Alien God System

Chapter 1975: spirits

"Girl, how to call it without asking?"

At this moment, Yang Feng suddenly looked at the granddaughter of the Li family.

The granddaughter glanced at him suspiciously, and raised her head proudly: "My name is Li Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, do you have a boyfriend?"


Li Xiaolan was puzzled, Yang Feng smiled dumbly: "I'm asking, do you have a betrothed partner, or do you have a favorite?"

Well! His cheeks blushed, and Li Xiaolan was too embarrassed to speak. There was still some doubt in his eyes. What did he ask for?

Li Changfa's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what he meant, and smiled: "Home Master Huo, Lan Er does not yet have a favorite man. The old man and her parents are now worrying about her future marriage, ha ha ha ...I wonder if Patriarch Huo has any suggestions?"

"No suggestion, just... I'm single too, do you think we should be together?"

"Dreaming, hooligan!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaolan's face became even more blushing, and almost didn't burn.

Yang Feng laughed and shook his head straight: "I'm telling the truth, I'm single, and love you at first sight, I'm an honest person, I honestly confessed, and I didn't do anything to you, how could I be a gangster?"

"That can't be so straightforward?

A hooligan is a hooligan! "

Li Xiaolan's face suddenly became complicated, her heart pounding, and her lips pouted.

Yang Feng smiled dumbly: "Anyway, you can give me something, right?"

"You big head, hum!"

Staring at him fiercely, Li Xiaolan ran away as if to escape, and Li Chang's hair slapped his lips twice, and then hurriedly said: "Chu, Patriarch Huo, we are here.

Lan'er is a bit shy and afraid of strangers. It's good if you get along for a while.

The old man is going to see her now. You often come to our house. Our house is the first one in Liuyang Hutong. It is easy to find. Come here often, ha ha ha. "

Smiling gently, Li Changfa left immediately and chased his granddaughter.

After everyone left, Huo Yanfeng in Yang Feng's body was full of shame and complained: "Ancestor, what are you doing?

Do you scare Girl Li? "

"Isn't this good for you?

Although this girl has a straight temper, she doesn't have any scheming. For a fool like you, she is the best match, lest you be fooled by other beauties in the future.

And since you have taken a fancy to her, my ancestors naturally have to do my best to promote this marriage. "

"But you can't be so blunt, you look ashamed of Girl Li, how can you tell me to meet her again in the future."

"Just go to her house and look for her. Didn't you see how happy Grandpa Li was just now?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help sighing: "Stupid boy, you're just a cringing temper, if I don't mediate in it, I think your wife is really hard to find.

Come out and practice qigong. "

With that said, Yang Feng's soul concealed into Huo Yanfeng's body again, and Huo Yanfeng was in control of the body again.

Then, seeing a light flashing, a jade slip appeared in Huo Yanfeng's hand.

"what is this?"

Huo Yanfeng was puzzled, and Yang Feng explained: "Sixth-rank martial arts, ten thousand poisonous evil hands, I prepared it for you.

In addition, I also prepared a few bottles of pills for you. You can take them well and practice quickly. Otherwise, your scumbag body is so slow to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth. When will my soul power be repaired? "

Hearing this, Huo Yanfeng immediately scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed brightly.

I'm sorry, my ancestors, I'm holding back your old man...At the same time, as soon as Yunhang returned to the Jinyao auction site, he immediately relayed the situation here and reported it urgently.

Then, after approval and reporting by the leaders of the auction house, the news finally reached the top leaders of Jinyao auction house.

Everyone exclaimed that the projectile land, when a family had such a large number of spirit soldiers, they immediately sent an elite team to investigate on the spot.

If the other party really has the power to subvert the status of their Jinyao auction house in the entire Yunzhou business community, it must be resolved immediately, and there must be no mistake.

On the other hand, after more than half a month of fleeing, the Liao family finally came to Yunzhou City, the Yunzhou State Mu’s Mansion, and informed the Liao’s daughter, who is now the daughter-in-law of Yunzhou State Mu’s daughter, Liao Tingting’s .

After learning the news of her father's death, Liao Tingting immediately wailed, her eyes flushed with anger, and her eyes were full of naked killing intent.

"Huo Yanfeng, wait for me, my old lady must break your body into pieces."

"Yes, we must take revenge for this revenge of Dad."

Liao Songxi on the side listened, clenched his fist fiercely, with a firm face.

Liao Tingting turned her head and stared at him bitterly: "You still have the face to ask for revenge?

You are useless, your father was killed, and you don't need to seek revenge from that bastard. You even run away with your whole family in spite of your father's corpse. Are you still a man? "

"Oh, sister, you can't blame brother for this!"

With a long sigh, Liao Songxi looked embarrassed: "You don't know, then Huo Yanfeng is surrounded by their old ghosts of the Huo family for blessing, it is very evil.

Dad was killed by him immediately, and he didn't even have a mobile phone meeting. Where am I his opponent?

I'm going, not just to add more coffins.

Instead of that, I might as well leave a useful body to report to you.

After all, you are Zhou Mu's daughter-in-law, and there are many capable people and strangers in Zhou Mu's Mansion. There must be someone who can control that kid, hum. "

Ok! Nodding slightly, Liao Tingting sounded reasonable, but after thinking about it, he muttered, "Old ghost of the Huo family?

That's just a ghost, so capable?

Come, please bring me Mr. Gong. "

"Yes, young lady!"

The servant responded and left immediately. After a while, an old man with the appearance of a Taoist priest came in and bowed to Liao Tingting, "I wonder if the young lady invites the old man to come, why?"

"Oh, it's like this..." Liao Tingting explained the ins and outs of the matter, and then said anxiously: "Mr. Gong, you are a top spiritual master who studies the soul. I am afraid that no one in this world understands ghosts better than you. Something out.

From your point of view, what is the power range of this old Huo family and how can we get rid of it? "

Uh, this... His brows frowned slightly, Mr. Gong stroked his long beard, with confusion in his eyes: "It is impossible for the ancestors enshrined by ordinary families to have such great power unless..." "Unless what?"

"Unless they have sublimated from ordinary ancestor spirits to ghosts and gods.

At this time, his soul power is extremely strong, even if it is Ling Zun Wu's cultivation base, it is difficult to resist.

But for spirit bodies like ghosts and ancestors to sublimate into ghosts and gods, this is extremely difficult and basically impossible.

How can this ancestor of the Huo Family, He De, become a ghost? "


what is that? "

Liao Tingting and the others are still puzzled. Mr. Gong's expression was solemn, and he shouted: "A cultivator can become a holy person if he cultivates to the top, and a saint can become a **** if he continues to cultivate.

This is a way for living people to cultivate, and it is already extremely difficult.

Ghosts and gods are the end of ghost cultivation. They have great merits and are worshipped by the people, and they can escape from the womb of ghosts and become gods and souls.

It's just that the ancestor of the Huo family, is there any great merit?

Are people sincerely grateful for worship?

How could it be a ghost? "

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