Alien God System

Chapter 1980: Bad water

Liao Tingting hated her and stood up abruptly and said, "Wu Shengfei, you figured it out for me, is that just my father?

Isn't that your father-in-law?

Your father-in-law was killed, you still don't want to take revenge, there is light on your face? "

"Haha, father-in-law?

I have many father-in-laws, so I don't care if I die! "

"You..." With a clenched fist, Liao Tingting trembling with anger, shouted, "Wu Shengfei, I know there are so many women around you.

But you have to understand that I am the official wife your Mingzhong is marrying.

My father was killed, and you couldn't even avenge the old man. What was lost was the face of your Wu family and the incompetence of your Wu family. "

"Our Wu family is incompetent?

If it weren't for our Wu family, could your Liao family call the wind and rain for thousands of miles in Yunyang City? "

Unable to stop laughing, Wu Shengfei roared: "Liao Tingting, I was blind back then, how could I marry you, a dead star?

Back then I should have listened to my mother and marry a well-known lady, not a small-minded, small-minded woman like you.

All day long, what else would you do besides being jealous?

It's better now. I have lost all the spiritual masters enshrined in our family, just for your dead ghost father, what a prodigal thing. "

You...the corners of your mouth slumped, and Liao Tingting heard him say this, and immediately couldn't help crying again: "You have no conscience. When you were watching the snow and the moon with people, you called them Xiao Tiantian.

Now that I’m tired of playing, I think I abandon other people’s petty, prodigal maidens.

You think I'm a prodigal, what did you do long ago, don't marry me back then! "

"I don't want to marry, but you have high means.

At that time, I was so confused by lard, why was I so fascinated by you, a bitch?

Hum...I think that the Huo family elder was also seduced by you in this way, bitch! "

"Wu Shengfei, you have no conscience, I..." Liao Tingting jumped with anger, and roared up to the sky, and was about to use the housekeeping skills of crying, making trouble and hanging himself.

The one-eyed dragon watched this scene and couldn't help but waved his hand quickly, persuading him: "Master, Madam, please stay calm and listen to the old man."

"Mr. Mo, don't excuse this **** again.

In short, from now on, all the soldiers of my Wu family, this **** can't transfer a single soldier.

All of you, don't bother about her anymore. "

"Wu Shengfei, you..." Wu Shengfei waved his hand impatiently, while Liao Tingting was so angry that her lips were purplish, and wailed, "I am the young lady of this family. How would those maids look at me if they knew?

Do you want my face anymore? "

"Do you want a face?

You have lost all the lining, do you still want to have a face?

Lao Tzu tells you today that everyone in your family can't compare to a spiritual saint enshrined by our Wu family.

But now for the little trouble in your family, we have died twelve spiritual saints, twelve! My father almost didn't break my leg for this, all because I married you, a prodigal wife, do you know?

If you want to do this again, I will give you up, huh! "! Her heart stagnated, Liao Tingting couldn't help crying in grief and angrily, and the whole hall was constantly swaying from crying.

But Wu Shengfei didn't pay attention to it, just a calm face, sulking.

Mr. Na Mo looked at the two of them a little, and murmured, "Master, forgive me for saying more.

In the current situation, the grudge with the Huo family is probably no longer a matter for the young lady's family.

We also have to take care of the Wu family, and we also have to take care of it, otherwise it will inevitably be destroyed. "

"How to say?"

Brows trembled, Wu Shengfei looked over immediately, Liao Tingting also stopped crying and cast a hopeful look.

After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Mo settled: "If it was before, our Wu family had not had a direct conflict with the Huo family, this matter can still be cleared away.

But now, our twelve spiritual saint masters have gone to provoke the ancestor of the Huo family, and that ancestor's strength has reached the late stage of ghosts and gods, and has entered the realm of gods.

I'm afraid that if we don't deal with it in time, the Huo family will come to us in the future, and we will be annihilated. "

"How could this be?"

His body shook, Wu Shengfei showed worry on his face, and then glared at that Liao Tingting and said, "It's all your fault. If our Wu family is in disaster in the future, I will be the first to strangle you."

Liao Tingting shrank her neck in fright, then looked at Mr. Mo hopefully, "Is there a way to deal with it?"

"Ghosts and gods are soul bodies, and they have no physical bodies to attach to. Energy absorption needs to be enshrined by descendants, or attached to descendants, relying on descendants to absorb energy from heaven and earth.

Therefore, in the same situation, ghosts are much weaker than people.

If the other party is a divine soul who has reached the divine realm, then as long as you can find a Taoist saint to help, you can surely subdue it. "

"Really, where can I find it?"

The couple asked in unison, they were all hopeful.

Mr. Na Mo sighed and shook his head helplessly: "A person who has become a saint in the flesh is not available for thousands of years.

As far as the old man knows, no such great saint has ever been born on our continent. "

"Hi, what a shit?"

The two were overjoyed, and Mr. Mo gave a wry smile, and then said: "The old man is just strange. Ghosts are harder to cultivate than humans.

How come this saint has not yet been born, but ghosts and gods are born?

However, young master, young lady don’t worry, I still have a solution! "


"Please take action and destroy this ghost and god!"

With a sharp glow in his eyes, Mr. Mo shouted: "This ghost and **** has just reached the **** realm, and has not yet ascended to the **** realm.

We can invite a true **** from the God Realm to go down to earth and destroy this ghost and god.

The same is a god, but the power of the true **** is definitely stronger than this ghost. "

"Really, how come you please?"

"There are also many types of true gods in this realm. Official gods like the main **** and the demon god, we certainly won't be pleased.

The only person who can ask for help and is willing to solve problems for mortals is Cthulhu.

It just so happens that I have a statue of the Cthulhu here, and I can invite the Cthulhu down to solve the old Huo family ghost, but..." "But what? "

"However, the holy mountain is now cracked down, and feudal and superstition activities are explicitly forbidden, and it is not allowed to worship gods and believe in gods.

You should know that the times have changed now.

In the past, the extraordinary family on the holy mountain believed in the main god.

Now the sacred mountain claims to be a superb family, claiming to be a materialist, and don't allow them to believe in things like gods and ghosts.

If they find out that we are worshiping the evil god, I am afraid we will be devastated! "

"No, they control too broadly. We have to control everything?"

Fainting, Liao Tingting thought for a while and said, "Anyway, this old Huo family will not get rid of the old ghost.

We worship secretly, shouldn't it matter? "

Stroking his beard lightly, Mr. Mo thought about it a little, and nodded firmly: "Be careful, it should be fine.

Just to invite the evil **** to go down to earth, first you have to sacrifice a thousand virgins.

How can I find this?

The movement is loud and easy to be noticed.

The movement is small, and it is difficult to get together, this..." "Run an orphanage. "

Her eyes shuddered, and Liao Tingting's eyes flashed brightly: "Not long after the mainland war has ended, it happens that many orphans are homeless.

Running an orphanage, not only has a reputation, but also can collect children, and it will not arouse the suspicion of the holy mountain, why not do it? "

"High, really high!"

As his eyes lighted up, Mr. Mo immediately gave a thumbs up and praised.

Then Wu Shengfei looked at Liao Tingting with amazement. Why did this woman think of her bad idea? How much bad water is in her stomach...

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