where did this kid go?

But he hasn't realized what's going on. There was a wave of space fluctuations, and Yang Feng was already standing in front of him with a grin, and jokingly said: Dude, everyone is old acquaintance, what can't you say in person? If you have to use thousands of miles of sound transmission in the public, who will you show it to? "

Uh you..."

His body trembled, Gu Hanyang was shocked immediately, his eyes almost didn't stare out: Where did you come out from, aren't you in Qianshan? Why did you run into my back mountain secret room? What kind of magic do you have? "

A wicked smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and said: This is what I am capable of as Nanjue, don't you think I can only fight, hehehe. "

Quiet, deadly quiet.

Gu Hanyang stared at Yang Feng's laughing face, and finally sighed helplessly: It seems that the old man's loss is really not wronged, and the master of Yang's supernatural power is beyond the world. "

Hey, you don't need to be so arrogant. In fact, besides me, there are not many who can fight you in this world. You are still quite strong. "

Shrugging indifferently, Yang Feng took a deep look at Gu Hanyang's empty sleeves and said: Hey, your arms haven't been installed yet? "

The old man repaired the prefecture-level gold, and he couldn't make it. "

Why can't it be safe? "

Teacher Yang, don't you understand this truth? "

Shaking his head with a smirk, Gu Hanyang smiled bitterly: Among the five elements, the cultivator who has obtained the ground-level wood attributes has extremely strong resilience and can meet the spring with dead wood. Even with a broken limb and arm, it can immediately recover as before, but it is most afraid of the slash of the earth-level gold. However, those who have obtained the ground-level metallicity can practice the impervious body of the diamond, and generally will not be damaged, but once damaged, it is difficult to recover. Who made Jin Kemu? "

As long as the average person is not dead, even if he is dismantled, he will be able to regain his vitality and reconnect if he encounters a master with the ground-level wood attribute. But the only cultivator who cultivates earth-level metallicity, even if he is an earth-level wood attribute master, can't help him recover, just because the attributes of both sides are mutually restrained. This is probably the shortcoming of practicing Vajra to not harm your body, and you have lost the opportunity to recover. But there is nothing to complain about, it's all their own choices. "

Gu Hanyang was a little sighed at the end. Although he looked free and easy, he still felt a little regretful.

Yang Feng looked at him deeply for a long time. Without saying anything, he immediately picked up the broken arm he placed on one side and leaned him against the broken arm.

Gu Hanyang was taken aback: What are you doing? I said, I can’t do anything with my arm..."


However, he hadn't finished speaking yet, but seeing a colorful glow in Yang Feng's hand, his arm was installed instantly.

His pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, and Gu Hanyang couldn't believe it was true.

Why... how come, obviously my metallicity cannot be cured by wood attributes, but the power just now is not like wood attributes, but..."

It is a five-line attribute. "

Yang Feng did not hide it from him, and immediately said: I am a genius boy who refines the five elements of earth-level power. Just now, I used the five-element balance method to help you connect your arms without causing Jin Kemu's rejection. "

What, you actually refined the five elements..."

Unable to stop slamming his mouth in surprise, Gu Hanyang automatically filtered the boastful elements in Yang Feng's words and looked at him inconceivably.

Yang Feng grinned and raised a hand and said: I chopped off your hand earlier because you blocked my way, and you take the blame; now I return your hand and count you owed me. Now I give you two paths. Either you immediately cut off this hand and return me when I have not cured you; or take the entire western martial arts to the martial arts conference to support me, respect me as the leader of the martial arts, and we will fight against the Nether Palace together. , To contribute to the entire martial arts righteousness, you choose. "

Really overbearing!

Hearing what he said, Gu Hanyang's brows wrinkled slightly, but after thinking about it a little, he still grinned and said: How can the old man be willing to throw it away when his arm is regained? "


With that, Gu Hanyang grabbed Yang Feng's palm and tightened it tightly: Master Yang, see you at the martial arts conference. "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng smiled. He has another alliance...

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