Alien God System

Chapter 1992: inconvenient

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head: "Idiot stuff, if I want to kill you, I won't do everything possible to search out your communication tools."

Huh! With that, Yang Feng flashed a light in his hand, and immediately took out a purple gold gourd that kept shining red and blue around him.

"This is..." Di Abro was startled and couldn't help screaming: "Divine tool?

Why do you have other artifacts on your body? "

"Why, do you only think that I have a conventional artifact like a whip?

Hahaha..." Yang Tian laughed, and Yang Feng stared at them, "Don't look at my soul power now, but there are so many magic weapons in my body.

Beating the whip is just the worst magic weapon in my body. If I sacrifice other divine tools, no matter how many demons come, I will not be afraid. "

Uh uh uh... the body shivered twice, Di Ablo and Wen Liang looked at each other, both of them were lost and lowered their heads.

Now they finally understand how big the gap between them and Yang Feng is.

Not only is their realm higher than them, their strength is stronger, and they have more magic weapons than them.

If you look at it this way, it's really not wrong for them to lose to this fallen **** who ran out of nowhere.

After all, they just took out the conventional magic whip and beat them to the knees and begged for mercy. If they took out other magic weapons, they would not be the same person even if they challenged hundreds of times.

It's just that they still can't figure out, who is this person?

Where are so many high-quality artifacts?

But how did they know that in the future 100,000 years later, the Hungry Ghost Dao riots, ran out a group of vicious ghosts and gods, and stole a large number of Hungry Ghost Dao artifacts.

During Yang Feng's internship in the Animal Dao, the lower realms captured these demon heads and put them back in the Hungry Ghost Dao. The artifacts they stole were naturally seized by Yang Feng and used for himself.

If he didn't pursue it, he won't pay it back.

Therefore, Yang Feng at this time has many treasures on his body, even if his spirit is weak, he is not afraid to face the six gods.

What's more, Di Abro is still his defeat! The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and looking at the two people in front of them with their two godless eyes, Yang Feng raised the purple gold gourd high and smiled: "This is the **** gourd of yin and yang, which contains two fires of yin and yang. , Can seal the soul.

I will include you in it now, unless I release it myself, even if you have level 200 spirit power, you will never escape, Jie Jie Jie. "


With a bitter expression, Di Ablo and the two seemed to have seen the endless prison life in the latter half of their lives, and their eyes were desperate.

But before they could ask for mercy, Yang Feng had already beaten his hand, and the spirits of the two were suddenly sucked into it by Yang Feng.

At this time, Yang Feng was relieved for the time being, not afraid that they would leak the wind.

As for the killing of people, Yang Feng had never thought about it.

Firstly, these clergymen had no grievances against him. One of them was the senior of his Sanctuary College. He didn't want to make senseless killings. Secondly, he was in the past. He didn't know what he did. Will not cause the butterfly effect, what impact will it have on the future.

For some small people, the influence is affected.

But if a demon **** like Di Abro dies now, will there be any in the future?

If Di Abro will appear in the future, it means that the current self can never kill him.

There are too many uncertainties, so Yang Feng can't make casual shots against these two.

Cough cough cough! After coughing violently twice, Yang Feng put away the purple golden gourd, and walked out of the ancestral hall with a sloppy pace, still in a daze from time to time.

To be honest, although he has used Heavenly Dao Divine Art on many enemies so far, the spirit power consumed is different.

For mortals, he could play with them in applause almost without expending soul power; but for Cthulhu, he only needed to consume a small part of soul power, which was harmless.

But now, for the six gods like Wen Liang and Di Ablo, every time he uses the law of time and space, it consumes a lot of soul power.

Especially when dealing with gentleness, although the opponent's spirit power is weak, but the opponent uses the law of heaven, even if the level is lower than him, it still makes him wear a lot.

Therefore, at this time, even though Yang Feng had only used Heavenly Dao Divine Art on these two people three times, he felt that his spirit power was almost withered.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to raise it in just a few months.

It seems that the smaller the difference in realm, the greater the consumption of soul power.

The power of law will offset each other.

When the masters of the same realm face each other, they will fight for their own soul power! I hope I won't encounter such an opponent for the time being... Phew! After exhaling a long breath, Yang Feng murmured: "Boy, the body is back to you, but I have to rest in your body for a while and can't go out.

If there is any inconvenience, please bear with me. "

"Hi, ancestor, what are you talking about?

What can be inconvenient for me?

You are polite! "

"Silly boy, soon you will know why it is inconvenient, ha ha ha."

With a sudden smile, Yang Feng's body shivered suddenly, and his soul had already shrunk into his body to recuperate, and Huo Yanfeng once again mastered the physical initiative.

"Old ancestor, ancestor, are you okay?"

Huo Yanfeng asked concerned, but Yang Feng didn't answer, as if he was asleep.

Huo Yanfeng understood that Yang Feng would be too weak to fight against the two powerful enemies, so he stopped disturbing and returned to his bedroom to rest in contentment.

Seeing him back, Li Xiaolan hurried to greet him, but did not approach immediately, but asked suspiciously: "Are you... Yanfeng, or the ancestor?"

"Why, you don't even know your mate, of course I am Huo Yanfeng."

"Huh, have you changed back?"

With a happy expression, Li Xiaolan hurriedly cared and said, "Are everything done?

Is he alright? "

"It's okay, the ancestor has cleaned up the two demon heads who don't have long eyes. They won't harm us anymore."

"That's good."

Li Xiaolan grinned, and then he didn't know what he thought of, her cheeks reddened slightly, and she muttered: "That... my grandpa said he wanted to hug his grandson, so let us hurry up..." Huo Yanfeng blinked big suspicious eyes. I didn't seem to figure it out yet, but it soon became clear: "Oh, ma'am, do you want..." "What do I want?

It's my grandfather who wants to..." With a tight fist, Li Xiaolan stomped her foot, flushing with shame, and stopped talking.

Huo Yanfeng laughed loudly, then stroking Li Xiaolan's shoulders, staring at her beautiful big eyes.

Li Xiaolan also looked at him deeply, with tenderness in her eyes.

The two stared at each other like this, the body temperature of both sides got higher and higher, and the breathing became heavier. Accompanied by the affectionate agitation, the two lips slowly approached...cough cough cough! Suddenly, a cough sounded, and Yang Feng's voice came: "Um...I'm not a voyeur, but... now the conditions are not allowed, I can't avoid it.

If you don't mind, I actually don't mind either.

Everyone is a family, so we should tolerate each other, ha ha ha. "

"Ancestor, why are you sneaking into our bedroom?

Old and dishonest! "

When Li Xiaolan heard this, she was immediately startled.

Huo Yanfeng was also a violent body. After thinking about it a little bit, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now I know what the ancestor said about inconvenience, alas!"

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