Alien God System

Chapter 2196: Mentor hunting

"Conspiracy, it really is a conspiracy!"

Chang Yanyan was so scared that tears were about to fall, and she jumped her feet and said, "I said you shouldn't come in. You have to come in. What should I do now? I want to go home, ooh!"

Zhong Lihun and others were also instantly nervous and dignified, and looked at Yang Feng anxiously, "Brother Feng, what should we do?"

On the face, the cloud was light and breezy, without a trace of fluctuation, Yang Feng just turned around and smiled at everyone: "Relax, take out your full strength to deal with the enemy, just do your best, do it normally, don't be too nervous!"


Zhong Lihun is puzzled by them. What does Brother Feng mean, he plays normally?

Please, now these Asura gods are obviously going to kill us, fighting life and death, it is not an exam, what normal performance?

Brother, we want to save our lives and rush out! It was the leader of the leader Shura who turned his head and took a deep look at Yang Feng, then nodded faintly: "Yes, it's worthy of being a famous person of Master Kabbah. It's kind of interesting."

"What are you doing stupidly? Go ahead!"

As he said, the team leader looked at the Shura gods around and motioned.

With a treacherous laugh, everyone rushed to the interns like a locust.

Moreover, these Asura gods are different from the normal group battles, and they do not have any cooperation. On the contrary, they are like a pack of wolves snatching prey, staring at a prey together. Whoever grabs it counts, and they are in a competitive relationship. .

Zhong Lihun and others faced such a large number of people, and their strength was far surpassing their Shura God Group Attack, and immediately trembled with fear, and Chang Yanyan was even more of a Liushen without a master, only knowing to cry, completely forgetting that she was not one. The weak woman, who is also a master of human Taoism, wailed: "What to do, we are dead this time, we are all to blame on that Yang Feng, we are exhausted, wow!"

"Don't be afraid of Yanyan, I will protect you."

At this time, Jin Shiyuan roared, and the golden light of his whole body bloomed again: "Beast-born Taoist magic, the four elephants are in one, and the King Kong is not bad!"

Ho Ho Ho! The powerful force was once again poured into his body, Jin Shiyuan seemed to have turned into a great beast, blocking Chang Yanyan, and shouted: "I will protect you and rush out. Don't worry, as long as there is me, others will never want to hurt you. Root hair!"

Wow, this kid has become so reliable now! Hearing what he said, Chang Yanyan couldn't help being stunned. Even the Zhong Lihun and others on the side were shocked. They secretly praised, but they said... "Sura Taoist magic, Shura's breaking fist!"

puff! With a muffled sound, the pale fist slammed into Jin Shiyuan's chest like a steel spear.

Then, after hearing a crisp sound from Kara, Jin Shiyuan's whole body of golden light and four elephant spirits disappeared. He rolled his eyes and fell weakly.

Uh...Zhong Lihun and others who admired him just now froze momentarily, and Chang Yanyan was also stunned, she wanted to cry without tears: "You said you wanted to cover me to rush out, why did you fall so quickly? "

"Hey, this kid is good, mine, hahaha!"

At this moment, the **** Shura who knocked down Jin Shiyuan, carried this fat body, instantly flew high into the sky and left the battlefield, not knowing where to go.

Chang Yanyan was anxious: "Yes, Fatty Jin has been taken away. Go and save him..." Puff! But before she could finish her words, she suffered a hand knife suddenly behind her back and fell feebly into the arms of a goddess asura.

Seeing this exquisite face, the goddess Shura shook her head helplessly: "Oh, which eldest lady is so squeamish and has no combat experience. It seems that some of them are worried, tusk."

With a wry smile, the female Asura **** also left the battlefield with Chang Yanyan's body.

Zhong Lihun and the others wanted to rescue, but they were also defeated and carried away by the other Asura gods in an instant.

So, that's it, but in just a few breaths, all the interns of Sanctuary College were taken away, and none was spared. Only a group of Shura gods who hadn't snatched the students stood in front of the empty gate, bowed their heads and sighed.

Yang Feng looked at their gloomy look and let out a boring breath: "I said no one robbed me?

Am I not in demand? "

"You are called by Master Kabbah, who dares to grab it, ha ha ha!"

At this time, Captain Shura glanced at Yang Feng and chuckled lightly: "By the way, when did you see our intentions?

How did you know? "

How did you know?

By listening! His ears moved lightly, and Yang Feng grinned: "Want to know, ask Kaba to go, I won't tell you, hehehe."

"Forgetful, arrogant and rude!"

His face sank blankly, and Captain Shura curled his lips disdainfully: "How do you see all this, I don't know, and I don't want to know.

But I just want to tell you that no matter what background you have, being able to be looked upon by Master Kaba so differently will save your instructor from hunting, but as long as you are in the Asura Way, you must abide by the rules of the Asura Way.

First of all, the first is to be humble and orderly, and to be humble.

I don’t want you to have this attitude when I ask you next time, understand? "

That's right, just now a group of Asura gods besieged the interns, it was not as usual Yanyan and the others thought, it was Kabbah who took revenge on Yang Feng, and finally implicated them, but the mentor of Asura Dao hunting around.

A group of designated Shura gods act as intern tutors to **** the interns who they want to teach and lead.

Whoever grabs it will be rewarded accordingly.

The better the students you get, the more generous the rewards, and you can even upgrade them directly.

As for those who cannot be grabbed, they will be punished or even downgraded.

Therefore, the tutors who failed this time were secretly downcast, and Yang Feng knew that all this was the routine practice process of Shura Dao, so he didn't stop it.

But now, the Asura captain dared to give him offense, he could no longer keep a low profile.

The corners of his mouth curled up with an evil arc, and Yang Feng's eyes were full of provocative expressions: "Sorry, since I was born in this world, I don't know what honor and inferiority is.

Just now when you were working with my brothers, if Lao Tzu knew that this was the general process of the Shura Tao internship, do you think you could take away one person? "

"what did you say?"

The eyes of Captain Shura stared at Yang Feng, and his eyes were full of anger. After a few moments, he suddenly turned towards the remaining hundreds of Shura gods who failed to rob people: "You rubbish, even an intern. I can't get it, everyone goes back to receive 50 million lashes!"

Well! The corners of their mouths slumped, and those Shura gods bowed their heads in shame.

"However, one of you is spared."

Immediately afterwards, the captain glanced at Yang Feng, then motioned: "Isn't there still an intern here? Whoever grabs it counts!"


My heart shook, and all the Asura gods were dumbfounded: "Isn't this what Master Kaba asked for, can we grab it?"

"I am in charge and give you a chance to avoid punishment."

With a sneer, the captain glared at Yang Feng and shouted: "Boy, bragging is a price, especially in Shura.

Let me remind you that we are all vulgar people in the Asura Way. When we start to grab students, we don't have any seriousness. You have to bear it, hum. "

Huh huh! As soon as the voice fell, a pair of wild wolf-like eyes were already locked on Yang Feng.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng shrugged disapprovingly: "Insult yourself, you are really in vain of your boss's care for you, alas."

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