Alien God System

Chapter 2153: Jealous

Yang Feng felt that his current state was very strange. It was neither the visual, auditory, or tactile sensation that he had when he had a physical body, nor was it like scanning all things with God's consciousness, and the clarity of everything in the world.

He is an inexplicable existence at this moment, as if he has been completely separated from this world and has nothing to do with it, but all the information of this world is extraordinarily transparent in his heart.

He didn't do anything, but he just knew what was happening in this world, as if breathing were natural.

Well, Tang Hao's kid is still talking about credit, and he didn't do anything to them.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to spare Tang Hao with all his strength.

Although I can't escape death, others can still live.

However, Ling'er and Wen Liang are really a bit stubborn. I can't come back from the dead. Tang Hao's conditions are also reasonable. Why did they grit their teeth and refuse to agree?

Oh, what should I do now?

If Tang Hao loses his patience, he can't just kill the two of them directly, it's also possible, tusk.

Yang Feng hesitated in his heart and wanted to do something to rescue these two people, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability.

He now seemed to be a dust in the universe, constantly drifting along with the turbulence of the universe, there was nothing around him, and he didn't know where to go, only endless unknowns were waiting for him.

Hum! Suddenly, a dazzling white light flashed, clouds and mist lingered, and seven white doors reappeared in the misty atmosphere.

Yang Feng was startled and couldn't believe it. The seven gates that had disappeared would return to him again. Could this be his vitality?

Like Tang Hao, a chance to break and stand back from the ashes?

Yang Feng was a little excited. He wanted to knock on the sixth door like before, but found that he now has no soul, no body, and no power, how to touch that huge door.

At this moment, the giant door moved by itself, and after a wave of gleaming floats, two large characters appeared on the door.

Jealous! Yang Feng whispered in his heart, savoring the meaning, the scene changed suddenly, and he came to the middle of a quiet small lake, where a dark shadow was fishing leisurely.

"You finally came!"

The black shadow said, with a hint of smile: "You can walk here, it means that you have passed the anger of the previous line and abandoned everything.

Now you, like the smallest dust in the universe, or a ray of light, is nothing.

Facing the colorful world of countless planes, do you yearn for it? "

In silence, Yang Feng didn't speak, or he couldn't say a word at all.

Ghosts can talk, at least he has spiritual energy, but a wisp of dust can say a fart?

As if he understood his difficulty, the black shadow smiled: "Don't be too limited. You don't speak by mouth. The key is whether you want to speak or not."

If you don’t speak with your mouth, can you speak with your eyes?

However, nothing works, I don't have anything here... Yang Feng mumbled in his heart, wanting to speak, but he was still helpless.

The black shadow was just fishing quietly, and after a few moments, he said leisurely: "You who have reached the state of mind, haven't you realized it yet?

This world is a matter of consciousness first and then matter.

Everything in the universe is created only by consciousness.

Consciousness needs a soul body to carry itself freely, and then there is a soul.

Consciousness needs all things in the universe to be rich and colorful, and then there is this great world.

So everything in the world is not whether you have a problem, but whether you want it or not. "

Not if there is, but do you want to?

With a shock in his heart, Yang Feng seemed to understand.

"The so-called jealousy means that others have it, but one does not.

I hate not others, but myself. "

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow continued: "The stronger the jealousy, the more others have, and the less self is, because mortals concentrate their minds on others and ignore themselves.

But the origin of the universe can be obtained by thinking. It is very simple, but it makes the world complicated.

You have nothing right now, you are self-righteous nothing, want to have everything, not in others, only in yourself, do you want to get all of this, hahaha! "

With a big laugh, the dark shadow disappeared, leaving only Yang Feng on the calm lake, thinking.

In this world, there is thought first, then soul, and then matter.

Everything in the universe is born from consciousness and dies from consciousness.

The reason why I have lost my soul is because I think I have lost my soul.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng hurriedly concentrated his thoughts to reshape his soul and body.

However, he thought for a long time, but there was still no movement.

Suddenly, Yang Feng fell into contemplation again.

Can't it?

Relying on ordinary fantasy alone, it really couldn't be restored to life.

Mind state, use the power of mind.

He just said that consciousness wants a free floating carrier, so it has a soul, and wants to see everything in this world, the world of flowers, and it has matter.

In that case, the creation of the mind does not come out of thin air, but requires a motivation.

This motivation is...desire! And jealousy is the motivation to create this desire, wanting to get what you don't have.

That's it! Yang Feng enlightened, and the originally excited thoughts became calm.

As long as you think about it, you can do it. It's not a fantasy, but you really think it can be achieved easily.

Believe in the power of your mind.

Tang Hao said before that when he encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, he would look for it from the source.

It just so happens that only one book was finished last time, so let's finish the second one this time.

Thinking like this, Yang Feng began to splash a few inks and entered a state of concentration like last time.

Wow! In a short time, ripples appeared on the surface of the originally calm lake and expanded.

I don't know when, a table and a chair suddenly appeared above the lake.

A wolves gradually appeared, moving constantly, not knowing what was written on the table.

When I looked closely, I realized that a pile of rice paper appeared on the table for no reason.

One by one, vigorous and powerful lowercase letters were drawn one after another.

Then, an illusory palm appeared at the end of Wolfhao's pen, and gradually his arms appeared again, slowly showing up all over his body... "Great God, what if your Lord of Heaven commits a trespass?"

At the same time, Zhai Luotian was still talking and laughing in front of Tang Hao: "Do you dare to rectify the Fa on the spot?

If one day, you dare to pull off the heavenly masters who have violated the laws of heaven and deal with them in accordance with the law, then you can be regarded as really slaying demons and defending the way and maintaining the righteousness of the universe.

Otherwise, you will always be the executioners of others. No matter how high-sounding signs, you can't change the reality that you are puppets, can you? "

Silent, Tang Hao did not speak.

call! Suddenly, a hurricane exploded suddenly in nine days, causing the entire plane to tremble uncontrollably, and all the Shura gods who guarded the mountain were shocked.

Tang Hao turned his head abruptly, his eyes hushed slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a sharp arc: "Are you coming back so soon? Don't be a god!"

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