Alien God System

Chapter 2163: Disappeared

dead! dead! dead! In a short period of time, Yang Feng considered all the possibilities, but each one was a dead end.

Whoosh whoosh! At this time, a wave of terrifying energy struck from all directions.

Yang Feng's body shook, and he clearly felt that it was the six elders who made the shot together.

There is no way, he can only fight back and fight hard, hoping that he is lucky and can make a way out.

"Destiny controls, the law of time and space, arrogance!"

boom! Suddenly raising his hand to wave around, Yang Feng's entire body instantly burst into a dark thunder light, like a nuclear explosion, suddenly spreading in all directions, and violently collided with Liu Lao's trick.

In an instant, a terrifying energy shock erupted in the shuttle channel, causing more than 100 billion mortal planes to instantly turn into nothingness, completely annihilated, and even the entire plane's shuttle channel became a piece of dust in the universe.

When everything is calm, more than half of the planes in the entire universe have disappeared, or have experienced irreparable disasters, and are no longer suitable for living creatures.

The place where Yang Feng was originally located has also become a place of emptiness and death, and there is nothing left. The channel connecting the various planes has long since disappeared, and the soul can't shuttle, and only mind can exist.

Six phantoms floated here leisurely, seeming a bit strange.

"Huh, how about people?

Isn't it escaped? "

"how is this possible?

The six of us surrounded him, where could he escape? "

"Yes, unless... he escapes to the past, or the future!"

"That's even more impossible. This route is controlled by Lord Tiandao and Brahma, and he has no reason to open it."

There was silence, and the six of them stopped talking, as if they could no longer find the reason for Yang Feng's disappearance.

They wouldn't believe that, just when the six of them took action together, they would be able to completely eliminate the second generation of other gods that had completely inherited the power of the other gods.

But at this moment, the other gods are indeed gone.

After hesitating a little, Li Taibai's voice rang out: "Let's go, go back to the realm of the gods, and say that the other gods have been destroyed."

"Do you really think so?"

Dissatisfied with Kaba, Li Taibai chuckled, "Otherwise, what should I do?

Do you know how other gods escaped?

Where did you escape? "

Without speaking, Kabbah fell silent for a while, and then said again after a while: "What does it mean that Lord Tiandao personally ordered the blockade of the God Realm this time?"

"Didn't your Shura Road block it first?

I thought you had long thought that the following chaos would affect the God Realm, and Master Tiandao also thought so, so later he personally issued an order. "

"It's that simple?"

"if not?"

With a cold smile, Li Taibai said lightly: "Kabbah, do you want to personally question Lord Tiandao mean?"

Silent, Kabbah didn't speak anymore, no matter how suspicious he was, he didn't dare to pursue it anymore.

Only after a while, he suddenly snarled up to the sky: "Don't be a god, you wait for the old man, no matter you run to the end of the world, the old man will definitely catch you and smash you into pieces, ah!"

Kaba's heart was full of depression and anger, and the other five people glanced at him with disapproval.

In fact, the six people had speculations in their hearts about the disappearance of the second generation of other gods, but none of them dared to go further.

Let this matter be a pending case, buried in the dust of history forever.

Ever since, like this, the emergence of the second generation of the other gods, after causing a lot of fluctuations in the six realms of the gods, quickly subsided.

The official announcement was that the other gods had been rectified by the six elders, and then countless master gods and demons began to repair the mortal plane.

After Jin Ling and the others returned to the Six Realms of Gods, they naturally also suffered a round of censorship, but with Wen Liang behind the Wen family, this censorship was just a stoppage.

After that, Wen Liang continued to be his intern, and at the same time allowed Jiang Chaowei and King Abeiro to be given some benefits from the family, which was considered as completely blocking their mouths.

Since then, Jiang Chaowei has a place in the Heavenly Dao Department and has become a cadre.

King Abelo has an official cover, and he has also become a big brother-level figure in the Cthulhu Circle, truly becoming a gangster under the umbrella.

The demon **** Di Abro was jealous, and wanted to find Wen Liang to get closer to his mentor and apprenticeship, so as to gain some benefits, but because of his final escape, Wen Liang completely cut his robes from him.

Di Abro was dissatisfied and wanted to threaten Wen Liang with mundane things, but he didn't look at the current situation. At this time, Wen Liang was still the former intern who didn't know the world and had only a little cleverness?

Wen Liang had already been taught by Yang Feng's words and deeds, and he was so treacherous and cunning that he would not be threatened by this timid and fearful demon.

After all, in the testimony of the witnesses, Wen Liang has four livelihoods here. He is just a one-sided statement. With the addition of the Wen family's influence, how can his little demon fight them?

If it weren't for the reason that he was his own mentor, Wen Liang made him shut up directly.

So Di Abro could only admit it obediently and didn't dare to be a demon anymore.

As for Jin Ling, Wen Liang originally wanted to promote her, and even directly transferred to the Heavenly Dao Department, but she refused.

Because she wants to continue to be the main **** of that plane, waiting for Yang Feng to return.

Even though the official has officially notified that the other gods have been rectified on the spot, she still doesn't believe it, and just wants to meet Yang Feng again in 100,000 years.

Seeing that she was so persistent, Wen Liang gave up... "Aotian classmate!"

After three months in the Six Ways of God Realm, Wen Liang went to the Shura Road to participate in the funeral of Tang Hao, the director of the Shura Adjudication Office. When he ran into Tang Aotian, who was still an intern, he stepped forward to express his condolences: "Sorry and change!"

"Thank you!"

Nodding slightly, Tang Aotian's eyes were full of hatred: "Classmate Wen Liang, when I heard that my father died, you were doing an internship on that plane?"

Ok! With a promise, Wen Liang nodded slightly, not daring to look directly into Tang Aotian's eyes.

"Then when my father died, were you there?"

"Uh... here!"

Taking a deep breath, Wen Liang nodded again: "My father is a hero, and the battle is very heroic, but it's a pity..." Click! With a clenched fist, Tang Aotian gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be a god, the ancient gods, I, Tang Aotian, will completely eradicate your two gods cancer in this life."

"Classmate Aotian, this...what's the matter with the ancient gods?"

"My father came to that plane just to trace the conspiracy of the ancient Protoss and was killed by them.

All the uncles and uncles of the Shura Dao were also killed by them, and the other gods were also evil gods of the ancient gods.

If you don't get rid of them, I will not be God! "

"Student Aotian, actually..." Wen Liang was anxious and wanted to tell him everything.

Not everyone in the ancient gods was so heinous and threatened his father's life many times, nor was it the ancient gods, but his own people in the Asura Way.

Even his father and the second generation of other gods have already cherished each other, and the last two are a war of gentlemen. There is no hatred, and his father walks without any regrets.

It's a pity that he can't say, otherwise it would be equivalent to exposing himself and Jin Ling.

Tang Aotian saw him hesitate to say something but stopped, and said strangely: "What happened then?

What do you want to say? "

"It's nothing. Thanks to my father's care, I saved my life. I am grateful to my father, who is a **** worthy of admiration."

Wen Liang barely smiled, Tang Aotian also smiled and nodded, then his face sank again, and he cursed: "I will repay the revenge of my father!"

Seeing the killing intent in his eyes, Wen Liang sighed and left silently.

At this moment, the two princes of heaven who were equally outstanding at Sanctuary Academy have since embarked on two completely different paths.

Just because in the same thing and the same result, the two saw two different causes.

What Wen Liang saw was the high-level bureaucracy's indifference to the life at the bottom, the intrigue between interest groups, mutual collusion, internal cruelty, and ungratefulness, but Tang Aotian saw only deep hatred of foreign races.

He would never think that he would lure his father into the lower realm to kill him. It was their brother of Shura Dao...

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