Alien God System

Chapter 2119: you are back?

I have to say that Zhai Lin is still very good at doing ideological work.

After some rhetoric, the average person may be really heartbroken and embarrassed with him.

But Li Xiaolan was different. She was still unmoved and sneered: "I heard that you still admire Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism a few days ago. Recently, the wind has started to suppress it, right?"

Well! With a stagnant heart, Zhai Lin turned his head noncommittal: "We can't be blamed. Those three have some remarks, which are too reactionary. They must be rectified. They all have to look at the Holy Mountain."

"How to match?"

"Loyalty, loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

Therefore, these three companies must be consistent with all aspects of the holy mountain, and there must be no deviation, otherwise they are not worthy of being called a famous master. "

"Isn't this a dog?

Where did you teach? "

Li Xiaolan sighed with a chuckle, "There were knights, Confucian scholars, and monks and Taoists on this continent. It's pretty good.

As a result, they are all exactly the same now. They are not doing business, and they are all in line with your holy mountain.

Why, your holy mountain is dying, let so many people pay attention to you and give you one last ride? "

puff! Unable to stop laughing and covering their mouths, everyone in the entire hall secretly applauded Li Xiaolan's strong attitude. As expected, it was Mrs. Huo's family. It really was like Huo's family.

Zhai Lin twitched his face slightly, and cursed: "Madam, you are shameless.

My son is so kind to persuade you to share this piece of cake with you, so that you and your family will have no worries in the future. As a result, you are so ignorant to promote, then I am sorry. "

"Who can you be worthy of what you have forgotten about ancestors?"

With a sarcasm, Li Xiaolan said contemptuously: "Don't give me this set. You started to support Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. When they help you solve a bunch of small sects, don't you still turn your guns to deal with them?

Turning over is faster than a dog, where does your holy mountain have the credibility?

You just want to slowly reduce the opposition and then assimilate them. Only fools believe that you will share the world with others. "

"Well, since you said that, I'm sorry, the son, you guys the last anti-thief, don't want to get out of here alive anymore."

With that said, Zhai Lin took a step back and roared, "Dragon Silver Snake, come on!"

Wow! The dragon head and crutches swept forward, and Dulong Yinshe two suddenly stood up, eyes full of evil spirits.

"Who dare I see?"

With two crisp chokes, Hu Yan Lieyang and Yan Pianqian took a step, standing with their swords horizontally, standing in front of the couple, and sneered: "You defeated, how dare you be brave?"

"The defeated man?

That was before, now you try again?

Humph! "

Dulong smiled contemptuously, and the whole body exudes a holy light.

Hu Yan Lieyang and Yan Pianqian looked at each other in surprise, "Holy way?

How come..." "Don't think that only you two have comprehended this holy way. We and my wife have already stepped into the threshold of the holy way.

Moreover, our husband and wife are united and working together, it is definitely much better than you two, Jie Jie Jie! "

With a treacherous smile, Dulong's eyes were full of war intent: "Huyan Lieyang, the enemy of the miserable defeat, let us and my wife come back here, ha!"

With a roar, Dulong and Dulong rushed towards Huyan Lieyang with invincible aura.

Both Hu Yan Lieyang and Yan Pianqian's faces froze into rocks, and their eyes were full of solemnity.

They understand that the two couples have the same mind and close cooperation, and under the same strength, the two can work together to top eight or sixty-four peerless masters of the same level.

Unless the cultivation base exceeds them by a lot, you can fight them.

Now that the two of them have entered the holy way, and when they join hands, it is no different from sixty-four saints.

As a result, Hu Yan Lieyang and the others became nervous, and even the fine cold sweat oozes out of their foreheads, but it was...puff! There were two muffled noises, and everyone hadn't realized what was going on. The couple had already bumped into the wall of the mourning hall one after another, rolled their eyes and was completely dizzy.

Uh! All the people present were dumbfounded and couldn't recover for a long time.

The people here are all masters. Naturally, you can see how powerful the two couples are, but why such a powerful single dragon silver snake suddenly fainted?

Who moved the hand?

Why didn't we see anything?

People were dumbfounded, especially that Zhai Lin, even more inexplicable, until a thick palm slammed his shoulder.

"Boy, there is a kind, dare to make trouble here?

Believe it or not, I peeled you apart and sent it to those Shura gods? "

"You are..." With a trembling body, Zhai Lin turned his head tremblingly, and saw that the person was not someone else, he was undoubtedly gentle.

Staring at him with a wicked smile, Wen Liang said leisurely: "A mere mortal, who dare to bluff here with two saints?

Obviously, we didn't put the real gods in the eyes. "


You say you are a god? "

"Nonsense, Lao Tzu is not a god, just kill your two saints?"

Rolling his eyes, Wen Liang turned his side to reveal Yang Feng and the others behind: "It's not just me, but these are all behind.

Brat, you are so kind, Sapo is here.

Get a big axe in front of Luban's gate, don't want to live, Jie Jie Jie. "

hiss! Unable to take a breath, Zhai Lin looked around and saw that there were more than one hundred god-level masters present. He was so scared that his legs became weak, and he even begged for mercy: "Forgive me, I didn't mean it, I am too. Follow orders.

It was those Shura gods who asked me to put more pressure on this place, saying that they would lead the snake out of the hole, otherwise I wouldn't be such a bastard, right?

They are all widows, and I will come back to find fault again. Isn't this shameless?

We are not that kind of person! "

"I have always understood how shameless you are, so [Shuquge] doesn't need to defend it."

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng smiled and said, "As for the eyeliner of the God of Asura here, I have also removed it, and you don't need to expect anyone to save you.

What did you say just now?

Don't know how to praise, right?

This sentence should be applied to you. We let you go, but now you dare to find faults, really don't know how to praise! "

Uh! His heart was stagnant, Zhai Lin looked suspiciously at the strange face of Yang Feng, and muttered: "This gentleman respects his surname. Listen to your tone, did we know each other before?"

"One-sided fate is not too familiar."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng said lightly: "When you copied Wu's house last time, you enthusiastically invited me to go to the Holy Mountain.

But it's too crowded now, and we must reduce the number of people before we can live there, ha ha ha. "

You are... You can't help but shook severely, and Zhai Lin was shocked suddenly: "Are you Huo Yanfeng, boss Huo?"

"What, Yanfeng?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Xiaolan hurriedly looked at Yang Feng, Hu Yan Lieyang also looked at it incredible, but only heard Zhai Lin's words change, and shouted: "No, you are the ancestor of the Huo family! home?"

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