Alien God System

Chapter 2137: Mentor

Everything was arranged properly, everyone performed their duties and began a hidden life.

The Sea Cube is responsible for the security of the surrounding thousands of miles, so as not to disturb Yang Feng and Tang Hao's recovery when the Asura God patrols here; Jin Ling and Di Abro use the geographical advantages of their local gods to monitor the movements of the Asura God , Lest they search it, people like me don't even know it.

As for Yang Feng and Tang Hao, as everyone's hope, naturally they found a secluded snow cave with dignity and didn't do anything all day long, just meditation on the exercises and regained their strength.

However, Tang Hao was really meditating every day. Yang Feng is now a mortal. Once he closed his eyes, his mind was completely dark. No matter how he understood it, he didn't go to meditation.

It's boring all day, walking around the place where you rest, just like old people walking around.

However, sometimes he has to pretend, after all, comrades put all hope on him. If he gives up, don't all the others lose hope of escape?

Wouldn't this team just leave?

Therefore, as a leader, no matter how desperate he is, he cannot show it. He must take the lead in giving everyone hope, even if the hope is false.

In this way, after three months, they changed seven or eight places in a row, avoiding the search of the **** Shura.

But on this day, Yang Feng took advantage of the absence of everyone, and released himself again, no longer meditating cross-legged, holding an apple, wandering around, and this time he turned to Tang Hao's cave entrance.

Seeing Tang Hao's focus on meditation, Yang Feng furrowed his brows deeply, and his heart was mixed.

At this moment, he was both looking forward and worried.

The expectation is that if Tang Hao recovers his strength, he will be able to solve the hidden danger of Tang Jian for them; and the one who is worried is that Tang Hao's recovery of his strength may directly turn his head and kill them.

In short, this kid is a double-edged sword, the moment the sharp sword is out of its sheath, killing the enemy will also threaten his life, what should I do?

Is there any way to restrain him?

The best way is that he and Tang Jian can both lose and lose, even if they can't let them die in battle, it's best to check and balance each other, then he can go back and forth between the two sides.

The most fearful thing is that if one of them has died and he hasn't recovered his strength, the other party will definitely kill him, tusk! Yang Feng's heart was hesitating, his brows were condensed into a lump.

"Big Brother!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Aren't you supposed to meditate and understand the exercises?

Why did Tang Hao come here? "

Yang Feng looked back at him and saw that he was gentle, and immediately made up a reason: "I'm here to learn and observe. You should know that learning from each other between masters will be of great benefit to the progress of both parties."

"That's a discussion. Enlightenment is a meditation in the individual's heart. Can you also rely on observation to gain benefits?"

"Of course, the conscious communication of the strong will definitely be more sincere and accurate than the physical communication.

The exchanges between the masters can be of great benefit to each other, not to mention that I am observing his meditation and absorbing the ideas in his meditation, which is even more beneficial. "

Yang Feng spoke nonsense solemnly, bluffing Wen Liang, an ignorant young man, for a moment: "Ah, young people like you, who have too little training qualifications, can't appreciate the resonance between our masters.

When you reach level 200, you will naturally understand. "

That's it! Wen Liang clicked his head with admiration on his face, but immediately his face became solemn: "Brother, I don't know something, can I take a step to speak?"

"If there is anything you don't know, just ask here, what does it matter?"

"But he..." Wen Liang looked at Tang Hao very vigilantly, and Yang Feng smiled slightly, noncommittal: "You want to ask him something?

It doesn't matter, just ask here. Now everyone is on the same boat, so you don't need to hide it. "

is it?

Wen Liang still hesitated in his heart, but seeing that Yang Feng didn't mind, he mustered up the courage and said, "Big brother, little brother, it's really unknown. When he killed your descendant Huo Yanfeng, you should be angry in your heart.

And in front of Huo Yanfeng’s mourning hall, I did see the anger in your eyes. Why did you not forget to rescue him when life and death were critical and extremely critical at the time? "

"this one?"

"Yes, I listened to Jin Ling's detailed description of the situation at the time, which was very critical.

No matter who it was, the best thing to do at the time was to escape for his own life, and then save the brothers. This was loyalty.

But you desperately rescued an enemy, or an enemy who fought hard with you a quarter of an hour ago and made you lose all your skills.

You should hate him, why save it? "

With a mysterious arc at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng glanced at Tang Hao and saw that he was still silently closing his eyes to meditate. He immediately smiled and said, "Brother, do you know the history of the ancient gods?"

"a little bit!"

"In the history of the ancient gods, there used to be a country called the Song Dynasty. He and the Liao Kingdom were mortal enemies.

The two sides fought for years, killing many people and hating each other.

Later, under the peaceful exchanges between the two heads of state, an armistice agreement was signed, and a 100-year peace period appeared.

But soon, another country, the Kingdom of Jin, rose.

He told Song Guo, how about taking revenge for you if we jointly eliminate Daliao?

If you are Song Kingdom, how do you decide? "

"Of course I agree, revenge and hate!"

Wen Liang clenched his fists and shouted.

Yang Feng grinned: "Song Guo made a decision with you, but do you know the ending?"

"Two fights one, Liao is destroyed, Song won."

"Yes, Liao was destroyed, but Song didn't win. Song lost half of his land and was snatched by Jin Guo."

"How come... Jin is not Song's ally, do you want to avenge him?"

"When the three countries stand side by side, there will be allies.

When there are only two countries left, there will only be feuds. "

With a chuckle, Yang Feng said leisurely: "So, when you can't guarantee the dominance of your family, you must not unite with others to destroy your enemies, that is tantamount to driving yourself into a desperate situation.

In addition, there was a group of opposition parties in Song State who did not want to destroy Liao.

Because they feel that they have been dealing with Liao for so many years, and they understand Liao and can control the situation between the two countries.

But they didn't know anything about the Kingdom of Jin. It was very dangerous to destroy the Kingdom of Liao and deal with a strange opponent. "

"Then why did they promise Jin Guo to destroy Liao together?"

"Because of death hatred, Song and Liao have fought for so many years, and both sides have deep hatred.

At that time, a group of patriots from top to bottom wanted to use this war to invigorate the country and raise the prestige of our country. All those who opposed the war were labeled as traitors, and even the emperor dared not oppose it.

In the end, the result is to make wedding dresses for others. "

With a slight smile, Yang Feng looked at Tang Hao again and said, "Now you know, why did I save him?"

Kuan Kuan opened his eyes, Tang Hao turned his head to look at Yang Feng and the two of them, and finally fixed his gaze on Wen Liang's face: "Stupid boy, don't you still go to the teacher?

Your elder brother is now teaching you how to manage politics.

I dare say that even if you return to the Six God Realms, it will be difficult to find a mentor like him who is willing to teach you everything, hum! "

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