Alien God System

Chapter 912: alliance

Oh, I almost forgot, I still have something to discuss with Senior Mo. "

Hearing his angry rebuke, Yang Feng couldn't help smiling slightly, and said lightly: I wonder if Senior Mo has ever heard of the organization of Nether Palace? "


Frowning slightly, Mo Gaofeng didn't say a word, just thinking carefully.

Yang Feng didn't wait for him to respond, and continued: Nether Palace is a mysterious force hidden in the rivers and lakes. The masters in it are like clouds. Each of them has the elemental energy bonus of the earth-level attributes, which is stronger than the top masters in the martial arts. More than ten times. It can be said that even if it is equal to the five must-dos, it is not too much, or even worse. "

what? "

His body shook, and Mo Gaofeng's face instantly sank, because he had realized what the Nether Palace was, and it was probably the mysterious people who wounded him.

Seeing that he was still thinking, Yang Feng thought he didn't believe it, so he took the patron king beside him to testify: Why, don't you believe that there is such a powerful force in this world? Then you can ask the old prince, he had personally seen a master of the magic path named Tuliusun in the Nether Palace, and he was almost wiped out by the entire army. There is also the dean of Tianfeng Academy, Ren Xiaoyao, he also encountered a nether messenger named Lei Zhan, you can go to confirm. "

Yes, the strength of the native-born grandchildren is really against the sky, if it were not for Master Yang to solve it himself, the old man's Qilin army would have been dead. "

At this time, the patron king immediately bowed to Mo Gaofeng and the emperor and said: Your Majesty, it's not that the old man wants to unite with outsiders and force you to abdicate. The enemy is too powerful now, and the old man is hard to resist. Teacher Yang was right. Now the situation, the wind and thunder are already in danger, yet another strange and unpredictable Nether Palace has appeared, threatening my Huangfu family. Especially that Nether Palace acted too strangely, as if it was not for the territory or power, but just fooling me and waiting..."

Fooling? "

With a frown, Mo Gaofeng confirmed the identities of those people even more, and suddenly shouted: Then did they say that this is all script? "

Hmm... I didn't seem to hear it. "

Backer King shook his head with a confused look, and Yang Feng chuckled: We didn't hear a script, but I heard Lei Zhan said that the Nether Palace seemed to use Feng Lei as the entrance to **** and cause a world war. To put it bluntly, I just want to see the ten empires kill each other, and they will profit. As for the benefits they receive, they don’t know what it is, maybe just for fun, or for..."

Soul contract!

Yang Feng's subsequent guess was not said, and it is estimated that others would not believe it, but he understood it in his heart.

The devil or evil **** needs souls sold by humans.

But the soul is so precious that fools know that they can't just sell it, when will it be sold? Only time for despair.

However, the evil gods were doing harm one by one, and the efficiency was too low.

To create an apocalyptic person who needs to sell his soul in exchange for profit, there will be more people.

Thinking like this, Yang Feng looked at the silent Mo Gaofeng again, and chuckled lightly: Why, don't Senior Mo still believe it? "

No, the old man believes, after all, the old man has also met these people. "

Shaking his head, Mo Gaofeng's eyes flashed with a sharp light: So what do you want to discuss with the old man about this Nether Palace? "

I hope to convene a world martial arts conference in the name of you and me, Nanjue and Zhongjue, and gather decent masters from all over the world to conquer the Nether Palace. Otherwise, my southern martial arts or your middle-earth martial arts alone will not be enough to deal with this scourge. "

Well, it does. "

Nodded Shen Shen, Mo Gaofeng said again: But to convene the World Martial Arts Conference, to gather the Five Jues in one place, the Prophet must meet the Martial Arts League. "

No need, the Wulin League was just destroyed by the Nether Palace not long ago, so now we have the biggest five jue, it is enough to call the world in your name. "

what? The Wulin League was actually destroyed by the Nether Hall, it seems that they don't want to keep hiding, they are about to jump to the front of the stage. "

Suddenly shocked, Mo Gaofeng was taken aback by the news, and after a while lightly stroked his beard, he muttered: Now the situation is imminent, the World Martial Arts Conference is imperative. However, we have to beware of one person. "

who? "

Beijue, Dragon King Gate, Long Xiaotian! "

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Mo Gaofeng surely shouted: This person is ambitious and powerful, and has always planned to dominate the world. Back then, the old man managed to suppress him, but I heard that he had been practicing in retreat for the past two decades, and now he has no idea how his strength has reached its peak. In this martial arts conference, without the presiding of the martial arts league, it is bound to have a martial arts leader among the five of us. Long Xiaotian would never let go of this good opportunity. "

If such an ambitious man takes the opportunity to seize power, I am afraid that even if we can defeat the Nether Palace, the martial arts will not be peaceful in the future, alas. "

Mo Gaofeng was worried, but Yang Feng smiled indifferently: Don't worry, that old dragon has been settled by me. Not long ago, he hit me in the palm of his hand, and he has half his life left without dying. It is estimated that in the second half of his life, don't even want to get off the bed. "


With a twitch of face, Mo Gaofeng was stunned.

He never expected that the Beilong he was most worried about had already been trampled on the ground by the Nan Jue in front of him, so what else could he worry about?

It is estimated that what he is most worried about right now is that the Nan Jue in front of him is more difficult to control than Long Xiaotian.

Stunned, Mo Gaofeng kept watching Yang Feng speechless.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent eyes and smiled: Senior Mo, what worries you still have, just say it, and I promise to solve it for you. "

The old man is most worried that you are more difficult to deal with than that Long Xiaotian, can you judge yourself in front of the old man?

Mo Gaofeng said secretly in his heart, but he didn't say clearly. After thinking for a while, he finally shook his head.

That being the case, let's issue a joint statement together to convene the World Martial Arts Conference and conquer the Nether Palace. Never let this mouse, which has been hiding in the dark, wait for an opportunity to destroy it. "


Mo Gaofeng nodded, saying that compared to the threat of Nether Palace, Yang Feng's ambition was nothing, so he agreed to join hands with him.

Yang Feng looked happy, and his fists clenched excitedly.

Mo Gaofeng is a veteran of the Five Jues, and is also recognized as the number one master in the world. His fame is definitely higher than that of his newly appointed Nan Jue, the leader of the Holy Fire.

The martial arts conference called by him, people must also sell more face.

When the martial arts leader is selected at the conference, when he is in the position, he will be able to step on the shoulders of those four musts and expand his reputation throughout the world.

Yang Feng planned happily, and then looked at the emperor on the dragon chair, jokingly said: Your Majesty, how long have you been thinking about it? "

What do you say?

The emperor had no choice but to close his eyes.

At this moment, both Zhong Jue and Nan Jue are already in an alliance. His most reliable backer, the Qilin Army, is also on Nan Jue's side. He is a lonely man, what else can he have.

I, just abdicate. It's just... who do you want me to return to? "

Old nine! "

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng shouted.

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