Alien God System

Chapter 1974: Hard sell

Uh ah ah ah... I couldn't help but tremble all together, and everyone in the room was shocked when watching this scene.

I'll take it. Is this the priceless Seven-Rank Spirit Soldier around Yunyang City?

Why are there so many in one breath, just like Chinese cabbage?

Is it so worthless?

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Yun Hang was so scared that his entire back was almost wet.

Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely and smiled evilly: "Oh, it seems I made a mistake.

Since you only need thirty pieces, then take five boxes. I will find another buyer for the remaining 45 boxes. "


With a hurried wave of his hand, Yun Hang couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Brother Huo, 300 pieces are 300 pieces. I want all of them. You must not sell them to other families. We have all these things in Jinyao auction house. "

"Really, those three million spirit crystals, thank you for your patronage!"

Yang Feng grinned, and stretched out the storage ring again. Yun Hang also stretched out the ring immediately, righted him, and made up for the three million purchases.

At this point, after taking all the goods, Yun Hang took a sigh of relief and whispered back to the elder beside him: "Fortunately, we saw this batch of goods first and intercepted it.

Otherwise, if this batch of cheap goods are allowed to flow to the market, it will definitely have an impact on the goods in our auction house, and even ruin the credibility of our auction house. What a risk! "

"Yeah, who would have thought that he could get more than 300 pieces of such scarce goods. I really don't know where they got it."

"No matter where he got it from, we will intercept this shipment, even if it loses money, we will intercept it, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, this Huo Yanfeng is quite thick, and there is no high price.

We swallowed this batch of goods and couldn't sell so much locally. It was still a big profit to ship them to other branches for sale. "

Ok! Determined to nod, the elder agreed.

Yang Feng moved his ears, but he shook his head with a smile.

It was the first time that he heard someone say that he was so thick, which made him a little embarrassed to carry out the following deceitful actions.

"That... Boss Yun, do you still have cash?"

With a trembling body, Yun Hang immediately became alert: "Cash?

That... that... Brother Huo, what else are you doing? "

"Oh, nothing, just... I still have some stock here, look..." "What?

Do you still have stock? "

Yunhang's legs trembled suddenly, and he was immediately taken aback, and his voice trembled like never before, " much?"

"Uh... just come and see with me, hehehe."

With a grin, Yang Feng immediately turned and walked towards the backyard. After Yun Hang and the elder looked at each other, they immediately followed. Li Changfa's grandparents and grandsons were also curious and followed their steps.

When everyone came to the backyard of the mansion, they saw that wherever they looked, there were big iron boxes full of mouthfuls, everywhere, and they couldn't count how many.

Yunhang almost didn't turn upside down in one breath, his face paled in shock: "Hi...this...this is..." "A total of three thousand boxes, each with six pieces of the seventh-grade spirit axe like the one just now, one piece Count you ten thousand, a total of 180 million Lingjing.

If you want, I will give you a 10% discount for a total of 162 million Lingjing.

I don’t want a fraction, one hundred and sixty million, how about it? "

I'm going to your grandma to get a kick! I received one hundred and sixty million in one go. This is the profit of the Yunyang City branch of my Jinyao auction site for more than 50 years. Why don't you grab it?

Yun Hang was so scared that his entire arm was trembling, and the elder beside him also had a lumpy brow, his fist clenched, and he was so angry that he was going to kill.

If it weren't for the unfathomable strength of Yang Feng, it is estimated that now the elder will kill this stinky boy directly, and completely solve this business hidden danger.

The Li family ancestors and grandchildren Qi Qi were shocked by this astronomical figure, especially the little granddaughter, looking at Yang Feng with a wicked smile.

She couldn't believe that this kid was about to earn 160 million Lingjing from the Jin Yao auction house in one go.

You know, the sum of all the assets of the wealthy and noble families in Yunyang City is estimated to exceed 20 million. As a result, he will make more than 100 million in one go.

Even the Jinyao auction house can’t get this amount, right?

After all, this batch of goods is so big that no one here can swallow it, even at the auction house.

Gurgle! Swallowing hard, as expected, after a brief shock, Yun Hang shook his head in embarrassment: "Brother Huo, this batch of goods is too big, I can't swallow it. You can find someone else."

"Boss Yun, this is not a question of whether you can swallow it, but you must swallow it."

"What do you mean?"

The body stagnated, Yun Hang said solemnly.

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed with brilliance: "You should know that this batch of goods is 130,000 pieces at your auction site. If I deal with it at a low price, the credibility of your auction site will be destroyed. Who will buy things at your auction site in the future ?

So if you don't intercept this batch of goods, your auction house will have to be closed in Yunyang City. "

Click it! With a clenched fist, Yun Hang felt clear.

It turned out that this kid was not so pretentious and carefree. In fact, he had already calculated everything in his heart. He believed that he had to eat this batch of goods, but... "Brother Huo, our Yunyang branch does not have such a large flow. Funding.

Even if I have to eat it, I really can’t eat it. Can you take it on credit? "

"Impossible, my unit price is already so low, I must cash in cash."

Shaking his head, Yang Feng smiled again: "Boss Yun, even if you can't eat, you can contact the headquarters and ask them to send money.

I believe that out of the small place of Yunyang, there are a large number of forces in the world, and they need this large number of spiritual soldiers to equip themselves.

If you eat these goods and ship them to other places, you will definitely make a lot of money.

It's better than I completely lower the unit price of this spirit soldier. You can't make any more money, okay?

To tell you the truth, besides this batch, I have more other goods. "

His body shook, Yun Hang took a deep look at him, his eyes were a bit complicated, and after a while, he nodded fixedly: "Okay, Brother Huo, wait, I will contact the headquarters immediately, and someone will come to pick up the goods. , Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Hang hurried away with his crew.

Li Changfa gave him a deep look, and secretly admired him.

What an incredible kid, he can actually force Yunhang boss to ask the headquarters staff to come forward.

It seems that this small Yunyang City is no longer enough to trap this true dragon. He is about to move on to a larger stage.

That’s right, with Li Changfa’s unique vision, he can already see that Yang Feng’s move is not only to do business with Jinyao Auction House, but also to contact the headquarters through the branch to get out of the small place of Yunyang City. The wider world flexed its muscles.

Although Yang Feng's strategic layout for the Huo family's plan was only the first step, this old man had already seen a bright future.

This kid must make good friends! Li Changfa's eyes flashed with brilliant light, secretly said.

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