Alien God System

Chapter 2152: puppet

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao didn't answer.

Zhai Luotian smiled slightly and continued: "He is in a foregone conclusion of a game that will not change at all. By joining your change, it is equal to increasing the winning side.

And this win was not for him, but for the people around him.

From this point of view, the ancestor of the Huo family is really good. "

"Then how can he be sure that I will definitely let those people around him go?"

"Maybe this is his gambling. Two evils are the lesser of power.

He put the safety of those around him in your hands, not Tang Jian.

I believe you will let them make a living, but Tang Jian will never.

As another god, he knows that if you dominate, he will undoubtedly die, but the people around him still have a way to survive. This is also a kind of trust between opponents. "

With his eyes squinted slightly, Tang Hao could not help but smile as he recalled the little by little Yang Feng had said to him that night.

"This bastard, what I owe them, from the very beginning, I have been arranging me every word, giving me the emotional card.

If I don't let these people go, wouldn't it be ungrateful and avenged by grace?

Ha ha! "

"It is gratifying for the Great God to get rid of such a strong enemy; it is even more gratifying to have such a strong enemy."

With a faint smile, Zhai Luotian murmured, "Although he has lost the last bit of strength, he should not be taken lightly."

Faintly nodded, Tang Hao deeply agreed: "Then what about my plastic brotherhood?

how do you feel? "

"When doing errands, you can rest assured to let them do it, but you shouldn't hand over your own life to them."

"You mean..." "Hey, everyone is an ordinary working relationship. It's just a little polite to call brothers and sisters, don't be too serious."

He smiled and shook his head, Zhai Luotian said leisurely: "In the past few days when the great **** disappeared, Tang Jian rumored that you were infected by another **** and became his minion. These people, indiscriminately, must scream and kill the god. .

Now that the great **** returned safely, he cleared the door and killed the traitor Tang Jian, and these people immediately shouted and killed Tang Jian.

Swinging left and right like this is really not enough to push your heart. "

"But what's wrong with this?"

However, when he heard him say this, Tang Hao couldn't help sighing: "Our God Asura was originally meant to destroy other gods. Whoever has a relationship with another god, no matter who it is, we just want it. This is our duty to eliminate.

In the past, the boss Tang Yuan was executed by me personally. They knew that I had become the minion of another god, and it was only natural to kill me. "

Smiling without a word, Zhai Luotian lowered his head, but his head couldn't help shaking.

Tang Hao stared at him closely, "You don't seem to agree with our approach."

"No, no, no, great god, you can be so upright, and the little one admire it.

But to be honest, isn't this still a working relationship? How come there is brotherhood?

To say that plastic brotherhood is flattering, it is not worthy of the word brother. "

"What do you mean?"

"Great God, God Shura's duty is to destroy other gods. If other people get involved with other gods, they must be destroyed. This is external, that is, work.

But it would be too ruthless to do the same internally.

Anyway, if my son has some kind of contagious virus, I want to save him the first time, not to get rid of him. I am not so selfless, because this is something that ordinary people would never do.

But all Asura gods can do it uniformly, so ruthless and unjust, I have to say, your leadership is really awesome, can you teach me a thing or two? I also want to train the people below to be such puppets! "

"what did you say?"

bump! With a loud noise, Tang Hao came up against the crime: "You said we are puppets?"

"Don't you think so, God?"

Shrugging lightly, Zhai Luotian smiled and said: "Everything is aimed at the goal of the Asura Path, without any thoughts and decisions of my own, and without any emotional ties. What is it if it is not a puppet?"

"It is the puppet that is infected with the virus of other gods. We just want to eliminate this virus and restore peace in the world!"

"Is that right? I don't know what other gods' viruses have against the sky. They can turn gods into puppets, but now I really see that the Asura gods are real puppets."

With a grin of his mouth, Zhai Luotian murmured: "Great God, have you ever thought that your Shura God is actually a controlled puppet?

It's just that don't gods use viruses to control puppets, you are controlled by another way. "

"another way?

what? "

"Thinking, thinking control."

With a long spit of breath, Zhai Luotian’s eyes flashed with sharp light: “The little one is doing an experiment in the human world now. Experience.

Great gods, you are loyal to the Asura Way every day, and you are still very glorious, but have you ever thought about the true essence of Asura Way? "

"Devil and defend the Tao and defend the righteousness of the universe."

"Good point, but how did you do it?"

In silence, Tang Hao frowned tightly.

"Your tradition is to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, but what you do every day is to hunt down and kill other gods, and for this you can even slaughter countless innocent creatures.

How many creatures did other gods kill, but how many did you kill?

In the end, whether other gods are demons or you are demons. "

This... Tang Hao scratched his head and fell into thought again.

Zhai Luotian smiled dumbly: "Great God, you have fallen into a misunderstanding and equated the other gods with the demon-killing guard.

I think that to eliminate other gods is to eliminate demons and defend Tao and defend Taoism.

Even for this, you can burn, kill and loot, and become the real demon.

You have done things that should have been done by other gods, and you have done more than he did. "

Speaking of this, Zhai Luotian paused a little: "Great God, I don't know much about the God Realm.

But based on the situation that my ancestors introduced to me, the other gods are not so much an unworldly demon who destroys the universe, but rather a failed reactionary, exiled to escape disaster.

You are not the demon guards either, you are just the executioners of the authorities, excluding dissidents in the name of justice. "

Tang Hao's body shook, and Tang Hao's pupils condensed slightly, his brows trembled and his heart was mixed.

On the other hand, a thought woke up in the void.

Hey, where am I?

Am I not dead?

Did Tang Hao kill Laozi?

No, he was merciful?

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