Alien God System

Chapter 2164: I am back

On the other hand, in a lush mountain forest, but seeing an invisible wave in the sky gave birth to... Sa! A black shadow fell suddenly from the nine days, kneeling on one knee, and when he raised his head, it wasn't Yang Feng who had disappeared in the explosion in the siege of the six old men, but who was it?

"This is where?"

With a trace of confusion in his eyes, Yang Feng looked around, his brows condensed lightly: "I escaped?

Escaped from the joint encirclement of the six elders?

Hahaha! "

Looking up to the sky with a big laugh, Yang Feng danced with excitement. He felt a sense of aftermath, but soon he narrowed his eyes again and said: "But...where did I escape?

Is it shuttled to another plane, or..." Swish! Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, Yang Feng looked up, and suddenly saw three white phantoms passing through the clouds: "That's... Shura God? "


Who is calling us? "

The three Asura gods stopped immediately, looking at the voice coming from, seeing Yang Feng staring suspiciously at the three of them, the money flew over.

"who are you?

Did you call us just now? "

"Tell me, what time is it?"

Yang Feng did not answer their questions, but said very eagerly.

The three looked at each other, inexplicably: "When?

When? "

"What year, month and day is it now?"

"Are you asking about the mortal date on this plane, or the God Realm calendar?"

"Of course I am asking about the God Realm Calendar...Uh!"

His mind was stagnant, and Yang Feng was halfway through his speech, unable to speak.

I went, the God Realm calendar has never paid attention to it. What was the strategy 100,000 years ago and 100,000 years later?

Now if I have already crossed, which era is it?

Yang Feng hesitated, not knowing how to answer. The three Asura gods looked strange to him, and immediately questioned: "Eh, who are you?

What are you doing in this plane?

It doesn't look like the main **** or demon god, is it an evil god? "

"No, I am not an evil god."

As soon as his eyes rolled, Yang Feng immediately took his mind.

Since you can’t figure out the era you are in, you can just report your name directly, and spread your reputation. The age when the gods know them will definitely be one hundred thousand years later; those who don’t know themselves are one hundred thousand years. Before, or in the middle, use this as a judgment.

Hey, I'm so smart! The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng coughed dryly, "I am the number one student of Sanctuary College, and Yang Feng is also doing an internship in the human world. I have had several connections with your Asura master Kaba. As a **** of Asura, you should Have you heard of me?"

"What, you are that Yang Feng?"

The pupils flicked, and the three Asura gods were shocked immediately.

When Yang Feng heard it, he was overjoyed: "I'm going, you guys really know me, then I succeeded in this journey, and my idea is really right. Using the time and space forbidden technique and the impact of the Six Elders, I can open the time and space channel to pass back. , Hahaha!"

Earlier, under heavy siege, Yang Feng suddenly thought of how he had traveled to the fate of 100,000 years ago, and what Tianming had said to him.

With the skills of the six elders, colliding with each other can open the passage of time and space.

And when I first traveled to one hundred thousand years ago, it was because of the time and space forbidden technique when dealing with the palm of the world-destroying **** of Kaba.

Therefore, he used the power of other gods and the power of the law of time and space to deal with the joint attack of the six elders in the plane channel.

Sure enough, this collision opened the space-time channel once again and successfully sent him back one hundred thousand years later.

I just don't know how old this one hundred thousand years will be.

But no matter how long it is, it's okay to come back. At least he is not a black household, and he can return to the gods and reunite with his wives.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng couldn't help laughing more happily, as happy as a child.

The three Asura gods had three faces suspicious, and they couldn't figure out what this girl was talking about. They were still crazy, and said: "Are you really that Yang Feng?

In the process of internship in the human world, the missing Yang Feng?

Do you know that now the entire Six Dao Demon Gods, Lord Gods, and Asura Gods are all looking for you all over the world? You have been missing for half a month! "


Only missing for half a month?

Hahaha! "

Laughing again and again, Yang Feng kept clapping his palms: "It's worth it, it's worth it. The lower realm was plated with gold in half a month. After playing for several years, only half a month has passed since he returned. It’s the most cost-effective holiday, hahaha!"

Uh...Is his brain broken by the terrorist attack?

The face twitched slightly, and the three Shura gods looked at each other, all inexplicably.

But soon, one of them rolled his eyes and hurriedly said: "Yang Feng, hurry up and report back to the God Realm with us, otherwise your family and friends will be in a hurry."

"Well, well, let's go back to the God Realm, and go back now. My physical body is still in the God Realm.

But now I still need some body, hahaha! "

Yang Feng smiled heartlessly, waved his hand, and took the lead to fly to the sky, but he didn't wait for his feet to leave the ground...puffpuffpuff! Three muffled noises came out one after another, Yang Feng stagnated, and looked down. I don't know when, three shining Shura knives have stabbed him to the heart.


With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng turned his head and saw that the three Asura gods behind them all showed grim smiles, and said with a wicked smile: "Yang Feng, you are really dead. Dao Master's Desperate God's palms are out. Not dead yet?

But it is a pity that our Taoist does not want to see you in the God Realm anymore, so you can die in the lower realm with peace of mind, hum. "


Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said nonchalantly: "My car, house, wife and children are all in the God Realm, and I am also in the God Realm account. Why don't you let me die in the God Realm?"

Uh! With a twitch of face, the three of them were dumbfounded.

How come... This kid was obviously stabbed through by the three of us's Shura knives, and he should be gone immediately. How could he be so boastful and look like a broken mouth?

Is it possible that this Shura knife is useless to him?

"What are you looking at?

Do you think I am unworthy? "

Without paying attention to the surprised expressions of the three of them, Yang Feng continued to talk: "Although I am from the countryside... uh, bah, I am a **** from the mortal world, but I am now registered in the God Realm and enjoy all the benefits of the God Realm. , Why do you want to send my ashes back to the earth.

Lao Tzu died in the God Realm. There is good feng shui, and he can still enjoy the treatment of cadres and take care of his children in school. What's the matter if buried in the mortal world?

I will ask you, if you are going to die, you must die in the gods, right? "

I wipe it, **** it! With his head full of cold sweat, he took two steps back and forth, and the three Asura gods were immediately dumbfounded: "How is it possible?

You were cut by us, nothing happened? "

"Nonsense, the Shura knife won't even kill me."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng took the Shura knife out of his stomach and squeezed it.

Now he is at the dominance level, at the peak of his mind, and he is not afraid of other people's spirit attacks.

"It's you..." Then, Yang Feng looked at the three of them again, smiling evilly: "Dare to stab Lao Tzu from behind, don't you want to go back alive?"

"Help, monster!"

Their bodies couldn't help but shook together, and the three of them screamed, turned their heads and ran away, rushing straight for nine days, wanting to return to the God Realm.

Yang Feng ignored them either, just narrowed his eyes slightly, and a thought arose.

Puff puff! The spirits of the three Asura gods were completely annihilated...

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