Alien God System

Chapter 2136: leader

His brows frowned slightly, and Yang Feng had a little hope from the beginning, but became completely desperate.

Originally, after listening to Tang Hao’s words, he felt that even if he lost his martial arts now, there was still a little room for recovery, but when he was immersed in his mind, he realized that he could not even find the sixth stone gate. In other words, there is no recovery technique, so why does he break and stand back to the peak?

Kuan Kuan opened his eyes, and Yang Feng panicked a little.

He was in danger before and didn't think so much. Now that he calmed down, he realized that he had lost the confidence to face the world.

At this time, let alone facing those high above gods, even ordinary mortals would not be able to deal with him.

How to do?

Yang Feng's brain was spinning rapidly, suddenly his eyes lit up.

Yes, go to Brahma and see what he can do to help.

But when he raised his hand and wanted to lean on the Brahma mark and enter the Brahma realm, the mark in his hand did not respond at all.

Suddenly, he understood that, as a mortal, he had lost the power to enter the Brahma realm, and he didn't even have the ability to summon the Brahma mark.

He is completely abolished! Grumbling... He swallowed hard, Yang Feng unconsciously oozes a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and the words of the man in black seemed to echo in his ears.

Are you willing to bear the consequences of losing everything?

Can you afford it again?

"Old guy, are you okay?"

Seeing the stiffness of his face, Jin Ling couldn't help but care.

Yang Feng shook his head and returned to reality, turning his head to look at the eyes of everyone around him, and barely showing a relieved smile: "It's okay, I have a sense of it, and I will be able to recover my strength soon and help you escape this cage. , Don't worry, ha ha ha."

Oh, all right! Everyone was relieved and smiled happily.

But how do they know that Yang Feng is now smiling and stabilizing the military.

Because he knew very well in his heart that he was now the spiritual support of this group of people. If his banner fell, they would not be able to face the fear and pressure of Tang Jian and those Shura gods.

Only Tang Hao knows that Yang Feng is currently strong in the outside world. Maybe this kid has no hope of recovery.

After all, Tang Hao and Yang Feng were in the same situation. Their techniques were created by Kabbah and Other Gods, the two strongest ancient gods, and their creative ideas were similar.

Now, Tang Hao himself doesn't know how to break through and recover, how can Yang Feng understand it so quickly?

At best, he was nothing more than a relief effect to others.

Tang Hao took a deep look at him, did not reveal, just shook his head and laughed twice.

"Jin Ling!"

Then, Yang Feng looked solemn and shouted: "Now you go to Yunding City to pick up Wen Liang, Yanfeng, and Xiaolan, and then let Huyan Lieyang and the others leave quickly.

Before I regain my strength, they don't want to make any more moves, so as not to suffer the evil hands of those Shura gods and sacrifice for nothing. "

it is good! Determined to nod, Jin Ling held the mirror of heaven and earth, and disappeared.

Tang Hao glanced at Yang Feng contemptuously, and said: "What do you think of our Asura God, heresy?

Will we surrender our status and act on mortals? "

"Well, maybe, don't you just do it?"

"I was collecting information. I didn't control my power. I accidentally crushed an ant, but I didn't have the time to let me target a group of ants."

"You don't have the time and don't bother to do it, but can you guarantee that the second and fifth sons will not involve those mortals?"

Well! Tang Hao was speechless.

Yang Feng sighed softly: "You may still retain the pride of God Shura, but as a traitor, he has already forgotten the dignity and pride of God. What can't you do? What do you think?"

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao rolled his head.

Huh! With another flicker, Jin Ling brought Wen Liang and the others: "I have already conveyed what you explained. They said they would hide it according to your wishes and keep a low profile."

"Well, now our immediate family members are all by our side. I want to come to those other people. I don't know where we are. The second and fifth sons will not be held accountable. Now we will wait for the two of us to recover.

Nodding happily, Yang Feng looked at Hailifang again and said: "Brother Hai, we are here now that you are the strongest. Then you will have to worry about our security work in the future.

When I regain strength, it will be the day of our victory. "

it is good! Determined to nod, Hai Lifang's eyes were full of determination.

"Jin Ling, Di Abro!"

Then, Yang Feng looked at the two men again: "You are the main **** and demon **** here, and you are most familiar with this place. We will be solely responsible for our future vigilance work and news inquiries.

How long we can live and whether we can survive the turnaround depends entirely on the accuracy of your intelligence.

The burden on you is a long way to go, and our lives are all in your hands, please. "

With that, Yang Feng got up and bowed respectfully to the two.

Jin Ling was taken aback, and hurriedly helped him up: "You are serious, now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, why are you polite?

Isn't this what we should do? "

"That's right, Dashen Huo, you're over, I can't afford it, ha ha ha."

Di Abro also waved his hand in fear, but his face was full of smiles, and he was eager to try and extremely proud.

Yang Feng glanced at him, and Xin nodded with a smile.

Tang Hao saw all this in his eyes and couldn't help but chuckle: "Obviously, he is already a useless person, and he can still call and drink a group of strong gods, there is a way!"

"Hey, what do you mean, who are you scolding?

Who do you mean? "

Upon hearing this, Jin Ling immediately became uneasy and complained for Yang Feng.

Tang Hao grinned: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't scold him, I was complimenting him.

In the absence of strong strength, it is still great to be able to lead the group.

He is not within the six-dimensional system. If he can enter the six-dimensional high-level, he must be the dragon calling the wind and rain. Vincent and I must be careful, hahaha! "

Unexpectedly, it's really rare for this old brother Huo to get such approval from the director of the Shura Adjudication Office, Tang Hao.

Obviously this Tang Hao was born arrogant, and apart from the six elders, some top heavenly Dao great gods did not look at him, but they value a fallen heavenly **** so much here.

No wonder, Brother Huo deserves to be the descendant chosen by other gods.

As soon as these words came out, Hai Lifang patrolled a little bit in front of Tang Hao and Yang Feng, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Yang Feng also smiled slightly and nodded politely to Tang Hao: "Thank you for the compliment! Then I would like to ask Director Tang for your care in the future.

In addition, please step up your efforts to restore strength as soon as possible, eradicate traitors, and keep our side safe, hehehe. "

"You should think more about yourself, when will you be able to recover to your peak.

If I regain my strength, I will kill you first, hum. "

With a sneer, Tang Hao gave Yang Feng a different look. The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up and nodded: "I'm looking forward to it!"

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