Alien God System

Chapter 1978: gap

Rumble! Above the Huo's house, the thunderous sky has condensed into a very terrifying ball of light. An old man glanced at Mr. Nagong and shouted: "Brother, the thunder tribulation has almost condensed and can be lowered. "

"Well, this drop, even if he reaches the power of a saint, it will be enough to wipe him out!"

With both eyes fixed, Mr. Nagong roared: "Jieyin, Heavenly Thunder Destroy God!"

Yes! Everyone yelled at once, knotting the Yin Jue, but before they could start, the scene in front of everyone suddenly changed.

I don't know when, these twelve spiritual masters, instantly came to a world surrounded by red thunder and lightning, and blood-red mist was still permeated around them.

"You twelve little ghosts, you really have a kind, dare to go to the old man's door and make an axe?"

Sa! Suddenly, Yunkong suddenly opened a pair of blood-red eyes and looked at everyone with a sneer.

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were shocked: "This is... an illusion?

When were we dragged into the fantasy world by him? "

"Unexpectedly, in such a short time, breaking through the enchantment we arranged and dragging the twelve spiritual masters into the illusion, this old ghost's divine and soul power, shouldn't it be..." grumble! He swallowed hard, and Mr. Gong was shocked: "Could it be... he has already surpassed the realm of saints and entered the realm of gods?

Quickly, quickly gather the primordial spirit, and Jieyin rushes out of this illusion. "

With a loud shout, Mr. Gong and his eleven juniors immediately began to play the seal, but unfortunately no matter how they formed the seal, their strength could not be exerted.

In an instant, they seemed to understand something, this is the gap between the two sides.

"Why are you... holy?"

The pupils suddenly and suddenly, Mr. Gong was completely stunned and muttered.

Yang Feng smiled evilly, and shook his head contemptuously: "A bunch of ordinary people are still pursuing pure power. Who knows that the above will not be popular for a long time, and the realm is the watershed of the power gap.

In fact, Laozi's soul was injured, and his soul power was actually not strong, but his realm was much higher than yours.

It's like an elephant is sick and lying on the ground, not a strong ant can bite casually, understand? "

"So that's it, are you already a powerhouse of the gods?"

After shaking his body twice, Mr. Gong was like a deflated ball, without any intention to fight anymore. The other eleven masters also collapsed to the ground.

Powerful gods, even the weakest Cthulhu among them, can crush mortals like them to death with a single thought.

If the ghosts and gods had already reached the realm of gods, then they were really looking for a dead end this time.

Brother, we were all killed by you this time, oooooooo! "Go, you have to drink the bitter wine you brew with tears in it."

At this moment, Yang Feng let out a soft drink, and in reality, the twelve spiritual saints headed by Mr. Gong, all stared dullly and continued to seal.

Waiting for the moment when their seal tactics formed, but seeing the thunder blasting down constantly, they didn't hit the old house of the Huo family, but passed through the bodies of the twelve spiritual saints like a thousand arrows.

The dazzling white light flashed so that the people around me could not open their eyes.

When the thunder was over, the Huo family's old house was safe and sound, and still stood tall, but the twelve spiritual saints were already wiped out, turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Even their souls are gone.

Originally, if it were a general move, it would only destroy the body, without damaging the soul.

However, in order to deal with this ghost and **** this time, they used the Soul Destroying Thunder, but they never expected that the thunder did not hit Yang Feng in the end, but hit them on themselves, causing them to be dispelled and reincarnated. The opportunities are gone, it is a kind of cause and effect.

The boss of Yunhang and the elders around him watched all of this from a distance. After staying for a long time, they couldn't help but exhale, "It seems that the Huo family is still strong. Then Master Zhou Mu has kicked the iron plate this time. A peerless powerhouse, he will be in serious trouble in the future, hehehe...even Yunzhou may change the sky!"

"Killing twelve spiritual saints in one move, with such a strength, no one is invincible except the saint mountain experts!"

The elder stroked his long beard lightly, and nodded with deep approval.

On the other hand, after Huo Yanfeng and Li Xiaolan fought hard with Liao Songxi's men for several rounds, they were finally defeated by a huge gap in strength and outnumbered.

The corners of their mouths were full of blood stains, their faces were pale, and they had no strength to fight again.

"Miss Li, I'm sorry, I've made you a burden. Actually, there is nothing to do with you here."

"I'm going to fight this fight. It's none of your business. Don't be passionate."

Li Xiaolan glanced at him obliquely and saw his guilty face. After thinking about it, she said: "By the way, this month, is it your ancestor or you who dated me?"

"Of course it's my deity, how can this kind of thing be replaced by my ancestor?"

"It's about the same."

The corner of her mouth curled up, and Li Xiaolan smiled: "I thought I was dating an old ghost these days, then I can't stand it."

"Hehe, he originally wanted to come, but every time he was invited out by me and stayed home.

After all, dating is a private matter, I don't want to have an observer next to me, which is awkward. "

Huo Yanfeng grinned, but suddenly he was taken aback, as if he realized something: "Then Miss Li, do you like to date me?"

"It's better than talking to an old ghost."

Li Xiaolan raised his head proudly, and an unconscious smile crossed the corner of his mouth. Huo Yanfeng was overjoyed, but Liao Songxi, who was all black, turned his face pale with anger.


Li Xiaolan, I originally had no complaints with your Li family, but now that you stand on the side of that kid and go against this kid, you can blame this kid for ruining the flowers. "

"There is a seed, you think this girl is scared?"

Li Xiaolan's chest was strong, mighty and unyielding, Liao Songxi smiled coldly: "Okay, since you're looking for death, come here, kill both of them, not leaving one."

Yes! As soon as the voice fell, the group of men immediately rushed towards the two, and their weapons slammed out.

The two of them looked tense and wanted to fight back, but they were all seriously injured and weak, and they could only let them be slaughtered, but they were...pupupupu! A series of muffled noises sounded, and when the weapons of those subordinates slashed on the two of them, they all disappeared immediately. Instead, blood holes appeared in the chests of those subordinates.

Uh! The cheeks couldn't help but twitch together, and the group of powerful martial arts looked at each other, all dumbfounded: "This...what's going on?

Why are we... all cut?

Grandma's... Damn it..." As soon as the voice fell, the subordinates fell to the ground one by one, losing their breath.

"Space transfer?"

Huo Yanfeng's eyes lit up and immediately understood what was going on, and shouted: "Ancestor, you are here, are you all right?"

"That old ghost of the Huo family?"

His body was agitated. When Liao Songxi heard this, he was so frightened that he almost peeed. After looking around in a panic, he shivered and said, "That bunch of trash, didn't you solve the old ghost?

I also said that I was a professional ghost catcher, I bah! "

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