Alien God System

Chapter 2159: Stepping stones

As long as you believe that you are invincible, then you are invincible?

Yang Feng murmured, after thinking for a while, he wondered: "Senior, are you chicken soup or chicken blood?

Could it be that the strength of this last step is simple self-confidence? "

"Either chicken soup or chicken blood.

Belief is definitely not something you can own if you want to own it.

Don’t your little opponent know this truth?

His understanding is higher than yours! It's a pity that two obsessions have already been planted in his heart.

Tian Dao and his master Kabbah were like two mountains pressing on him, making him unable to make this step after all. "

After a long sigh, the dark shadow said leisurely: "I love my teacher, but I love the truth more.

This is a famous saying by the ancient Greek scholar, Aristotle, which is known to everyone on earth.

But how many can achieve this in the end?

Most people are afraid of authority and worship authority, like a baby elephant tied to a twine, even if it grows up, it can't escape.

If everything in the world wants to evolve, it must be a process by which the descendants overthrow the predecessors.

Because I feared the predecessors and didn't dare to deny them, it was difficult to reach the top. "

Shen Shen nodded, and Yang Feng understood: "Yeah, Tang Hao is a disciple of Kaba. He was taught by Kaba for his unique skills. Kaba carefully taught him to get to this point.

But what Kabbah taught him in the end was to overthrow himself and God. How could he turn around at once? "

"Your little opponent was carefully cultivated by Kabbah.

But unfortunately, the more careful he was, the more difficult it was for the kid to set up obstacles on his final breakthrough.

Unlike you, who is wild, but this last step is the smoothest.

After all, the disciple of Na Kaba has become your stepping stone, hahaha! "

Yang Tian laughed, and the shadow disappeared.

Yang Feng shook his head and stood in front of the seventh gate again, with a deep light shining in his eyes, as if he had realized.

When he turned around and prepared to leave, he was greeted by a familiar figure: "Tang Hao?

Why do you appear in my mind? "

"You won, don't god."

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and Tang Hao let out a long suffocating breath: "In the end, you are still one step ahead of me and step onto the peak of dominance.

I became your nourishment. "

When the money came to him, Yang Feng shrugged indifferently: "Don't make it seem like you are already hung up. The hammer I just gave did not mean to erase your mind, it just broke your soul and body. Now, although the mind will be damaged by a huge earthquake, it will never cause death.

In this battle between the two of us, we will only decide the outcome, regardless of life or death. "

Smiling, Tang Hao said nothing.

"Why, don't you believe it?

I, Yang Feng, is a fair person. You were merciful to my subordinates, and I will be merciful to your subordinates this time, and I will never take advantage of you.

Of course, if you really fight for your life, I can't help it. "

Hahaha! Looking up to the sky with a big laugh, Tang Hao quickly lowered his head and shook his head: "Originally, in my impression, other gods, even his descendants, should be a great demon who can do everything. So upright, so I can rest assured."

"Of course I am upright. Now that I have the advantage and the initiative, why should I leave someone else's truth, saying that I am ungrateful and mean?

But if it's a matter of life and death, I should be despicable or despicable, then don't blame my conspiracy and tricks, brother is not a good person, hehehe. "

"Well, you are sincere, so I can feel more at ease, showing that you are not telling me a lie."

Nodding happily, Tang Hao's body shone with a dazzling white light, which turned into stars and rushed towards Yang Feng, and instantly merged into Yang Feng's body.

Yang Feng was stabbed so that he couldn't open his eyes. He had no idea what had happened. When he opened it again, he had already returned to the battlefield in the real world.

At this moment, his hammer smashed Tang Hao's body to pieces.

The other half of Tang Hao's body also couldn't help shaking twice before drifting into the void.

Yang Feng was stunned: "How come... your mind power is dying?

Obviously I didn't make a killer move..." "You don't know. "

Tang Hao's figure has completely disappeared, but he still used his last strength to transmit his voice to Yang Feng's ears: "The Asura Dao and the other gods...come into each other and restrain each other. My master said that to practice this seventh form, the supreme invincibility is necessary Use other gods who have cultivated into the Six Paths as bait.

Believe that your seventh way is the same.

Today’s battle is doomed to both you and me. Only one can absorb all the strength of the opponent and set foot on the peak.

Now, if you win, I will become the stepping stone for you to cultivate into the seventh path. My power of Shura will be fully integrated into your power, and I will be wiped out. "

"Sorry, I don't know!"

Brows trembled slightly, Yang Feng said helplessly: "In fact, I didn't mean to take your life."

"Everything is God's will. My only comfort is that my power has not been sacrificed to a demon. I hope you can return justice to this world."

Ok! Nodding fixedly, Yang Feng's eyes flashed sharply.

"Also... and..." Then, Tang Hao murmured with the last bit of strength: "If you meet my son in the future, I hope you can show mercy to your men and leave him a little..." "Okay, what's his name?"

"Call... Call... Don... Ao... Heaven..." Uh! Tang Hao's voice has completely disappeared, and his thoughts are annihilated in the vast world. Yang Feng's heart is stagnant, and he lowers his head helplessly: "Sorry, you said it was late, oh!"


At this moment, in the battlefield below, there was not much left. There were probably hundreds of Asura gods and less than ten captains. Seeing Tang Hao's death, they were all shocked and wailed. .

The Great Emperor withered and they saw their master's victory, and even if they died, there were less than a dozen people left, but they all showed a jealous smile.

Because in their hearts, as long as the owner is innocent, it doesn't matter if the entire army is wiped out.

At this moment, they were waiting for Yang Feng's order to clean up all the defeated soldiers.

However, before Yang Feng could speak, one of the team leaders screamed and rushed towards Jiutian first: "Brothers, Director Tang Hao has sacrificed heroically. The opponent is too strong and we shouldn't love to fight.

Now listen to my order and withdraw.

One day, we will avenge the director! "

Roar! Qi Qi shouted, the Asura gods rushed to Jiutian hurriedly, retreating urgently, trying to escape from Yang Feng's claws.

Yang Feng's eyes squinted slightly, his fists clenched, and he was ready to intercept and kill.

After all, if these people go back, Jin Ling and Wen Liang will definitely be charged with colluding with other gods, and he will never stay alive.

He didn't want to kill Tang Hao before, because he valued Tang Hao's character.

Since Tang Hao was willing to release Jin Ling and the others as agreed, he would not pursue mortal matters.

But these people are different, and Yang Feng can't believe in their virtues.

Sa! Thinking like this, Yang Feng's eyes stared, and the powerful fluctuation of thought power is already eager to try...

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