Alien God System

Chapter 2118: Mourning hall

"Look, it's those fallen gods, they really have arrived in Genting City."

"Quickly, go back and inform the second brother!"

In a hidden space above Genting City, two pairs of sharp eyes shrank together, staring at the crowd below and screaming, but they didn't wait for them to leave.

Huh! There was a flicker, and the two of them didn't realize what was going on before they blinked and appeared in front of Yang Feng and the others. They were actually the two Asura **** captains.

The two of them were dumbfounded instantly, and couldn't believe it was true.

What's going on?

Why did we come here suddenly?

Doesn't feel at all?

But how did they know that with Yang Feng's current mind application, the entire universe revolves around him, and anything can be done with just one thought, including bringing these two spies here.

Although they are hidden in the cracks in the space, they are already very hidden, and ordinary gods cannot find them without careful investigation.

It is a pity that Yang Feng is no longer a dimensional creature with them, so it is naturally impossible to be monitored by them casually.

"Speak, when did you stare here?

Who sent you here? "

Without even looking at them, Yang Feng just stared suspiciously at Bai Ling in the mall and muttered.

The two captains did not answer and looked at him very carefully, but Yang Feng had already fully understood: "Oh, your second captain, Tang Jian, sent you to visit me specifically, right?

Now the command of your Asura adjudication office has fallen into Tang Jian's hands, and the director Tang Hao has closed the door. "

How did he know?

The two captains were shocked and unbelievable.

Yang Feng grinned and asked: "Then what happened to Bai Ling in the auction house?

Who is dead here? "

Silent, the two still didn't say a word, but Yang Feng's original relaxed smile gradually sank: "Tang Hao actually attacked a mortal and defeated Huo Yanfeng's soul?

Is he shameless? "

"Who made that kid die hard and refuse to confess?"

"That is, the director didn't want to kill him, he just searched his memory.

However, searching for a mortal's soul with the powerful soul power of the director, if the strength is a little bit uncontrollable, it is easy to crush his soul, which is not intentional. "

The two captains hurriedly defended, not because they were afraid of Yang Feng, but to protect the face of their Shura adjudication.

After all, as the supreme **** of Shura, he was still a dignified chief, and he actually killed a mortal himself. If this was to be spread to the gods, wouldn't it be a big joke?

How can lowly creatures like mortals be worthy of letting God Shura do it himself?

It's like a commander-in-chief of the three armies who personally went into battle to kill a bear that ran out of a zoo. Isn't this a fall?

Therefore, the death of this mortal can only be said to be accidentally pinched to death by the elder, and it must not be intentional.

And the fact is true. Tang Hao didn't want to kill him, or Tang Hao didn't care about the life and death of a mortal at all. Tang Hao just tried a little bit harder during the mission.

But with this force, it hit Yang Feng's heart.

boom! Thunder roared, and in Yang Feng's mind, the fifth door began to tremble, and the word anger appeared murderously, but Yang Feng did not notice.

At this moment, he just stared at the two of them, clenched his fists, and raised his hands to face them.

The two were surprised, and hurriedly drew out the Shura sword and shouted, "What do you want to do?

We are not vegetarian either! "

"Do this!"

boom! It was just that in an instant, the green light in Yang Feng's hand swept across the two of them, and they were completely wiped out before they realized what was going on.

With sullen eyes, Yang Feng gritted his teeth without annoyance: "Tang Hao, you dare to move my grandson, I will prevent none of you Shura gods from returning to the God Realm, hum.

With that said, Yang Feng was already striding towards the store, and the rebels hurried to keep up.

"Stop, who are you?

Dare to enter the Jinyao auction? "

The guard at the door watched this group of people approaching fiercely, and immediately stepped forward to stop him, but Yang Feng raised his hand and pushed him aside: "Get out of the way, the boss is back and I don't know him. I will fire you tomorrow."



Isn't the boss dead? "

"No, he will come alive!"

Glancing at the two men, Yang Feng walked in stride without pursuing it.

The guards outside the door saw this group of fierce spirits looking uncomfortable, and did not dare to stop them, letting them drive straight in.

After three minutes, Yang Feng came to the hall of the store, where Huo Yanfeng’s mourning hall had already been erected, and a good red sandalwood coffin was placed in the middle.

Li Xiaolan dressed in filial obedience, knelt down in front of the coffin with empty eyes, and kept burning the paper money. A familiar figure glanced at her and sighed, "Madam, the deceased is dead, you are sorry.

Huozhou Mu tragically died at home, none of us want to see it, but it is already a fact, and we have to accept it.

The point is, what should we do afterwards? "

After pacing two steps back and forth, that person is no one else, and it is Zhai Lin undoubtedly: "Now the anti-superstition activities of the holy mountain are going on all over the continent, but you have nothing to do in Yunzhou. Isn't this going against the above?

I think you should be aware of current affairs and actively respond to the above policies. This can be considered as a way out for the Huo family. Otherwise..." "Otherwise? "

Hu Yan Lieyang got angry, stared at him fiercely, and cursed: "As long as I Hu Yan Lieyang is there, no one will want to touch the Huo family's vellus hair."

"Don't overspeak, isn't the Huo Patriarch killed by someone under your nose?"

Posing his lips in disdain, Zhai Lin chuckled: "Uncle Huyan, let's open the skylight to speak up. You have your political ideas, and there are also sacred mountains.

Now the holy mountain is going to force this policy, and you must agree to what you promise, and you must also agree if you don’t, otherwise you will be a stumbling block and must be kicked away.

Don't think you can fight very well. There are a bunch of gods stationed on the holy mountain.

They only need to move a finger to kill you all. You are blocking the car with a man's arm. "

Hum hum! Suddenly, Li Xiaolan smiled, laughing madly: "Aren't you holy mountains anti-superstition and don't let the people worship gods?

Don't you feel ironic that you are supporting a bunch of gods secretly?

You don’t allow the people to support the local gods, and even the ancestral halls have been demolished, but you are supporting a bunch of gods outside. Why are you embarrassed to mention this anti-superstition policy?

Are you convincing? "

"so what?

This world was originally a world where only state officials were allowed to set fires and the people were not allowed to light up lights.

As long as you have power, you can do whatever you want.

Madam, you should recognize the reality.

Join us and become a party of power. You can worship your ancestors and worship whatever you want.

But don't be as stubborn as your husband and miss your life! "

Zhai Lin stared at her closely and said sincerely...

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