Alien God System

Chapter 1947: Who are you from?

According to Alice, when the technological civilization develops to a certain extent, another virtual space will be opened up. Just like these six worlds, human beings can enter into it with consciousness and become the **** who rules everything.

Then these mortals in their own eyes, the gods of another world, will do the same experiment to create humans, and those humans will once again enter the virtual world they created and become gods, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

If you want to reason backward, these six gods are the world of consciousness created by the earth people, and the earth people are ordinary mortals on the earth, so where did the gods who created the earth people come from?

Could it be that the earth is just an ordinary technological civilization among countless planes, and the creators of these countless planes are human beings in another world.

In this way, the cycle goes back and forth, then all the worlds are nothing but virtual worlds [], and the earth is no exception.

hiss! Thinking of this, Yang Feng couldn't help his hair standing upside down. He and all the people on earth were just virtual humans, AI of another world?

Perhaps the Buddha saw through this point, so he said that all beings are equal.

What ancient protoss, what local protoss, what god, what mortal, all are AI.

It's just that the order of creation is different, but they are all AI created by AI, and there is no essential difference.

call! After exhaling a long breath, after understanding all this, Yang Feng felt a little depressed.

I am not a living person, so what is the meaning of everything I do?

All the rituals, all the orthodoxy, and even the three views in one's mind are procedures set by others.

It’s just an AI. Just follow the procedure. What kind of self does the robot need?

Originally, Yang Feng had some ambitions in his heart, but at this moment, he felt dull.

call! Suddenly, dark clouds in the distance hit extremely quickly, and the terrifying spirit power fluctuations immediately shook the spirits of all the interns present.

"That's..." The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, and Alice was shocked: "It's the fugitives who escaped during the riot of Hungry Ghost Road, everyone, run away."


Can't escape, Jie Jie! "

There were treacherous smiles in the black cloud, and seven figures flew from inside at great speed: "You are so kind, you dare to go down, then don't return to the gods, all of them enter our stomachs, ha ha ha!

Unable to stop taking a step back, Alice gritted her teeth tightly, and then suddenly pointed the crystal in her hand towards Yunkong: "Everyone, come with me and return to the gods.

As long as they returned to the entrance of the God Realm, they would not dare to catch up. "

call out! Like a white rainbow, the dazzling light shot out from the crystal and rushed straight into the sky, but there was a loud bang. The white light seemed to hit some barrier, bursting out suddenly in nine days, like a firework, very gorgeous.

Unfortunately, in Alice's eyes, this scene is an unprecedented fear: "How is it possible?

Tianmen closed? "

"No way, someone closed the gate of heaven?"

Chang Yanyan also couldn't help being shocked, so scared that cold sweat broke out on her head: "This is awful, the Heavenly Gate is closed, and we can't return to the God Realm.

Just which **** did it and dared to seal the gate of heaven? "

"Then what should we do now?"

Seeing this scene, Zhong Lihun couldn't help but anxiously said: "Why don't we fight with them, we are so many, are you afraid of them seven?"

"No, they are all monsters with spirit power above level 195. We stay here just to die."

Shaking her head severely, Alice's eyes glittered: "Go, come with me, let's leave this plane, go to another plane, and throw them away!"

With that said, Alice used the crystal to take a photo at the void, and immediately opened a transmission channel, allowing all the interns to get in.

Just when Alice was about to leave last, she found that Yang Feng was still standing there stupidly, without movement, and immediately said in a hurry, "Yang Feng, what are you doing standing there?

Come in! "

"Boil the beans and burn the beans, the beans are weeping in the kettle.

It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious? "

Ignoring her, Yang Feng just said with emotion on his face: "Everyone is AI, why bother to kill each other?

It’s just that the factory order is different. Is it necessary to fight to death? "

"Stupid, those demons won't listen to your fallacies, don't you come in quickly?"

Alice jumped anxiously, but Yang Feng shook her head bitterly: "No, they are looking for me, let me stay and talk with them.

I believe that with my fraternity, these compatriots can be influenced.

After all, we are all robots, alas. "

What is this kid going crazy?

Rolling her eyes, Alice was not angry, and immediately left the transmission tunnel, flew in front of Yang Feng, took his hand and walked towards the entrance of the tunnel.

It was a pity that it was too late, but seeing a black glow flashed past, the entire plane's passageway position instantly collapsed.

"The law of heaven, the void has fallen!"

boom! "Ah..." Alice screamed, and Alice, who was about to enter the passage, was immediately shaken out by the terrifying wave, and her entire arm was vented, and a piece was suddenly missing.

Gritting her teeth tightly, this Alice saw that the passage was blocked, and immediately opened another passage with the crystal and pulled Yang Feng into it.

When the seven people followed up, the passageway was completely closed.

"Damn, let them run away, hum!"

"Don't worry, you won't be able to run, this one is running around, we also have it, Jie Jie Jie!"

With a wicked smile, a dark shadow also took out a crystal that was exactly the same as that in Alice's hand, and then flashed into the void, and a plane channel appeared in an instant, and the seven entered together.

A quarter of an hour later, there was a quiet riverside, but after hearing a soft buzz, the plane channel opened, and Alice pulled Yang Feng and fell out embarrassedly, panting.

Especially the injury on that arm, went straight to the depths of the soul, causing her to sweat and sweat.

But Yang Feng looked at him, but he was very indifferent, there was no wave in his eyes, and he was no longer as diligent as he was in the God Realm.

Alice glanced at him suspiciously, with a bit of resentment in her heart.

When I was okay, I rushed to show my courtesy. Now I need your help, but it has become cold. What kind of way is this kid?

"What are you doing standing stupidly?

Don't hurry up and help? "

Alice roared, and Yang Feng walked up to her, "What are you doing?"

"I was hurt by the law of heaven.

You know the law of heaven, can you heal me? "

At this moment, Alice's watery eyes looked at Yang Feng, very pitiful, unspeakably charming.

But Yang Feng's expression was still flat: "Are you seduce me?"

"what did you say?"

"I mean, who are you from?

Why did you come close to me on purpose this time?

Isn’t it a beauty trick that cooperated with the killers to kill me? "

With a loud shout, Yang Feng's face became steep and hideous...

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