Alien God System

Chapter 1981: King Abelo reappears

Three months later, the Huo family's business was flourishing, and a large number of high-grade pills came to Huo Yanfeng in an endless stream.

With these pills and Yang Feng's teachings, Huo Yanfeng, the second generation ancestor, finally broke through to the Wuling cultivation base in a short time.

The marriage between Huo Yanfeng and Li Xiaolan is also being intensively prepared.

Although during the discussions between the parents of the two parties, Master Li still felt a little bit about the fact that the parents of the Huo family were old ghosts, but no matter how wealthy and powerful, he could bear it.

In cordial and friendly discussions, the two families set a big day for the two juniors.

On the other hand, Liao Tingting's orphanage was also very successful, and eventually gathered a thousand boys and girls, all sacrificed to the evil god.

Tick, tick... Drops of blood gathered on a strange formation on the ground, surrounded by the cold corpses of a thousand children.

A dark secret room, full of the **** smell of a child, Liao Tingting gently covered her mouth and nose, staring at a palm-sized evil **** on the big formation, and in her ears was Mr. Mo kneeling and knocking nine times. The sound of the spell.

Hum! Suddenly, an invisible wave erupted, and the blood in the entire formation started to boil, and then the eyes of the evil **** statue suddenly shot out strange rays of light, straight into the sky.

Then, a hideous phantom appeared in front of everyone.

"Er wait for mortals, summon the deity to descend to earth, why?"

"This...this is the evil god?"

Frightened, all her limbs were a little cold, and Liao Tingting almost fell down.

Mr. Na Mo hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and said, "Madam, this is the Evil God King, Lord Abeluo.

As long as you meet the conditions of his elderly, no matter what, he will help you solve it. "

"Is it!"

A slightly excited smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Liao Tingting hurriedly explained her own experience, and then knelt down and said, "Master Abeiro, as long as you can take action to solve the old ghost of the Huo family, I am willing to meet any conditions. you."


His eyes narrowed slightly, and King Abelo said with a cautious expression: "Is this old ghost of the Huo family a ghost on the ground or a ghost in the sky?"

"Uh...does ghosts and gods still distinguish between the earth and the heaven?"

"Of course."

With a solemn expression, King Abelo explained: "Even if the ghosts and gods on the earth reach the divine realm, their spirit power is at most 100 levels, and the power of the laws they master is extremely superficial and easy to deal with.

But if it is from the heavens, his original identity may be the six gods, and he didn't know what he had committed before being cut off from the gods. "

"Such ghosts and gods have extremely strong soul power and master the six laws. This is not an existence that our evil gods can easily deal with.

So, you have to tell me first that the old ghost is from the sky or from the earth.

Good solution on earth, goodbye on heaven! "

Uh...the face twitched slightly, then Mr. Mo and Liao Tingting were all dumbfounded.

This ghost and **** is a ghost and god, what else can be divided into heaven and earth?

How can we mortals know these divisions of the gods so clearly?

After slapped his lips twice, Mr. Namo finally thought a little, then solemnly said: "I would like to ask Lord Abero, the old ghost of the Huo family is definitely on the ground.

He is the ancestor of the Huo family and should live in the Huo family tablet for a long time and be enshrined by his descendants.

Somehow, he has cultivated into a ghost and god, with such a strong strength..." "No matter how he cultivated, as long as he is on the ground, there is no problem. "

King Abelo grinned and packed up his ticket and said, "Get ready for one hundred thousand boys and girls, and come here to sacrifice.

As long as the soul is in place, a ghost on the ground is a piece of cake. "


One hundred thousand? "

hiss! Unable to take a breath, Liao Tingting was stunned for a moment.

She has spent more than three months for her thousand boys and girls. Now let her make one hundred thousand, how long will it be?

King Abelo gave her a deep look, but his face became cold: "Why, there are difficulties?"

"That... Lord Abelo, can this number be smaller?"

"No, the other party is a ghost, and the deity is also very difficult to solve. It is not expensive at all to charge you one hundred thousand.

If there were no sacrifices of 100,000 boys and girls, this deal would be hands-free, huh. "

"Hey don'" Liao Tingting frowned deeply and muttered: "I just said that ghosts and gods on the ground are not a problem, but now that it is difficult to solve it, don't you just set the price?"

"Why, are you dissatisfied with the deity's conditions?

Humph. "

When he heard her whisper, King Abelo immediately sneered and said, "A ghost in this area is indeed a piece of cake for the deity.

But for you mortals, it is a catastrophe.

You have provoked a ghost, if you don't solve it quickly, beware that there is no place to bury you.

So, hurry up to join the head, with enough soul, the deity will naturally solve all the problems of the believers of the deity, hahaha! "

Wow! With a flash, the phantom of King Abeiro disappeared, leaving only Liao Tingting's solemn face.

Mr. Mo glanced at her and murmured: "The asking price of King Abeluo is indeed a bit high, especially now that the war on the mainland has just subsided for decades, so how can so many souls sacrifice?

This virgin..." "If there is none, there must be! "

With a tight fist, Liao Tingting shouted: "King Abeiro is right. If the old ghost of the Huo family is not removed for a day, it is a great threat to us.

In any case, you must gather enough souls, and please Cthulhu. "

"Yes, young lady!"

Determined to nod his head, Mr. Mo stared at her closely before bowing.

On the other hand, the God Realm.

All the interns have returned safely, but Yang Feng is nowhere to be seen. Yang Yuchan and the other women are almost crying in a hurry, pacing chaotically.

Only Jin Ling was lying on the bed peacefully, silently.

Yang Yuchan glanced at her strangely: "Sister Jin Ling, Xiang Gong is missing, aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?

The one who has no conscience..." "Oh, sister Jin Ling, are you still having a temper with your grandson?

In fact, he cares a lot about you, but he has a tough temper.

You see, what is your approach, can you inquire about the whereabouts of Xiang Gong? "

"Don't ask, he's fine."

She shook her head, Jin Ling's face was very firm.

Yang Yuchan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't know why: "Sister Jin Ling, how do you know Xiang Gong is okay?"

Without speaking, Jin Ling remained silent.

After a while, she smiled slightly and said, "Don't turn around, sit down and listen to me tell a story!"


How can we still be in the mood to listen to the story? "

Yan Yurou rolled her eyes and looked at her puzzled.

The corner of Jin Ling's mouth curled up, and she curled her lips indifferently: "I love to hear it or not, this story is about you.

In your past lives, there is also the cause and relationship between us. "


The girls were taken aback, turned their heads and looked around, but they saw that Jin Ling's eyes had become deep: "This is in the spiritual world under my management, 100,000 years ago.

There, I once encountered a ghost and **** who was not in Liudao Ji, but was extremely powerful, but his temper was too annoying.

He said that he would be my man in the future, and I would treat him as farting and ignored him, but in the midst of it...puff! "

With that, Jin Ling laughed, a rare sweetness...

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