Alien God System

Chapter 913: East Palace Prince

The emperor said that it was transported in Fengtian. The Ninth Prince Huangfuren, since being demoted to a commoner, has been kind and compassionate to the people. This time the Jiangnan disaster spread all over the country, and it was an active relief effort. The people's aspirations, I am very relieved, and especially restored his prince status. And promote it to the Prince's East Palace, supervise the country's government, and this! "

Thank you Lord Longen, long live our emperor! "

An hour later, at Huang Lao Jiufu, an **** read aloud the emperor's new decree. Huang Laojiu took a group of company employees. After thanking him, he got up and took the order.

The **** looked flattering and authentic: Congratulations to the nine princes, congratulations to the nine princes, who have now become the Crown Prince, and will be the Ninth Five-Year Lord in the future. The old slave thanked His Majesty in advance, hehehe. "

Okay, why are you happy? Back to that breath-holding palace surrounded by eunuchs, what's so good about it? "


Huang Laojiu rolled his eyes, not paying attention, the **** twitched and smiled awkwardly.

The employees around him immediately came out to make a round, and after giving the **** a few profound crystals, they sent him away.

Then everyone gathered around Huang Laojiu and complimented: Congratulations to Brother Jiu, Congratulations Brother Jiu, now he is a prince. "

What happened to the prince? I still like to be my Yang family consortium, sales manager. "

what? Prince, are you still not satisfied? The sales manager of this consortium is just a department leader, but the prince will be the emperor in the future. The whole world belongs to you. Is it comparable? "

Yes, there is no comparability, how can the prince compare to my sales manager? "

Rolling his eyes, Huang Laojiu couldn't help but sneered: In this sales department, I want to eat and drink. When you go to work, you can scold you unscrupulously; when you get off work, we all go out together, so free. But when you enter the palace, it's different. A group of eunuchs surrounds you, and you know that flattering is boring, and there is no talk back. The general manager of my sales department, the eloquence of Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth can't be used at all. I have no sense of accomplishment. "


Looking at each other, everyone was speechless.

Others want to be emperors, but you are good, you Lao Tzu is going to pass this thousand-year-old ancestral heritage to you, but you still dislike it.

You know how many people want to recognize an emperor as a father.

Humph, I really don't know the blessing in the blessing.

Everyone at the scene looked at him with a grimace. Huang Laojiu thought for a while, and then gritted his teeth angrily: This must be Brother Feng doing the job for me, otherwise my emperor dad wants face the most and is demoted as a common man. How could the prince recognize it again? Isn't this slap your own face? Hmph, I'll go to Brother Feng and return my position as the prince Jianguo. I don't want to be the prince and emperor. I want to be the sales king of the Yang Family Consortium! "

With a loud shout, Huang Laojiu rushed out like a gust of wind.

Everyone looked deeply at his disappearing back and couldn't help but shook their heads helplessly.

This is really a poor man who fails to work outside and has to go back to inherit the beautiful landscape.

Hey, Brother Nine, if you don't want to be the prince, recommend me to be a prince, because you are afraid that your father will not recognize me.

On the other hand, in Murong Mansion.

Murong Yinfeng shouted incredibly: What, you say it again? Who is crowned prince by the emperor? "

According to the report from the spies, the emperor alone summoned the king of the mountain and Anlehou who had returned from victory an hour ago, and then immediately decreed that the nine princes, Huang Furen, were named the current prince. "


As he softened, Murong Yinfeng collapsed on the Grand Master’s chair, his eyes full of shock: How could it be possible, now who doesn’t know, the Ninth Prince is now a dog of the Yang family, and letting him become the prince would not be the same as giving Jiang Shan a hand Give it to the Yang family? That fat man, but Yang Feng listened to everything. "

Perhaps because of this, Huang Laojiu was able to become the prince. It is not the emperor who put him in power, but Yang Feng. "Shaking the feather fan gently, Zhuge Shisan on the side also murmured.

Murong Yinfeng's complexion condensed, and he turned to look at him and said: Yang Feng let the fat man take the position, the emperor will listen to him? No way? With that old fox's scheming horror, how could he do such a confused thing? "

It may not be confused, but forced by the situation. "

Forced by the situation? Are you saying that Yang directly forced the palace? Why? Just because his old husband is Wang Boren, he has eighty-one mansion army in his hand? What a fart? His father-in-law didn't have the guts to force the palace. "

Yes, just relying on the power in Wang Boren's hands, there is no such possibility. But don't forget the prince, who else is entering the palace with Yang Feng this time. "

Backer King! "

With a flick of his eyelids, Murong Yinfeng's heart suddenly jumped, but he was even more confused: But this is not right, the patron king is a member of Huangfu's family, who has always been on the side of the emperor, how could he help Yang Feng? "

Shaking his head, Zhuge Shisan also didn't know, but said indifferently: Judging from the current situation, this is the only possibility. With the emperor's personality, even if he has the slightest possibility of resistance, he will stick to it and will not let the country fall behind. Unless his backing is gone, he can only ask for the second best. This Yang Feng is really not easy. He actually digs the corner and can dig past the king who is the most loyal to the royal family. I have to admire it. "

Yang Feng! "

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Murong Yinfeng clenched his fists, his eyes breathing fire.

Zhuge Shisan took a deep look at him, and hurriedly said: prince, the situation in the imperial capital has changed drastically nowadays, the situation is treacherous, and it is not appropriate to stay for long. Let's quickly return to the fief and watch the changes. "

Back to the fief? Why? Is this king afraid of his Yang family? "

Lord, the Yang family now has complete control of the overall situation. Once the prince supervises the country, Yang Feng has the final say in the whole government. In addition, the Kirin Army, one of the five legions, also came into his hands. At this time, we only have 10,000 demon cavalry to follow, if once he gets into trouble..."

Frowning his brows tightly, Zhuge Shisan couldn't help sighing: Yang Feng is not the emperor, the emperor is afraid of chaos in the world, but he Yang Feng is not afraid. Now that the imperial capital is completely controlled by him, the overall situation is set. It is not impossible for him to really want to do something with the prince. The prince must not be taken lightly. "


He slapped the table fiercely, Murong Yin's brows throbbed with anger, and gritted his teeth and said: Yang Feng, you have a kind. The old man has never flinched in his entire life, and the emperor has never scared him out of the imperial capital. You...hmph, okay, we retreat and return to the northwest! "

With that, Murong Yinfeng had passed the order and was about to retreat.

At the same time, the Dongfang and Nangong families also got the news and became uneasy.

The demoted prince fostered by Yang Feng entered the East Palace, which represented that the Yang family had completely controlled the court and the opposition, and the emperor compromised with Yang Feng.

Coupled with the close attitude of the Kylin Army and Yang Feng, all the forces have been worried.

The balance of imperial power, political power and military power that have been maintained for so many years will finally be completely broken under the comprehensive expansion of the Yang family...

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