Alien God System

Chapter 2158: arrogant

"Emperor Withered, let Lao Tzu come to meet you, Shura Avenue, kill the sky!"

"The world is rotten, but I am undefeated!"

"Time and space collapse and ruin!"

...Boom boom boom! Countless Dao exercises like hailstones smashed down one after another, and the two sides came and went, killing them in darkness.

Countless Asura gods have fallen, and many seventy-two pillars have fallen.

But they weren't worried, because they belonged to Yang Feng's mind of the Great Way of Other Heavens. As long as Yang Feng did not die, he could be reborn.

But those Shura gods, including the captain-level ones, were not so lucky.

Once they died, they were killed by the power of other gods, and there was no hope of regeneration.

But there is no way, the war has started, and they can't retreat, they can only bite the bullet.

As a result, before these Asura gods descended to the earth, no one thought that they would encounter the most tragic fierce battle in their lives on this mortal plane, and the loss was unprecedented.

Even more, they have no possibility of returning to the God Realm.

Perhaps at this moment, in their hearts, they regret it very much. If they didn't come down to the world, it would be great...Although Jin Ling and Wen Liang were desperately protected by the Seventy-two Pillars, they have been living in peaceful times. It is also the first time I have seen how terrifying the real battle of the gods is.

In the past, they all learned about the tragic war of the God Realm from the history of the God Realm, but now they have truly seen it.

No matter how powerful a master is, he is like an ant in the face of war, fleeting.

Screams and wailing sounds are endless! Even the captains who were still brave before, will show fear and retreat when facing true death.

If it's just one person, it doesn't matter.

The key is that everyone is trapped in this kind of fear. They want to escape, but they can't escape and can only do it hard.

It's like a person caught in a swamp, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

Neither Yang Feng nor Tang Hao paid much attention to the stalemate underneath. They were still fighting in their own way, but Yang Feng would also pay attention to Jin Ling and their safety from time to time. Seeing that they were all right, they were relieved a lot, and at the same time they continued to fight Tang Hao. Performing a mind attack.

"You have died a lot."

"As the **** of Shura, it is right to die in battle, it's no big deal."

"That's because you think it's not a big deal, I don't think they are very willing, hum."

Bang bang bang! Hammer swords fought fiercely, and Yang Feng sneered: "War is a weird thing. If one's own side is in an advantage, many people will be proud even if they die.

But if the war falls into a stalemate, or falls into a disadvantage, people will feel fear.

I don't know if it is the fear of death or the fear of failure. "

His eyes trembled slightly, and Tang Hao murmured: "You are wrong. People will be afraid of it regardless of the success or failure of the war.

The only difference is whether it is worthwhile to die.

People's fear of war is half their pity for life and half their discouragement of failure.

Falling into a stalemate in the war, so that they can not see the hope of victory, and their sacrifices have no value, so they are more afraid. "

"Really, do you think your current resistance is valuable?"

Silent, Tang Hao did not speak.

"You said that you yearn for equal justice, this is the road of Shura, but do you think you can do it?"

Yang Feng shouted again, and Tang Hao's brows trembled lightly, and he fell into a hesitation.

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, gathered all his strength, and slammed Tang Hao's head fiercely: "Since you can't do it, then let me do it.

No matter who is sitting in a high position, I will let the world be fair and return to this world. "

boom! The terrifying aura suddenly came to Tang Hao.

Tang Hao was startled, and hurriedly slashed with a sword, shouting: "I said, you want to shake the sky, first pass my level and talk about it!"

"How difficult is that?"

With a firm light gleaming in his pupils, Yang Feng's dark thunder hammer followed his words and slammed heavily on Tang Hao's sword: "Just because of your hesitation about your own way, you have already lost.

How can you stop me if you dare not stick to your own avenue? "

bump! The sword hammers fought together again, making a deafening buzzing sound, shaking nine days and ten places, and even the six realms of the gods swayed together.

Tang Hao's eyes flicked, and a series of pictures flashed in his mind. There was Lord Heaven and his teacher Kabbah, these two people, he did not dare to disobey anyhow.

But when he looked at Yang Feng's eyes again, he saw an indomitable arrogance in Yang Feng's eyes, and that invincible power contained his firm belief.

So that's it, this is his seventh way, my seventh way, there is an essential difference between me and him after all.

My seventh pose will never be practiced, and he... has already walked in front of me.

It seems...I am his stepping stone, alas.

Kerala! With a sigh in his heart, Tang Hao's sharp sword couldn't help spreading the pitch-black cracks, and finally broke with a loud bang.

Yang Feng burst into anger and hit Tang Hao with a hammer.

boom! The sky and the earth exploded, and the entire universe began to tremble constantly, and Tang Hao's chest radiated hot light, illuminating countless planes, stabbing everyone's eyes.

Yang Feng also sighed slightly in his eyes, turned his head, but screamed, once again entered the front of the seven gates in his mind.

It's just that at this moment, the seventh door, without waiting for him to knock, already showed two gilded characters.

arrogant! "Is this the seventh way?"

Yang Feng stepped forward, raised his hand suspiciously, and suddenly felt his body sway, and came to a calm room.

It was still the dark shadow, sitting leisurely in the middle hall with his back facing him, and smiled: "This last arrogance, you finally stepped in, it shows that you have truly become the master and are not bound by the world."


Yang Feng rolled his eyes and thought for a while: "Isn't I?"

"You only had the power to dominate before, but you still couldn't reach the power to dominate.

But now, you can do it. "

With a chuckle, the shadow said leisurely: "What is dominion is the existence that controls everything.

There is no limit on the top, no bound on the bottom.

Let me travel in nine days and ten places.

This is the last road of arrogance.

I am the biggest in the sky and the earth.

Who can press me, who can deceive me, the whole world will never exist. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood: "Where did Master Dao and Tian Yang Six Elders that day?"

"Do you think they are on your head and can suppress you?"

"I don't know, although my current strength has greatly increased, but I haven't done anything with them, I'm not sure yet."

"Master, there is no uncertainty, once you make a move, you will only win."

Taking a deep breath, Soi Ying decided: "Remember, a master hand that reaches the master level is not stronger than anyone else, because all masters have infinite power.

But it is deeper than anyone else's belief, as long as you believe that you are invincible, it is invincible.

As long as you feel like you are still under someone, you will fail, just like your little opponent.

After all, he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart. There were still two people pressed on his heart, and he couldn't become a supreme existence. "

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