Alien God System

Chapter 1977: Now non-old

Boom boom boom! The colorful thunder continued to coil over the entire Yunyang City, like a swarm of snakes dancing, shaking the entire city trembling.

The twelve old men with solemn expressions were divided into eight people and surrounded the entire Huo family. The leader of them was Mr. Gong invited by Liao Tingting.

Staring at the house that was about to collapse below, Mr. Gong's face was not relaxed, but as heavy as ten thousand years of ice.

"Dear brothers, don't be careless.

If this Huo family ancestor spirit had already turned into a ghost, its primordial spirit strength would be at least above the third level of the spirit sage, and even more likely to reach the level of a saint.

Although our Spirit Locking Killing Array is a twelfth-rank intermediate formation, if the opponent has reached the Saint level, it is still not to be underestimated, understand? "

"Yes, brother!"

Determined to drink, the remaining eleven elders' hand seals changed again, and the power of this great formation suddenly became much stronger.

When Yun Hang and the elders beside him watched this scene, they were also shocked.

"They are here for the Huo family. What is sacred?

Can you actually dispatch twelve spiritual saints to attack together? "

"Who else can?

We all know who is behind the Liao family. "

"Yunzhou State Shepherd?"

"Well, there are not many forces that can mobilize twelve spiritual saints in the entire Yunzhou, and he is one of them."

Taking a deep breath, Yun Hang's eyes glowed with sparkling light: "But this battle also shows that the Huo Family is really not easy.

Otherwise, there is no need to dispatch the twelve spiritual saints in battle.

However, if these twelve spiritual saints suddenly attacked the Huo family, then this Yunzhou state herd would really cause him a disaster. "

His eyes shushed, the elder thought a little, and nodded slightly: "If this is the case, it is the most correct thing that we did not because of the large number of seventh-grade spirit soldiers who had angered the Huo family."

"Yes, but on the other hand, if the Huo Family can't stand it, we can rest assured, hum."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yun Hang's eyes flashed with gleaming light, as if sitting on the mountain watching tigers fighting.

On the other hand, they had just rendezvous with Li Xiaolan, and the two of them were about to go boating on Huo Yanfeng on the lake. They suddenly saw the thunder and burst of thunder in their home, and immediately said, "What's wrong, what happened to my house?"

"What else can happen?

The old ghost that covers you in your house is done, hahaha! "

Suddenly, a loud laughter rang out, and then heard the sound of breaking through the sky, Liao Songxi suddenly appeared in front of Huo Yanfeng with fifteen or six subordinates.

Huo Yanfeng's heart was shocked: "Liao Songxi?

Do you dare to come back? "

"Why don't I dare to come back?

You bite me! "

With a raised brow, Liao Songxi said with an evil look: "Huo Yanfeng, when you came out of Huo's house, my son had already been tested by someone, and the old ghost of your family didn't follow you.

Now what can you do without the old ghost of your family to help you?

Hahaha! "

Old ghost?

Li Xiaolan on the side was puzzled: "What do you mean, what old ghost?"

"Miss Li, it seems you don't know, right?"

With an evil smile, Liao Songxi said with contempt: "What do you think this kid is so beautiful recently?

Is it his own ability?

Isn't it an old ghost from his Huo family's ancestral hall, secretly helping him?

Otherwise, how could he kill my dad with such a waste? "


Li Xiaolan was a little confused: "The old ghost in the ancestral hall?

Do you mean the ancestors they worship? "


"But is that ancestral spirit so powerful?

Our Li family also provides tablets for the ancestral hall, and we haven't seen the ancestors appear? "

"The old ghost of their Huo family has mutated. It seems that it has cultivated the power of ghosts and gods, so it is much more powerful than ordinary ghosts."

There was naked hatred in his eyes, but Liao Songxi's face soon turned into a treacherous smile: "But it's a pity, now I have invited twelve spiritual masters who specialize in the soul system, and they have set up a large array to kill the old ghost. .

Now, the old ghost is probably turned into a cloud of smoke, hahaha! "


The ancestor... body shook, Huo Yanfeng glanced at the direction of the thunder and fire from a distance, clenched his teeth, and rushed there, but there was a loud noise on the ground, Liao Songxi was already a flying kick, and he was severely kicked. Kicked out.

When he fell to the ground, the corners of his mouth were already red.

"Want to save that old ghost?

No way! You should care more about your own safety. "

Liao Songxi looked at him sharply and sneered: "Also, aren't you the best at running away?

When your whole family was wiped out three years ago, you just ran away, and now you can.

Leave that old ghost aside and run for your own life.

Anyway, without that old ghost, you are just a trash, a scum, I won't put you in my eyes, Jie Jie Jie! "

Click it! Clenching his fists tightly, Huo Yanfeng lowered his head and was silent.

With a solemn face, Li Xiaolan stared deeply at Huo Yanfeng, still motionless.

But after a little while, Huo Yanfeng suddenly raised his head, and immediately rushed up like a cheetah. The speed was so fast that even Liao Songxi did not react.

"Fourth-rank high-level martial arts, Ling Feng Jue!"

"Sixth-rank high-level martial arts, ten thousand poisonous evil hands!"

puff! With a muffled sound, Huo Yanfeng's palm was already in the middle of Liao Songxi's chest. Liao Songxi felt that his internal organs seemed to be bursting, and a jet of dark blood spurted out, and he flew straight backwards.

When it fell to the ground, the meridians of the whole body were already blocked by the gurgling black qi.

"No...impossible..." Liao Songxi couldn't help but twitching fiercely. Liao Songxi looked at Huo Yanfeng in disbelief, gritted his teeth and said: " are a trash who can only run away with his tail, how could it hurt me? ?

I am a strong man in the early stage of Martial Spirit, and you are just..." "I am now a warrior in the early stage of the third stage. Although I am one level behind you, you are too arrogant and you have no defense against me.

Coupled with my continuous use of Rank 4 and Rank 6 martial arts to attack and sneak attacks, the difference in strength at this level is nothing at all. "

bump! Taking a step forward, Huo Yanfeng roared: "Over the past month or so, my ancestors have conducted strict teaching and training on me. I am no longer a waste of the past.

Liao Songxi, when I killed your father, I relied on the strength of my ancestors.

But now, I am going to use my own power to kill you personally, to avenge my whole family, a shame! "

Huo Yanfeng's voice was deafening, full of perseverance and tenacity, no longer cowardly.

Liao Songxi was trembling and furious, but the poisonous gas in the veins spread and made him unable to stand up anymore. He could only roar, "What are you doing there stupidly? Quickly kill him! "

"Yes, son!"

Wow...The dozen or so subordinates quickly surrounded them, all of them were powerful martial arts.

Huo Yanfeng looked solemn and dealt with it cautiously.

boom! Suddenly, with a loud noise, one of his subordinates fell down, and Li Xiaolan jumped up and came to Huo Yanfeng behind him to fight alongside him.

Huo Yanfeng was taken aback for a moment: "Miss Li, you..." "Don't say anything, escape first. It's important to save your ancestors."

With a slight smile, Li Xiaolan glanced at him very appreciatively, her eyes full of approval.

Huo Yanfeng grinned and nodded, his fighting spirit became even higher...

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