Alien God System

Chapter 2195: Encircle

"Come back, don't rush to run!"

The little girl didn't run two steps, she suddenly stagnated, making it difficult to move forward.

Yang Fengxie smiled and grabbed Chang Yanyan's back neck with one hand, and said jokingly: "Girl, when you were in the world, I saw you domineering, and you are not afraid of heaven, why are you so persuaded now?

The person that Kaba mainly deals with is me, you see I am not afraid, you are afraid of a fart. "

"Nonsense, you are more than guilty, offended Taoist Kabbah, who have we provoked?"

Turning her head and glaring at him fiercely, Chang Yanyan slapped her hands indiscriminately, slammed Yang Feng's steel-like arm, and wailed: "Let go, you bitch, let me get out of here, I want Go home, wow!"

"Go back to the ass, you won't practice anymore?"

"No more internship, I want to go home!"

"If you don't have an internship, you won't be able to turn upright, can your dad agree?"

"Even if you can't be a righteous god, it's better than losing your life with you, you **** killed us.

It's not good to provoke him, he provokes Dao Master Kaba, he is the fiercest among the six elders, kills the gods without blinking, hey! "

Chang Yanyan cried so badly that I felt pity, her nasal blisters squirted out, no longer caring about the usual Tsundere Princess image.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, and sighed helplessly.

The rest of the interns still don't understand what happened to the big brothers. Why is the princess of the human world so heartbroken?

Same as dead father.

The other princes of various ways are all dull and sluggish [doudou novel], no longer the usual frolics, as if going to a grave.

They looked at each other, everyone was lost, and all looked inexplicable.

Rumble! Suddenly, at this moment, with a dull loud noise, the cold steel giant door of Shura Dao opened.

The cold air at the moment when the gate was separated, it was like a sea wave rushing in, and all the interns present could not help but shiver.

Chang Yanyan's cries also stopped abruptly, looking into the dazzling door with a face of fear, and both calves swayed.

Zhong Lihun, Zhao Gongming and the others also came back to their senses all at once, their whole bodies trembled beyond words, but they were... "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

After the dazzling white light gradually dissipated, what was caught in the eyes of everyone present was a bunch of standard smiling faces gathered together.

A group of Asura gods had already arranged a neat team, welcoming them at the door, like a welcome team, with a striking banner above their heads.

Welcome to the 32.65 million internships of Sanctuary College to come to Shura Road for internship experience! "what?

This is to greet us?

how is this possible?

God Shura, who has always been fierce and vicious outside, is so friendly to us interns? "

"Yes, after four internships, no one has been so friendly to interns."

"I'm afraid this is Feng's relationship again, hehehe...I also said that there is no one in the Asura Dao, is this wrong?

It seems that Brother Feng was testing our loyalty just now. Fortunately, we did not turn a defection. "

......Everyone knows everything very well, and your heart is happy when you say a word.

It seems that this Shura Dao internship is also appropriate. If you don't do anything, you will get a high score.

Sure enough, going through the back door is cool, keep going, always cool, hahaha! Zhong Lihun blinked his bewildered big eyes, then looked at Yang Feng with a puzzled expression: "Brother Feng, didn't you say that Daoist Kaba always wanted to find a chance to kill you."


"Then why is there such a grand welcome ceremony to greet you?"

"Where do I know this?"

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng smiled and said, "Maybe this is a feast for the family?

I was afraid that I ran away crying like Chang Yanyan, so I tricked me into it first, and then closed the door and beat the dog...Uh, yeah, it was catching turtles in the urn...Uh, uh, uh, that’s what you mean anyway. "

The corner of Chang Yanyan's mouth shrank, and she glanced at him: "Who ran away crying?

I... I just don't want to die in vain.

Hey, Jin Shiyuan, Zhong Lihun, you guys... do you want to go in? "

"What if I don't enter?

Didn’t you get your internship score? "

"But after you go in, you will die!"

"How can you be sure that you must be dead?"

After thinking about it a little, Zhong Lihun murmured: "Now there is no sign that Dao Master Kaba will be detrimental to us interns. Maybe Dao Master Kaba has a large number of people and doesn't care about Brother Feng who offended him before?

After all, his old man is one of the six elders, and his belly must be different from those of us. "

"That's not necessarily, maybe the bigger the person, the smaller the belly, hehe."

With a grin, Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal.

Chang Yanyan and the others glanced at each other, but their faces became darker, full of worry.

At this time, a leader of the Asura God team stepped up to the people and smiled to everyone: "Dear interns from Sanctuary College, you are welcome to come to the Asura Way for an internship.

We, the official Asura gods, will do everything we can to let you experience as much as possible the daily work of the Asura gods and the orthodoxy of Asura in the short one-month internship period. Please come with me. "

"Please come in, Jie Jie Jie!"

As soon as the voice fell, the other Asura gods also shouted in unison, but the laughter was insidious and treacherous.

Chang Yanyan and others were too scared to take a step, but Yang Feng, the number one enemy of Shura Dao, raised his head improperly and walked forward in strides.

"Then I will trouble you to lead the way!"

"You are polite!"

With a slight nod, the Asura God Captain was very polite and led Yang Feng into the gate.

Chang Yanyan and the others are still worried: "Eh, do you want to go in?"

"Let's go, Brother Feng himself is not afraid. If we don't even have the courage to enter this gate, wouldn't we be afraid?"

"I... I'm a girl. It makes sense to want to admit it, right?"

"Why don't you say that you are a girl when you are in the world, and be more reserved?

Want to retire now?

It's late, you garden girl, let's go! "

Rolling his eyes, Zhong Lihun and the others kept up with Yang Feng's reluctant Chang Yanyan without saying a word.

The rest of the interns followed these cadres into the house.

After everyone had passed the gate, there was a loud noise, and the gate was closed. The leader of the **** Shura who led the way suddenly stagnated. After twisting his neck, his face no longer had the gentleness: "The little cubs have all come in, they are picking their prey, let them have their own skills!"

"What do you mean?"

With a staggered body, Chang Yanyan was immediately pale with fright, but she still didn't wait for the person to answer, but before a while, all the interns were quickly surrounded by a group of Asura gods. It's a hideous smile.

Especially in the eyes, there is a beast-like possessiveness, greedy and bloody, like a killer aiming at the prey, waiting for opportunities at any time...

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