Alien God System

Chapter 1993: invitation

Early the next morning, when the door opened, Huo Yanfeng did not come out of the bedroom, but came out from his study room alone. His face was full of depression all night, nowhere to vent.

"Ancestor, when do you think you can recuperate?"

"Look at you, unlucky boy. You promised a lot yesterday. You can't stand it after only one night?

Not promising! "

"Oh, it's not that I can't stand it, but Lan'er can't stand it.

She couldn't accept the fact that the three of us were sharing the bed together.

Although there are only two people in this body, the souls of three people stay together, which is also disharmonious. "

After spitting out a long breath, Huo Yanfeng murmured: "Why don't you give me back this time in the evening? You can get on me during the day!"

"Do you think I don't want to?

But the soul has been exposed outside, it will lose energy.

I must stay on you all the time to recover as soon as possible.

Especially now that a formal demon **** and an intern demon **** are missing, the above will be checked out sometime, and I must restore my strength as soon as possible.

Your physical cultivation is so poor, if I keep going in and out, the efficiency is very slow. "

With a bitter expression, Huo Yanfeng was speechless.

Yang Feng looked at his unhappy appearance, and immediately persuaded him: "Young man, a man should put career first..." "Ancestor, when will you recuperate?"

"Don't always think about those love affairs, which are very hurtful and not conducive to your cultivation."

"Ancestor, when will you recover?"

"Anyway, my wife has already been married back. Are you afraid that she won't be able to run away?

Concentrate on cultivation, improve your own strength, and manage your business well. Then you will have milk powder money..." "Ancestor, when will you recuperate?" "

"Don't ask, why don't you give me abstinence these months?

If you dare to say something more, I castrated you, hum! "

Yang Feng was annoyed by hearing, and immediately cursed.

Huo Yanfeng was so scared that he couldn't help but narrowed his mouth in grievance.

I've just got married. The newly married Yaner hasn't covered my quilt, so you let me abstain from sex?

I promised this, but neither did my wife.

Oh, what is this called?

It's good, the first few months of the wedding, when the passion was so full of enthusiasm, it was so in vain, thinking about it, I feel panicked, tut.


Suddenly, a loud shout rang out, and a small servant rushed in eagerly, and bowed and handed a post: "Master, someone from the Jinyao auction house sent a famous post. We invite you to eat at Pingyang Building at noon today. "


Why are they inviting me to dinner?

Huo Yanfeng accepted the invitation, and after thinking about it a little, he nodded and said: "It's probably a business talk. Anyway, there is nothing to do. Go and see what they want to do."

Ever since, Huo Yanfeng greeted Li Xiaolan, who was also upset all night, and went to the banquet.

After Huo Yanfeng came to Pingyang Tower, the venue had already been completely covered by the Jinyao auction house, and the idlers should not be disturbed.

Seeing him coming, Yunhang immediately received him very warmly: "Brother Huo, you are finally here, please come inside."

"Boss Yun, what's the matter with you?

Also specialize in banquets?

With our relationship, is it necessary to spend so much money?

Hahaha! "

"Hey, this banquet today was not made by me, it was made by the people above, and I just made a move!"


Someone from above you? "

Huo Yanfeng blinked his bewildered big eyes, and followed Yun Hang all the way to the private room above. At this time, three powerful figures had already been sitting at the table, waiting for a long time.

The one on the left is an old monk who seems to be about to die, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, chanting something, shaking his body, as if he is about to fall on the table with his face.

However, the slightest light in his eyes was like a sharp sword. Just looking at Huo Yanfeng directly pierced his heart slightly.

The one in the middle is a mighty man with a nine-foot giant sword on his back, but sitting there, his waist is straight and he is not angry.

All over his body, there was a fierce evil spirit that wanted to crush everything here, which was not easy to provoke.

And the one on the last right is an old man with long beards, his eyes kept squinting, with shrewd rays of light. Although it is very quiet, anyone who sees him always feels like a mountain and can only look up and is hard to reach. .

Huo Yanfeng walked in here, just glanced at them, and suddenly felt that his calf was about to swing, and his eyes were filled with fear inexplicably.

Is this the Huo Family Patriarch?

His eyes were full of timidity, but so.

This kid is not as unfathomable as the rumors, on the contrary, it is no different from ordinary mice. Is the information of the following people wrong?

The disposition is uncertain, just ordinary people, Amitabha! The three of them also glanced at Huo Yanfeng, immediately showing a look of contempt.

Those who have reached their level of strength can determine the strength of the opponent with just one look.

Obviously, in their eyes, Huo Yanfeng is no different from ants.

"Lao Lao Lao... Patriarch, help me, I can't stand it anymore!"

A heart thumped and thumped, Huo Yanfeng hurriedly shouted in the bottom of his heart when facing the eyes of the three powerhouses.

Yang Feng smiled boredly: "Why, didn't I just hope that I would leave your body quickly, so that you can gallop with your little daughter-in-law?

What, do you need me now? "

"Okay, ancestor, don't hold on to my mouth just now.

The key is that they are too strong now, I can't stand it! "

"Things that are not promising, people haven't released their coercion yet, just the look of a superior person makes you cowardly like this?

Hey, I still can't get on the table.

Retract me and go on.

You can watch me inside and see how Lao Tzu copes with these pretending highs. "

"Uh... yes, ancestor!"

Shaking his body, after Huo Yanfeng shook his head, he had already switched to Yang Feng's spirit.

The old monk couldn't help but wondered, and asked Yun Hang who was accompanying him: "Yun Hang, this Huo Patriarch was just..." Huh! However, before he finished speaking, an extremely deep gaze swept across his Gujing Bubo face.

Although it was just a casual sweep, he suddenly realized his already immobile state of mind. He was shocked and almost collapsed.

How could it be... His eyes couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, and the old monk looked up at Yang Feng again, already dumbfounded.

At this moment, Yang Feng's eyes have completely changed, like a high emperor, deep in his eyes is the vicissitudes of life, just a casual glance, he feels that he will be turned into ashes by the endless years in his eyes.

For no reason, a drop of cold sweat oozes from the shiny head of the old monk.

Not only him, but the other two masters, at this time are no longer as calm as before, but inexplicably nervous.

Is this the true face of the Huo Patriarch?

Sure enough, he is a peerless master!

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